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Take part in a study about your Festival experience


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I'm doing a dissertation on based on festival goers and how/if they use the festival apps. If you've been to a festival in the last two years (2013/14), it'd be a massive help if you could spare a few minutes to fill it out for me!

My hope is to show that festival apps have so much more potential to provide more to festival attendees and make the experience even better.

It's completely anonymous! And if you have any questions, just ask!
Just follow this link:


Edited by AmyLou94
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I'm not 'cool' enough to be pretending in 2015 that I don't know what an app is, even thought I clearly spend a lot of time online.


I'm laughing for a few reasons. These are;

(1) Your assumption that I think it's cool (in 2015) not to know what an app is, is, to put it mildly, wildly off the mark.

(2) You use the word 'pretending' - it is evident to me that you have compounded your error made in the point above by 'visualising' somehow that I have greater knowledge of apps than I expressed that I have. Only one person between us two knows the true extent of my knowledge in this area, and that's me. I have already expressed that perspective. Why don't you believe it? What could possibly be 'cool' about knowing virtually fuck all about apps? I suspect you are suffering from some form of inverted technological snobbery. Then again, you could just be a spanner.

(3) My on line experience is limited to being on this site, reading a few newspapers, booking holidays, going on ebay etc etc. I don't know, but reckon this is pretty basic stuff. I also know how to copy and paste things. I've never knowingly downloaded anything in my life - I would like to but that would require having the knowledge how to do so.

(4) It was only just before Christmas that I was able to download photos off my camera on to my computer for the first time. I know this because I saw them appear on the computer screen in little boxes. Can I find where the bastards are now? No, I cannot.

(5) If you really think that I try to look cool on here then the above errors pale in to insignificance in the spectacular error in your assumption. I came on here some time in 2011 whilst recovering from having spent 5 years with an alcoholic sociopath. I was at a low ebb. A very low ebb. And lonely. I found that I could talk on this site ( I was, and had been for a few years, virtually living in my bedroom on my own, and desperatley sad). It was while reading other people's posts that memories etc would flash back to me. All I've really done since is regurjitate those memories, as well as some new thoughts, I guess.

I like to think that my posts offer something more positive to this site, than you would suggest. It would be a really dull site if we all just said ' Radiohead are the bollocks' to each other over and over again.

(6) Just to conclude - I know that you can't have an app without being on line, but have no idea how to access the things. I'm pathalogically incapable of learning this stuff at the rate that nearly everyone else does.


PS - My initial post on this thread was aimed at being a welcoming one to the OP ie. I can't help you but hopefully others can sort of thing. The way you have twisted it, is, well, twisted.

Edited by Yoghurt on a Stick
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to anyone thats helped out!

This questionnaire is about finding out the opinion of festival attendees on whether the apps are useful or complete rubbish. So if you don't use the apps, that's great... say so! I'm hoping to prove that festival apps don't affect the festival experience and that really, festival companies are wasting money creating it when they could be spending it elsewhere.

Everyone opinion is helpful, please don't assume that you must know anything other than if there was or was not app at the festival you attended.

Thank you!

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