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Issue with Quote in reply

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15 hours ago, eFestivals said:


Just tried to delete the box on the eFests app. Doesn't work, but I *did* manage to break out of the quote box with two carriage returns. Not sure if I did something different, it's the app that makes the difference or there has been an update to the software. I'm guessing user error at the moment.

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9 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

Just tried to delete the box on the eFests app. Doesn't work, but I *did* manage to break out of the quote box with two carriage returns. Not sure if I did something different, it's the app that makes the difference or there has been an update to the software. I'm guessing user error at the moment.

you've always (with v4 of the forums) been able to break-out of the quote box with two carriage returns - tho sometimes it doesn't work. I guess it's based on the speed of those carriage returns.

The efests app is just a web-view in an app wrapper - so wouldn't act differently to how Chrome would act.

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I've just hunted down the release notes for the next upgrade (not yet available), and this is what's in it:-


Key Changes

This release is still in development and does not yet have a release date.

This release fixes reported issues from clients in our bug tracker and support tickets and adds refinement to existing features.

New or Changed Features

  • When your link auto-embeds in a post such as with an image, YouTube video, Twitter link, etc. an option will now display to revert the embed back to a plain text link if you do not want the embed.
  • New setting to disable embedding.
  • If you are an administrator and encounter a system error, additional debug output will now display. Regular members will see the normal error message.
  • Custom Fields for Support Requests in Commerce now show on the front-end.
  • If an advertisement is set up with a main image, but not smaller images for tablets/mobiles, the ad would not show at all on tablets/mobiles. This has changed so the main image will display on all devices unless smaller images are provided.
  • Topics scheduled to automatically lock or unlock will now reflect this in the topic listing and when viewing the topic.
  • Placing a link to a Facebook status will embed when possible.
  • When viewing a report, the container (for example, the forum) the content is from is displayed.
  • Three character searches are now allowed in the Admin CP Live Search.
  • The Account Settings page now uses vertical rather than horizontal tabs to prevent overflow.
  • If Gravatar is enabled, and a user has not defined an profile photo, then their email address will be used to fetch from Gravatar unless explicitly set not to.
  • Gfycat embeds now use their oEmbed endpoint rather than their JS API.
  • Using Amazon CloudFront as https provider will now be recognized as valid secure connection.
  • The member REST API endpoint will now return custom fields.
  • The Developer Center for Plugins now shows the filename in the list of hooks, and when editing a hook, a breadcrumb includes a link back to the list.


Important Fixes

In addition to dozens of smaller fixes this release includes fixes for the follow items that impacted many clients:

  • The posting parser has been made more efficient.
  • Some BBCode does not parse correctly in version 4 and we have applied some fixes for this. In general BBCode is deprecated so we only provide basic support.
  • Sitemaps could sometimes be blank if there was no content in a specific section.
  • Certain URLs from version 3 were not redirecting properly to the new version 4 format.
  • The timezone detection is now more robust and will more gracefully fail if it cannot determine a visitor's timezone.
  • Permission matrices have been reworked to send less data to prevent exceeding server limitations.
  • Decimal handling has been reworked in Commerce for more precise calculations.
  • The database class now handles InnoDB deadlocks more gracefully, and some queries have been changed to reduce the likeliness of deadlocks.
  • Performance improvements to areas which perform large updates on the members table (for example, when editing permissions).
  • Pages 'number' custom fields previously had an upper limit for submitted values around 2 billion.
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  • 3 weeks later...

I've got the same problem. I'm running Chrome on Android and it's only when I came to this thread that I saw it wasn't my cackhandedness (that was why I posted the same video twice in the WAG thread). I can't delete the quote by the methods suggested. Previously, I'd cleared the browser cache but that doesn't work now. 

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Just now, carlosj said:

I've got the same problem. I'm running Chrome on Android and it's only when I came to this thread that I saw it wasn't my cackhandedness (that was why I posted the same video twice in the WAG thread). I can't delete the quote by the methods suggested. Previously, I'd cleared the browser cache but that doesn't work now. 

Yep, I know it's an issue. The software makers are aware of it (a number of others, and me, have brought it to their attention), and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it might be in the next software update.

I can't tell you when that update might be, but hopefully it won't be too much longer. They tend to be quite frequent and there's not been one for

I just went to check their site, and saw it was released yesterday .... I'm on it.....


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1 minute ago, eFestivals said:

Yep, I know it's an issue. The software makers are aware of it (a number of others, and me, have brought it to their attention), and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it might be in the next software update.

I can't tell you when that update might be, but hopefully it won't be too much longer. They tend to be quite frequent and there's not been one for

I just went to check their site, and saw it was released yesterday .... I'm on it.....


Sorry, my quick posting makes me sound narked, I'm not, but just wanted to give you additional info.

Edited by carlosj
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the feature list for this update is...


New or Changed Features

  • When your link auto-embeds in a post such as with an image, YouTube video, Twitter link, etc. an option will now display to revert the embed back to a plain text link if you do not want the embed.
  • New setting to disable embedding.
  • Facebook/Twitter integration improvements
  • If you are an administrator and encounter a system error, additional debug output will now display. Regular members will see the normal error message.
  • Custom Fields for Support Requests in Commerce now show on the front-end.
  • If an advertisement is set up with a main image, but not smaller images for tablets/mobiles, the ad would not show at all on tablets/mobiles. This has changed so the main image will display on all devices unless smaller images are provided.
  • Topics scheduled to automatically lock or unlock will now reflect this in the topic listing and when viewing the topic.
  • Placing a link to a Facebook status will embed when possible.
  • When viewing a report, the container (for example, the forum) the content is from is displayed.
  • Three character searches are now allowed in the Admin CP Live Search.
  • The Account Settings page now uses vertical rather than horizontal tabs to prevent overflow.
  • If Gravatar is enabled, and a user has not defined an profile photo, then their email address will be used to fetch from Gravatar unless explicitly set not to.
  • Gfycat embeds now use their oEmbed endpoint rather than their JS API.
  • Using Amazon CloudFront as https provider will now be recognized as valid secure connection.
  • The member REST API endpoint will now return custom fields.
  • The Developer Center for Plugins now shows the filename in the list of hooks, and when editing a hook, a breadcrumb includes a link back to the list.
  • Inline notifications can now be dismissed
  • Efficiency improvements to the search index
  • You can now close a poll independently of the topic


Important Fixes

In addition to dozens of smaller fixes this release includes fixes for the follow items that impacted many clients:

  • Several security enhancements.
  • The posting parser has been made more efficient.
  • Some BBCode does not parse correctly in version 4 and we have applied some fixes for this. In general BBCode is deprecated so we only provide basic support.
  • Sitemaps could sometimes be blank if there was no content in a specific section.
  • Certain URLs from version 3 were not redirecting properly to the new version 4 format.
  • The timezone detection is now more robust and will more gracefully fail if it cannot determine a visitor's timezone.
  • Permission matrices have been reworked to send less data to prevent exceeding server limitations.
  • Decimal handling has been reworked in Commerce for more precise calculations.
  • The database class now handles InnoDB deadlocks more gracefully, and some queries have been changed to reduce the likeliness of deadlocks.
  • Performance improvements to areas which perform large updates on the members table (for example, when editing permissions).
  • Pages 'number' custom fields previously had an upper limit for submitted values around 2 billion.
  • Multiple fixes for tag searching


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6 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

Works an absolute treat! Thank you. Even if they did fix the bug, I'd rather keep using the button. It's now easier on my phone than it was on desktop.

Thanks again, so much better.

well, I won't guarantee it'll stay there, because of the the dependencies across the three different bits of software .. but for the moment at least it does the job. :)

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