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New day ticket entrances 2015


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Hows it going to work with preventing day ticket wristband holders from entering the campsite when the arena kicks out after the headliner has finished each night? usualy theres just one massive stream of people leaving the mainstage / NME tent through the arena exits to the campsite, surely they cant check a possible 90,000 wristbands that are trying to gain access to the campsite?


me and a few others have got weekend tickets but what are the chances of a few mates with sunday tickets getting into the campsite after the arena kicks out and staying with us?



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  On 7/8/2015 at 5:58 PM, jonodillieono said:

From when I used to go there's absolutely nothing stopping them, they don't check you on the way out

However if they're spotted without a wristband while in the campsite they'll be booted straight off site no matter what time it is so I'd advise wearing long sleeves


I've been before and the amount of people leaving the arena there's no way they can check, would take hours to get every individual

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  On 7/8/2015 at 6:16 PM, Boddah said:

I've been before and the amount of people leaving the arena there's no way they can check, would take hours to get every individual

Yer they don't check individually on your way out but when you're walking around the campsite they might have stewards checking. It's happened to me once as I was walking the toilet a steward asked me to show him my wristband so I had to roll my sleeves up. In the unfortunate chance this happens to a friend they'll probably be kicked out if security find out

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Apparently they are changing the day ticket entrances this year because of the price changes so people don't buy 3 day tickets and camp. Not sure how they'll do that or if they are just warning it to put people off doing it...

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Unless they do check everyone it should be fine but when me and my mate were leaving the arena a member of security asked to see our wristbands but we were on the outer edges of the crowd so just stick to the middle and they should be alright. That being said they may up their game this time with more wrist band checks so just have a back up plan sorted if it doesn't work.

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My guess is that the day entrance will be at the far end of Richfield Avenue and you enter the arena at Piccadilly Circus, the crossroads at Cow Lane, which has always been opened as an exit when the Main Stage closes for people heading to the station etc.. They can easily stop day ticket holders bringing in camping gear that way. However if you have friends that have already pitched your tent, I can't see how they can effectively stop you entering the camp site when leaving by another exit, unless as others have said they check every wristband which seems unlikely last thing at night. There will just be too many people to check with everyone exiting the arena at once. On entering the numbers are staggered throughout the day so it's much simpler to check.

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  • 1 month later...

Turns out the red weekend ticket entrance had a split for the day ticket holders to go into. This then lead them along the river Thames up to the green camp entrance, where they could collect their wristbands and enter into the campsite. It was said they could not leave the arena once entered into, but security had no way of stopping this and so day ticket holders could go to and from the Arena and Campsite as they wished.

Edited by Boddah
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  • 8 years later...


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