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Counting the days...how many is it today?


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  On 2/17/2016 at 6:10 PM, standing stone said:

S.C., Norway Expedition sounds fab - enjoy all the planning and everything.......... and the new bike ........... its gonna happen, isn't it!




Sorry SS, I may have given the wrong impression, I've not bought a new bike, just took the opportunity to drool a bit :D if I do upgrade then it probably wouldn't be until next year! 

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So the plan is ride up through Denmark, ferry to Norway up the coast to Nordkapp, then back down through Sweden and home.  Fecking terrifying :D once in a lifetime trip :D Isn't fear exciting :D:D:D oh and includes The Atlantic Ocean Road plus Trollstigen, those with one of the passes I will be doing this summer inthe Dolomites just leaves one more "bike" road left to do on my list The Himalayan Highway :D:D:D maybe 2018? Then I may think ok that's the bike thing ticked off :D:D:D 

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Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!!

160 (subject to negotiation) days until WOMAD UK !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!

(Confirmed by Nigenet http://www.nigenet.org.uk/stuff/womadcount/ and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!

20 CUDDLY WEEKENDS until WOMAD uk 2016

The WOMAD UK equinox as been an gone and WOMAD UK 2016 is getting closer all the time, blimey!

Womad Fuerteventura has been and gone

WOMAD has been Chile 

WOMAD Caceres will flow with rivers of wee in 2016 (How delightful!)

21 days until WOMAdelaide

28 days until WOMAD New Zealand

189 days until Jax can hang up them that boots and chill out barefoot and banjo-laden on the porch

For that WOMAD feeling and to hear some of this years artists listen to Munners Wanderlust Radio athttp://www.lanternman.co.uk and may be Peter G will let Radio WOMAD broadcast all year round

The forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) We moved to a shiny new forum on the 04/02/16 and the orginal countdown thread had reached 21540 reply's and 2154 pages!

Del illuminated Womad 2014..and started a trend.. SS hubby joined in with lit up Mad Hatter look!! and how they both sparkled in 2015, Jax lip got zipped and her daughters wellies chafed (ouch), Hootdrummer forgot his tent (oops), SC left his tiger at home, Standing Stone looked great on a t shirt, Digital Monkey lost his Chai cherry, Purpledawn enjoyed fresh ground coffee in her fab festival cafetiere, Baz's tankard went to the bar and never came back but hopefully it will be found, DorsetSteve learned Moog should be pronounced Moag, Jambo Yoti climbed a ladder to help with a half prie sale, DorsetHelen started with a cheese toastie (yum) but forgot to have a cider, Bassworm dad danced all weekend, LG_ went for Cranberry and soda, Hubby got all horny with one of Munks of Tashi Lhunpo's long horns, Rendrags walk across the fields to have a great time in the foul weather and mud, The Smurf put up his tent in the driving rain, Sindig0 Met up with loads of the forum crew then mainly kept dry in his tent :o( Bloohair had Kedgery and slept all the way home and we all got muddy in 2015 but will there be mud in 2016?

The Winter solstice has solsticed and they sun getting up earlier

Spring is on the way again

Autumn was golden and the sofa was very comfortable

Early bird tickets are hatching fast so you better be quick

1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer – yet it never seems to come)

1 day until Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)

Celtic Connections (The Whisky soaked WOMAD of the Celts or is it kilts?) 2016 banging out the tunes and the hip flasks have been drained and they'll be going all again in 348 days time 

Santa has emptyed his sack (Ooh er!), did you get what you wanted? if not may be this year!

the FIERCE EYEBROWS of the 'Scottish' Doctor Who has returned in his doc martin boots and the face of Cardinal Richelieu will he rock out Missy? Or have they already??

THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)

What will you have in your hip flask or flasks?


Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
Have a coffee before you watch a Japanese epic
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police officer
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob!
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be WOMAD 2016 fashion must have wellies?

...WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)


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  On 2/17/2016 at 7:58 PM, CyberP said:

Thank you, I have been lurking since 2006 but thought you lot seemed very friendly and just by chance I also go to Womad. :pleasantry:


Welcome CyberP.

You've been lurking all this time? Wow. I wonder how many other lurkers there might be out there...

Hello all you lurkers. :focus: I couldn't find a little guy waving so, instead here's one of a guy lighting his own fart.

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Mornings all :):)

Pants news on the car repair cost, Cal N Del, but hey, congratulations on the CD's; good job, well done (and backed up) :):) 

S.C., it is evidently me that has given the wrong impression; sorry;  I was anticipating your joy at buying a new bike; didn't think you already had it! Right bike for the trip is important. While I'm keen for you to fulfil the Himalayan Highway too, please can this be arranged for dates which don't include that last weekend in July? :):)


Hope your phone was a good play last night Sindig0! :):) 


Rendrags, a comfortable night, I hope. Not long now to the end of February line up announcement; that'll be fab to explore between whatever exercised you've been given to do! :):) 


Cold, calm and  sunny morning here; goldfinches and blackbirds feeding, wood pigeons in the tree; ground too wet to walk on; thick bluebell leaves holding the promise of much blueness later on. More research on what is where in Rome and best way of organising our time and explorations. Looking forward to a trip up North at the end of this month, taking the long way back down the east coast and stopping off in Suffolk for a Minsmere visit before continuing home. Mmmmmmmmmm cheese scones!


Happy Thursdays everyone :):) 


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CnD - Didn't know you did Tai Chi, Del. Which style? I used to do Tai Chi and I've just found a class locally which is the same school. I must make the call and get started again.

Mrs Sindigo is recovering from a back injury (herniated disc). She's almost recovered now but it was hard going for a while. A one point they had her on oral morphine for the pain. She literally lost two days--has no recollection of them whatsoever. 

  On 2/18/2016 at 8:58 AM, standing stone said:

Hope your phone was a good play last night Sindig0! :):) 


No, it didn't arrive so I had to work on the house. Cleaned the grout/tiles and silicon round new tiles in kitchen, filling and caulking in the hall prior to painting tonight. Mrs Sindigo has taken the girls to her mother's for a few days prior to my having a week off next week--my first since May. :dancer: So I can leave all the tools out, which is a luxury. I'm fitting carpets and doing lots of DIY stuff next week while we all stay at my mum's, so lots of prep to do.

:mole: <<<< This is as close as I can get to a "hits thumb with hammer" smiley.

SC - Very jealous of but also inspired by your bike trip, SC. Looking forward to seeing how the plans come together. I have an idle fantasy of taking a Harley, sorry a Halibut from Phoenix (where my cousins are) to Vegas one day.

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Hello All,

I was discharged from hospital yesterday and am now home being looked after by Mrs Rendrags. Goodness knows how I'd manage without her! :wub:

Interesting to hear others' experiences of back problems. My condition is known as scoliosis, a degenerative curvature of the spine which, in my case, was due to a defect towards the base of the spine and which was putting pressure on nerves and giving me nasty pain down the leg and into the foot. The operation I've had was to apply some screws into the spine to realign it, and prevent any further curvature. A bit scary - it seems to have gone well, but I'm in considerably more pain at the moment than I was before! The important thing, I keep telling myself, is that it's a long term thing. If at the end of July I'm be running across that field towards CP, and doing some Del-type loon dancing over the Womad weekend, pain free, then I'll be happy!:D

I now have 6 weeks off work to rest my back and let it adjust itself to its new straightness. It's blooming painful at the moment, but they've given me a load of good drugs, and the pain should gradually improve over the coming weeks.

Keeping mobile is good - though I have to avoid the temptation of doing any heavy lifting or starting any major DIY projects! I am currently putting together a list of things I can do in my six weeks off. SS - the full body felt pen tattoo is not something I'd thought of, but sounds good fun. Is it something you have first hand experience of? :D

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Busy but satisfying times then, Sindig0 :):) 

I wish they'd given you better drugs if you're in pain, Rendrags ............. you'll be loon dancing come the end of July - keep that thought going! :):)  Body painting is relaxing and fun; good to play around with non-permanent colours so you can experiment with designs and see how they suit. Just though with 6 weeks, a more time consuming project could be a good thing, though I suppose it would need touching up after every shower, which may get a bit messy! I didn't think that through much! Still nice to have a new design every day. May have to check out skin sensitivity etc. Did most of my doodling on H with make-up and, I admit, acryllic paints. Good fun! :):)  Jambo also sends her best wishes to you; here's her message:


"Update..went to see Green Village Bali. http://greenvillagebali.com/ amazing place..to stay there you have to have money ..one house cost around 398 $ a night and you had to stay 2 nights. Although I found them visually beautiful I wouldn't want to stay there..too like stage sets!
Then went to my favourite restaurant in Ubud..Fair Warung Bale..wonderful place run by young people and funding health and education. Second time been there and each time posted its praises on fAce Book? As I was leaving the Dr running the place got up wiht Mike to talk about the project and thanked me directly for my "kind words" I couldn't work out how he knew it was me..he said, right across the restaurant..I know who you are..floored me. Anyway spoke to him afterwards..lovely guy.
Today up early for the traditional as opposed to tourist market..wonderful male flowers, fruits, vegetable..glorious. Then lazed round pool, lunch, a  passionfruit sorbet..yum..and a drive to Sideman. Contrast to Ubud..nothing here..just mountains, valleys and greenery..wonderful birdsong. So soaking this up for 2 days, some gentle walks,swimming pool! And Bintang beer.
NOOOOOO not TWO years without SC..whatever is he thinking of??????
Best wishes to Rendrags..and commiserations CnD (on car costs)."
.crikey - is that the time?! Must dash.....    xx
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Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!!

159 (subject to negotiation) days until WOMAD UK !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!

(Confirmed by Nigenet http://www.nigenet.org.uk/stuff/womadcount/ and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!

20 CUDDLY WEEKENDS until WOMAD uk 2016

The WOMAD UK equinox as been an gone and WOMAD UK 2016 is getting closer all the time, blimey!

Womad Fuerteventura has been and gone

WOMAD has been Chile 

WOMAD Caceres will flow with rivers of wee in 2016 (How delightful!)

20 days until WOMAdelaide

27 days until WOMAD New Zealand

188 ( a super-model with a beret and two fat ladies) days until Jax can hang up them that boots and chill out barefoot and banjo-laden on the porch

For that WOMAD feeling and to hear some of this years artists listen to Munners Wanderlust Radio athttp://www.lanternman.co.uk and may be Peter G will let Radio WOMAD broadcast all year round

The forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) We moved to a shiny new forum on the 04/02/16 and the orginal countdown thread had reached 21540 reply's and 2154 pages!

Del illuminated Womad 2014..and started a trend.. SS hubby joined in with lit up Mad Hatter look!! and how they both sparkled in 2015, Jax lip got zipped and her daughters wellies chafed (ouch), Hootdrummer forgot his tent (oops), SC left his tiger at home, Standing Stone looked great on a t shirt, Digital Monkey lost his Chai cherry, Purpledawn enjoyed fresh ground coffee in her fab festival cafetiere, Baz's tankard went to the bar and never came back but hopefully it will be found, DorsetSteve learned Moog should be pronounced Moag, Jambo Yoti climbed a ladder to help with a half prie sale, DorsetHelen started with a cheese toastie (yum) but forgot to have a cider, Bassworm dad danced all weekend, LG_ went for Cranberry and soda, Hubby got all horny with one of Munks of Tashi Lhunpo's long horns, Rendrags walk across the fields to have a great time in the foul weather and mud, The Smurf put up his tent in the driving rain, Sindig0 Met up with loads of the forum crew then mainly kept dry in his tent :o( Bloohair had Kedgery and slept all the way home and we all got muddy in 2015 but will there be mud in 2016?

The Winter solstice has solsticed and they sun getting up earlier

Spring is on the way again

Autumn was golden and the sofa was very comfortable

Early bird tickets are hatching fast so you better be quick

1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer – yet it never seems to come)

Today is Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)

Celtic Connections (The Whisky soaked WOMAD of the Celts or is it kilts?) 2016 banging out the tunes and the hip flasks have been drained and they'll be going all again in 348 days time 

Santa has emptyed his sack (Ooh er!), did you get what you wanted? if not may be this year!

the FIERCE EYEBROWS of the 'Scottish' Doctor Who has returned in his doc martin boots and the face of Cardinal Richelieu will he rock out Missy? Or have they already??

THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)

What will you have in your hip flask or flasks?


Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
Have a coffee before you watch a Japanese epic
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police officer
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob!
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be WOMAD 2016 fashion must have wellies?

...WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)


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  On 2/18/2016 at 3:45 PM, standing stone said:

Busy but satisfying times then, Sindig0 :):) 


Yes, very busy. Still no phone, so more work done on house. Right up until I started tidying my decks and vinyl. 'Might as well get these plugged in' I thought to myself at which point, work promptly stopped for the evening. It was gone midnight when I looked up at the clock. Oops.

  On 2/18/2016 at 10:00 PM, Cal and Del said:

Del has been going to taoist tai chi for the last 13 years, Cal use to do it too but she gave up a few years ago as out too late earning womad tokens to make the classes.

When Del was younger he did Tae Kwon Do for many years which is why his knees make funny noises sometimes. 


It was kung fu for me. I was always very careful to warm my knees up properly and so far at least, I've been spared. Must make that call tonight.

Time for a coffee.

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