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Boomtown Festival 2015

Paul â„¢

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Does anybody know if Mungo's are bringing their sound system? If not, it's absolutely ESSENTIAL to see them on the stage with the best sound set-up. They always take their set-up to Glasto and the other Scottish festivals, but worried they may not take it to Boomtown?


Don't think so, would be billed as the soundsystem if that was the case. Last year it was billed like that as they did the street party downtown but I don't think it's the case this year. Although I hope I'm proved wrong!

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Don't think so, would be billed as the soundsystem if that was the case. Last year it was billed like that as they did the street party downtown but I don't think it's the case this year. Although I hope I'm proved wrong!


yeah I think i'm right. This is on their site


August 15, 2015
WINCHESTER, ENGLAND - Boomtown Festival, Lion's Den with YT and Charlie P
August 16, 2015
WINCHESTER, ENGLAND - Boomtown Festival, Tangled Woods


The tangled woods (i think they mean tangled roots!) soundsystem is massive though and a nice intimate venue so would definitely recommend seeing them there if you've got to choose between the 2 shows.

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Missed all talk of meets and camps last 2 weeks as in a field with no internet at all.

When is the meet?

Here you go mate, camping in old town campsite as per map, hopefully centered on frosty's flag, meetup at bad apples 8PM Thursday. Hopefully see you there :)




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Doesn't look like they're releasing any band times, which is a bit shit:




It is a bit, when the line-up is as weighty as they've got this year, it'd be nice not to have to sit with a pen and paper once we get into the madness!  Be gutted to miss a few of my must-sees.


Even the biggie commerical festivals put their line-up times on the website the week before. I'm all for supporting the organisers etc but that plus the booze rules makes you feel a bit like they're out to get you for your money before you even get there.

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yeah I think i'm right. This is on their site


August 15, 2015
WINCHESTER, ENGLAND - Boomtown Festival, Lion's Den with YT and Charlie P
August 16, 2015
WINCHESTER, ENGLAND - Boomtown Festival, Tangled Woods


The tangled woods (i think they mean tangled roots!) soundsystem is massive though and a nice intimate venue so would definitely recommend seeing them there if you've got to choose between the 2 shows.


Awesome! Cheers for the recommendation. Was planning to go to see them on Saturday at the Lions Den, but will now opt for the Tangled Woods set! Cheers!

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Here you go mate, camping in old town campsite as per map, hopefully centered on frosty's flag, meetup at bad apples 8PM Thursday. Hopefully see you there :)



Cool, group am going with are camping very near that so will pop over and say hi if I see the flag.

Will make the meet..

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Starting to look like some potentially disruptive weather in the form of thundery downpours is sure to pass through from the south on thursday and into friday - hopefully gone north by saturday.  So said the beeb weatherman earlier and net weather seems to agree:




Careful where you pitch campers! :D

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Starting to look like some potentially disruptive weather in the form of thundery downpours is sure to pass through from the south on thursday and into friday - hopefully gone north by saturday.  So said the beeb weatherman earlier and net weather seems to agree:





Could be fun if there are 3 hour queues to get in again on Thursday afternoon.

On the plus side it says 0% chance of snow!

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Yowch, that's not looking great. Might have to rethink my clothes packing choices when I get home tonight!


I have a reserved camping ticket (because I am old, and have a stoma, so slightly nicer toilets and a bit more space would be good (these things are possibly wishful thinking heh). It looks like it's on the side of the Old Town camping from the map. I read the site is on a hill, is that at the top or the bottom? If it's going to be super wet, I'm hoping it's at the top.


Incidentally, has anyone else used the reserved camping before and know how it works in general?

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Yowch, that's not looking great. Might have to rethink my clothes packing choices when I get home tonight!


I have a reserved camping ticket (because I am old, and have a stoma, so slightly nicer toilets and a bit more space would be good (these things are possibly wishful thinking heh). It looks like it's on the side of the Old Town camping from the map. I read the site is on a hill, is that at the top or the bottom? If it's going to be super wet, I'm hoping it's at the top.


Incidentally, has anyone else used the reserved camping before and know how it works in general?


That's in a very good spot at the top of the hill - the down slope is left to right. The track that runs through old town camping into psy-forest camping is in the 'valley' and goes up again the other side.

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It would be nice if the map had contours wouldn't it?
If the psy forest track is in a valley as kerplunk says then i guess we would be camping on the hill on the east side of the valley 'that goes up the other side'?

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I think that I camped near where Reserved is this year. (Wild West last year) and it was on the top of the hill sloping down towards the coach drop off.


This years Old Town Camping seems to also be using the valley bottom (where Frosties arrow is), however I'm not 100% about that.

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I have a reserved camping ticket (because I am old, and have a stoma, so slightly nicer toilets and a bit more space would be good (these things are possibly wishful thinking heh).

 Just looked up "Stoma" - I can definitely see your need for better toilets.


How old is "Old" - can you beat 55

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32, but I have the body of someone 3x that age thanks to all the bowel surgeries ;)


That's in a very good spot at the top of the hill - the down slope is left to right. The track that runs through old town camping into psy-forest camping is in the 'valley' and goes up again the other side.


Nice, so there's a chance I might not wake up to find my tent underwater then! :P

Mind you, I survived "The Great Flood" of Glastonbury 2005, was camped about half way up Pennards and there were 6' wide rivers running either side of my tent, with water forceful enough to have washed away all the tents either side of me. I kinda feel like if I can survive that, I can survive anything...

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