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Gel insoles - any good?

I am Jon

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I get these every year - they go a bit tatty after 5 days of continual wear but they certainly are comfortable especially for the first day. Got the gel things one year and they did absolutely nothing and had sore feet for weeks after the fest.

Edit: didn't actually click on link until I'd posted - the ones I get are the memory foam soles from the pound shop - these ones look all sorts of comfy and probably won't need replacing for ages!

Edited by Withakay
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I get these every year - they go a bit tatty after 5 days of continual wear but they certainly are comfortable especially for the first day. Got the gel things one year and they did absolutely nothing and had sore feet for weeks after the fest.

Edit: didn't actually click on link until I'd posted - the ones I get are the memory foam soles from the pound shop - these ones look all sorts of comfy and probably won't need replacing for ages!

Thanks ☺

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If saving money is a priority then go for the insoles, however I will never go back to wellies after going to a festival in a good pair of walking boots. My North Face ones have done 2 Glastonburys and about 5 other festivals great and never had a blister, all of my friends wore wellies last year and all were definitely feeling it my Monday. I wish my boots were a bit bigger though to try insoles, they do wonders to wellies.

Money not a major concern, I would just feel stupid not at least trying the quick £5 fix for wellies before going and shelling out shitloads on walking boots!

I will try the insoles out beforehand and if they are comfy then I will stick to them. Insoles with 1000 mile walking socks should be rather lovely I am thinking :D

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Not sure if it matters much whether they are gel or good quality sports foam insoles.

Important thing is that they offer substantial extra support for your feet.

Something as cheap as these might well do a good job:


Wee bit more expensive but I'm sure these would be good:


Edited by Space Shanty
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I got some gel insoles from Go Outdoors last year and they were bloody brilliant. I've previously used the cheap cushioning ones from Poundland or wherever, but they always end up wrinkling up after a while and getting uncomfortable. The gel ones stayed put all festival and made such a massive difference when walking around in wellies.

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I am currently trying to decide whether to try and make my wellies more bareable (I wear walking socks at G anyhow but they really kill your feet after almost a day wearing the fuckers) by insoling them, or whether I should just jack them in and buy waterproof walking boots and a set of gaiters........ I am now leaning towards at least trying the insoles off ebay before making any rash decisions! They seem to be getting good enough feedback.

For the first time ever I went for the waterproof walking boots and gaiters strategy last year..... It was a revelation, I will never consider any other option again, it was fantastic.

I've got a very good feeling for this year having said that, I don't think we will need to think about it when we are there. I'm not suggesting wall to wall sunshine but I do think we will have a dry one. That's based on a very scientific gut feeling with no substance to it whatsoever.

Just call me John Kettley.

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For the first time ever I went for the waterproof walking boots and gaiters strategy last year..... It was a revelation, I will never consider any other option again, it was fantastic.

I've got a very good feeling for this year having said that, I don't think we will need to think about it when we are there. I'm not suggesting wall to wall sunshine but I do think we will have a dry one. That's based on a very scientific gut feeling with no substance to it whatsoever.

Just call me John Kettley.

Ok Mr Kettley, noted :P

I have bought some insoles to try out with my wellies and if I am not 100% happy I will but some boots. There is a Trespass outlet store in Hounslow where we've got things in the past and they seem to have a large selection of relatively cheap boots which I intend to pillage!

Thanks for the input in this thread all of you!

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Got my insoles now (Scholls Active Work), feel pretty comfy so far. Heals are slightly thicker than the orignal insoles which has bonus of making me a bit taller, but not much in the way of arch support. They say size 8-13 but were only just enough to fit my size 12 (Eur 47) boots, no trimming required.

Just need to try them out on a long walk now.

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  • 8 years later...

Having just done Bearded Theory and ‘felt it’ I’d like to resuscitate this old thread.

Has anyone got a view on foam vs gel? Not really for blisters, more for delaying the onset of weariness :-).

Anyone used insoles for a festival recently?

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