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15 minutes ago, gary1979666 said:

What's worse - being a tory or a mackem?

How can you tell it was me - it doesn't bother me, but curious as always thought it was anonymous.

I think only gold members have the power. If we click on the reputation number we can see who gave the rating

for example, I can see you downgraded this fellows latest poem 17 mins ago.

Edited by russycarps
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george you must not let club Tropicana flop ! 01.12.15

what a lovely young gent

impeccable manners

this could be a show the nation event

its a shame gone are VCR scanners.

not a single bad bone

only pure is the genetic

i am thinking jungle throne

this is a avenue that would be electric.

very good patience

top class temperament

the test was "pista resistance"

with flying colours you passed this experiment.

beautiful choice of vocabulary

not violent and it does melt like butter

your family and parents done fabulously

george was brought up not from the gutter.

cards on the table

its a easy choice and no drama

winning the jungle is better then a record label

so no flop for george in club Tropicana.
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2 hours ago, Scruffylovemonster said:

Genuine question - have you any grasp of the English language?  

Butchering it just to make words rhyme does not make good poetry. 

I do not have a clue

its not even my first lingo

I have bitten off more then I can chew

scruffy you have hit bingo.

I do apologies

hand on my heart

but you must realize

every day begins with a poem start.

yes I do butcher english

 I do desecrate

but this is so stylish

my work and effort you will never estimate.

are you a lover or hater

what about the jungle

I will be zippy as I am a grater

but please don't call me a bungle .



2 hours ago, Scruffylovemonster said:



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22 hours ago, Scruffylovemonster said:

my work and effort you will never estimate.

I will be zippy as I am a grater

every day begins with a poem start.


It's lines like that I'm on about. Still, you're hurting no-one so just ignore an old sourpuss like me

I understand how dementing it gets as I have no other style - so I do understand.  but hate and love are very close scruffy - lol. here is my 10 cents on last night.


snakes and letters 03.12.15
i can not comprehend
this was trauma
the slippery head on the bend
went through me faster then a korma.
fern you was brave
such strong stamina
you stomached a underground packed rave
the snakes made you and me tremor.
this was the hardest
the bar can get no higher
a pure nightmare of the darkest
fern you are the god of hell fire.
onto the letters from home
it was a tear jerk-er
all still and listening like a garden gnome
but most proved not to be tough like a Gurkha.
fern you deserve praise
you are getting a bigger stake
approaching george in the jungle maze
i put this down to the pit and the snake.
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what will i be doing in 5 years from now ?  04.12.15


it is a long forecast

so hard to predict

but i have to tony blast

because self humiliation he did inflict.

such high hopes

keeping every option in reach

tony never slopes

"gold" is starting to bleach.

george makes me chuckle

his dreams were very modest

this is why 1st and 2nd must not buckle

such a sweet guy and so honest.

kiren was at his roots

5 years and he wants to be managing a pitch

but at george and fern i see jealousy shoots

i don't think he will run ipswich.

fern wants to do audio

but for easiness on the eye is this shabby

i am not sure if she is radio

and i will be flabbergasted to see her in downton abbey.

vicky was controversial

biting off the hand that feeds

but dropped in a "tv presenter" commercial

a better GMB are my planting ITV seeds.

does her vicious temper need introducing

vicky you put your card on the table

duncan and vanity was producing

he thinks hes perfect so change is not able.

not sure what i am doing

but i hope my poems still have spillage

gold paper to the red box i am gluing

please god i can still post in highgate village.

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fern and penis talk and bye bye toe knee 05.12.15
i have a speech
so please raise your glass
3 parts of the attorney will now be in reach
the first are toes then knees and a pass.
i am sorry to be crude
this will come across corny
admit you liked fern getting rude
like me did she make you horny.
from a little ban-ta
to a more serious gallery
i am not sure if it is a on a list from santa
sales might drop from spanadell ballet.
tony is a goner
this camp will no longer be concentration
he has lost my respect and honer
i have been a sucker for reality tv manipulation.
back to being smitten
fern might be as far away as venus
on me she can lick and have bitten
in a envelope i am sending fern my poem and penis.
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a hidden message from fern to be my queen 06.12.15


i have got the approval

and it is royal

fern i will order furniture removal

our new palace won't spoil.

its not just fantasy

please don't say i am deluded

everyone no's "Queen" are my ecstasy

fern has premeditated included.

you are all wondering

what is ferns "Queen" connection"

think of "steve" and the street thundering

"another one bites the dust"was my detection.

that was my grace

on "Queen" every day i gorge

but close in second place

in the jungle and in reality is "white light" george.

have to end my "Queen" ceremony

fern or george have to be "bohemian rhapsody"

both are enjoyable and not fony

if they are not gold and silver it will be a tragedy.

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show must go on - hidden message to me from ITV 07.12.15


it is all done and dusted

ending with deliberate ban-ta

ITV i have busted

playing "the show must go on" was flan ta.

i have to accept

even if it is the wrong choice

still getting over the "fern" reject

i am flopping more then BBC'S voice.

the winner is not justified

i demand a recount

we could still have this modified

its a affordable amount.

george is the king

a perfect example leading

that was a bitter sting

my prediction was wrong reading.

this is ending

my last celeb jungle cover

you no what in january i am sending

sordid poetry on celeb big brother.



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london underground - enough staff - or cut backs needed ? 07.12.15

london underground are accomplices

they are guilty of terror

by focusing just on fiances

i will highlight the main error.

job losses were frequent

over ridden was public safety

stations attracted the delinquent

pushing up rail fares was crafty.

now we are scared

but the horse has bolted

but if london underground really cared

the station staff would not have been management assaulted.

employ police at every station

it is cheaper then a TFL contract

next year ticket rises will 1000 times beat inflation

your travel expenses will never subtract.

continue to ticket office cement

and machine is more reliable and cheaper

our venerability won't dent

so make sure next years cuts are a hell of allot deeper.
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Overall tfl ticket prices will rise by 1%, in line with RPI. Just slightly less than your 1000% claims.

Why dont you do a poem about the horrific animal cruelty on show over the weekend on your beloved im a celebrity? How you simpletons must have roared with laughter as that spider was killed for your viewing pleasure.



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4 hours ago, poetrychatbore said:

london underground - enough staff - or cut backs needed ? 07.12.15

london underground are accomplices

they are guilty of terror

Seems appropriate....

4 hours ago, poetrychatbore said:

employ police at every station

No thanks (besides most of the main/bigger stations they already tend to be there.)


and technically I am going have cheaper rail fares as my local station moves into Zone 2/3 rather than just 3! \\o//. 








Edited by LondonTom
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I might just do that russy ?    but as its over now - im a celeb has been filtered out of my peanut brain and I am moving onto usa politics.


no Muslim's - bring in citizen karn or play the trump card 09.12.15

in the land of freedom
where money has no shortage
comedy is supplied to this kingdom
the rest of the world has storage.
i do often type cast
but training myself to be objective
the damage done is vast
those who heed are hearing selective.
yes we have issues
to deny you need a brain scan
but something so ridiculous needs tissues
so forget al-qaida as donald needs a tv ban.
this is not the way trump
a divide that's racial
voters will realize and you will slump
because your point is disgraceful.
you target the perpetrators
not the innocent
these are the real haters
destroying them will complement.
donald trump you made a error
your political future looks grim
you have fed into all the terror
but i am backing citizen karn as good is the Muslim.

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kentish town lidl lady beggar 10.12.15

to the people of kentish

i am now going to make you frown

please don't think i am above or snobbish

because born and bread and love this town.

but we have a evader

and it is criminal

so i am a knight in shinning armor and crusader

because being a sucker is not damage minimal.

dressed in thin cloth

trying to represent the middle east

kneeling on cold floor bubbling like froth

your emotions will rise like yeast.

you automatically think mother

a love that is inner

this lady is acting better then a "dot branning" cover

she is a natral ethal skinner.

not sure if its just male givers

but i witnessed 3 consecutively

this is going to bring out the "blood of rivers"

because kentish town is being ripped off financially.

so next time you go shopping

by lidl in the gap keep your eyes peeled

have i changed your mind on money dropping

or are you a sucker and have been reeled.

( you will find this lady in the little doorway right next to lidl. have you seen her ? http://www.maplord.com/london/kentish-town-street-view )
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is your smart phone keeping you awake ? 11.12.15

yes i got a smart phone

its got all the latest mod cons

i am a cool dude like "bugsy malone"

every application has auto switch ons.

waking in the morning

i have work worry that does frustrate

is my boss up or still yawning

a quick text is my first communicate.

have my breaky fast

hop on the train

lap top out and a email blast

don't worry its early and my eyes won't strain.

jump off and walk to the office

relax i am ready for grief

to show i am no novice

the new sectary with a deep voice can phone call brief.

coat off and straight goes on the flicker

confident and ready to funk

if email was paper it would get no thicker

because so much time is spent deleting junk.

need to have lunch

in the cafe being empty is handy

but my back always gets the hunch

for 1 hour i crush candy.

the afternoon is similar

my eyes and stomach feel green

i am sure they have gone rectangular

the whole afternoon watching the screen.

the way home is friendship

i met some lady's that are fine

we are a long way from a reality trip

but love starts online.

get home and shower

before bed is dinner

can the lottery give me power

lets check teletext to see if i am a winner.

my day is not evergreen

the reader i hope i did not dazzle

you are reading this from a screen

now its not only me with the brain frazzle.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencete...-sleeping.html if anyone on this forum says its my poems that are keeping them awake at night - then you need help ?
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banksy and the apple tree 12.12.15
power beyond power
the resemblance does mirror
but banksy this time wont flower
the solution will not be painted this era.
i see the message that's hidden
its riddled with description
our boarders must have nothing forbidden
7000 from the camp jungle need uk contamination.
think about technology
this world will computerize
apple will disappear with this biology
how can anyone criticize.
we can have a new phenomenon
everything will start again to boom
its just like xfactor and stacey solomon
all are welcome we have room.
every country at war
we must welcome and shelter
just like computer business did soar
our economy wont drop like a helter skelter.
can you see my sarcasm
sorry banksy i strongly disagree
putting my poem in Calais  is my exorcism
because your migrant plan is no apple tree.
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george E boy - my advice - SCRAM x- factor 14.12.15

this is not my first

and it won't be my last christmas

of course for you is thirst

but the cross won't be glamorous.

the show is a disaster

it is no child jesus

yes my words may need a plaster

i am "the great pretender" but no way a genius.

please george heed

with all due respect i will bargain

this show has a internal bleed

if you refuse i will never again red phone box margin.

desperation is pure sorrow

to gain you is a scam

simon is no "robin hood" with a arrow

give him the ultimate wham.

this will spill into the village

ricky martin said "shes livin la vida loca"

the X-factor unlike me has bad silage

for george my lips are devil red and poem skin the color mocha.


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how do you  say happy christmas 16.12.15


you are very special

so to you i am dedicating

me giving is vital

even if some its frustrating.

please ask

list what you need

behind st nicolas is my mask

so fill your boots with greed.

drink as much as you can swallow

eat until you balloon

don't worry about debt and the wallow

good times are here and not soon.

spend time with your lover

or go online and seek

i will blow my cover

even prepared for some phone box slap tickle and cheek.

have a lovely christmas

please receive my season greetings

my gratitude to highgate village is enormous

my gift is for anyone who enjoys these readings.

( for christmas week this will go live. but the same applys to people online and on these forums. i wish you all a happy christmas. )
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anti-pee walls will splash offenders in hackney 18.12.15


there is a trickle

flowing from dalston to shoreditch

local residents are in a pickle

this gold flow is getting a hitch.

the smell is horrendous

it could cause a bereavement

currently costing to clean £100 000 is ludicrous

how about  gold walls and pavement.

so how do we gain

after all the residents are the paying carrier

its meant to reduce the stain

and at the same time create a barrier.

this will stop the soaking

holding your breath won't cuff

how lovely not to be choking

and not to see that squalid stinking stuff.

fire exits wont need disinfecting

staff won't need to peg there nose

less mental stress to residents is now connecting

gone is the extra work of morning hose.

to install its quite cheap

£1000 for just 2 walls

for peace of of mind and no reap

this just may prevent when nature calls.




http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-35120259   with the cost of everything now a days - i say £1000 to do 2 walls is very cheap and for known hot spots i am sure the local residents will find this value for money. the question is - when you got to go you have got to go but where ? is there a debate for more public toilets ? i have try ed to get this to hackney council and it will reach the best phone box in the world but its on my list. please note i have not made any reference to the outside video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwZAYdHcDtU

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