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A Question about the Lock-Ups


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hi folks

I tend to travel extremely light when I am at festivals - never with a bag/back-pack, just using cargo shorts/trousers for the bare essentials of wallet, phone and, ahem, other stuff.

But, with the site being so big, I could see myself wanting to use the lock-ups, especially to remnove the need to go back to the tent in the evening etc, to change shorts to trousers if necessary, pick up a warmer top/hat etc.

So...how do they work?

I can see from the Info page that they are free etc, but presumably they must be finite in number? Do they frequently get 'full'? Can you come and go during the day to add/remove items from your lock-up? How do you get in and out of them - are they key issued etc?

I've used lock-ups at other festivals before, but these were charged for and you get your key and designated locker for the whole festival.

A brief summary of how they work at GF would be very welcome...




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I've never seen them ful, and can't imagine that really.

It's not a locker system, it's like a big marquee with loads of racking inside. You take your stuff, they give you a reciept and put it on the racking inside

It's similar to the one at eotr (or certainly the system they've had for the last 3 or 4 years, I can't go back any further than that)

You don't get a key, you get a paper receipt, which you then have to take back to get your clobber out. MY only tip is always photgraph the receipt and SMS the serial number on the top of the page to yoursef/ someone you trust.

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I've never seen them ful, and can't imagine that really.

It's not a locker system, it's like a big marquee with loads of racking inside. You take your stuff, they give you a reciept and put it on the racking inside

It's similar to the one at eotr (or certainly the system they've had for the last 3 or 4 years, I can't go back any further than that)

You don't get a key, you get a paper receipt, which you then have to take back to get your clobber out. MY only tip is always photgraph the receipt and SMS the serial number on the top of the page to yoursef/ someone you trust.

Thanks, Mardy

Given that it's a key-less, paper receipt based system, you're reliant on some nice people behind the desk taking your receipt for you so...are massive queues a common feature?

(I am determined to waste the minimal number of GF seconds in a queue!)


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I'm only answering this to give me yet more, different ways to mis-spell receipt/reciept/risceept

There can be queues yeah, at peak times,a nd depending on which lock-up you go to. I guess I don't use them so much, I'd rather go back to the tent (and use it as an excuse for a lie down, cos I'm an old c**t) and swap my clothing for the evening. But they're pretty fast, considering.

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Drop stuff at any of them, at any point of the day. Go back as and when needed. Remember your code number. No cost (donations welcome and polite). Never full, no keys, nice people. Great idea to drop a bag with spare money, cigarettes, clothing, etc in the middle of the site somewhere for use later on. If you get wasted and forget, no worry, just go back the next day - you stuff will be safe.

Must re-iterate the code number from your receipt. Text it to yourself, photograph it, write it on your arm, just do not forget it (the ticket is easily mislaid). If you do it will take lot longer to get your gear out as they need to search through lots of books to find you.

Queues are rarely more than a a few minutes in my experience.

*edit - many similar responses before I pressed go.

Edited by whatmidlifecrisis?
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No queues of any size.

Please note that if you put stuff in you have to take it out from the same lockup. Last year on the Saturday I managed to convince myself that I could withdraw my stuff from any lockup on the site. This did wear off after a while.

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Given the size of the site, you are either going to be miles away from your tent, or miles away from the lock up you left your stuff at. So pick one that is in a decent position based on your planned activities for the day.

I came up with an idea last year to leave a crate of beer at each lockup, so I was never too far away from a free can of beer!

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No queues of any size.

Please note that if you put stuff in you have to take it out from the same lockup. Last year on the Saturday I managed to convince myself that I could withdraw my stuff from any lockup on the site. This did wear off after a while.

hehehehe that's brilliant. Genuinely made me laugh. Thank you.

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We waited 10 minutes once, all the other times there was no queue.

We put stuff in separately for different days and just went and withdrew our bag for each day as we went along.

Take a photo of your receipt so you have something just incase you lose it.

Also, put a phone number youi will remember on the receipt - I put my new mobile down and duly forgot it!!

Edited by mattyc1965
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No queues of any size.

Please note that if you put stuff in you have to take it out from the same lockup. Last year on the Saturday I managed to convince myself that I could withdraw my stuff from any lockup on the site. This did wear off after a while.

Oh yes, very important. One year i woke up on the Thursday after a heavy Wednesday knowing I had been to the lock ups, but not sure which lock up I had gone to. Fortunately, the drunk homing instinct kicked in and I had been to the nearest one.

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Ive always thought of the lock ups as somewhere to keep car keys etc but never to have things nearer the stages if it rains. is it taking the proverbial if I was to leave Wellies in a lock up in case it rains?

Nope, that's fine.

I've used it to store my tent and rucksack on the Sunday a few times, and then just picked it up at the end of the day on the way home.

I think I've seen bikes in there before as well. They don't care what you are storing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I visited twice a day morning and evening last year, storing my cards, cash, car keys, and taking camera in and out. The only time we queued was for about 10 minutes on the Weds afternoon as there was lots of people very sensibly putting in all their valuables after they'd arrived. Every other time there was either no one queuing or I had to wait for the person who was already there to be dealt with.

This was the first time I'd used them in 12 Glastos and I'm a total convert didn't have to worry about the safety of my camera or cash. :)

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I've never used the lock up, personally I don't see the need.

Not having to worry about where my car keys are all weekend is the reason I use the lock ups.

EDIT: If I was using bus/train I'd also stick my return tickets into a lockup. The Monday is bad enough as it is without the issue of being stuck and trying to organise alternative means/extra payment to get home.

Edited by TheParkAfterDark
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