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Counting the days...how many is it today?


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Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!!

174 (subject to negotiation) days until WOMAD UK !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!

(Confirmed by Nigenet http://www.nigenet.org.uk/stuff/womadcount/ and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!

23 CUDDLY WEEKENDS until WOMAD uk 2016

Today is the WOMAD UK equinox. Blimey! That time already?

Womad Fuerteventura has been and gone

WOMAD Chile was and will be again in 2016

WOMAD Caceres will flow with rivers of wee in 2016 (How delightful!)

45 days until WOMAdelaide

58 days until WOMAD New Zealand

202 days until Jax can hang up them that boots and chill out barefoot and banjo-laden on the porch

For that WOMAD feeling and to hear some of this years artists listen to Munners Wanderlust Radio at http://www.lanternman.co.uk and may be Peter G will let Radio WOMAD broadcast all year round

The forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) but who know were the forum will move to in the next few weeks?????

Del illuminated Womad 2014..and started a trend.. SS hubby joined in with lit up Mad Hatter look!! and how they both sparkled in 2015, Jax lip got zipped and her daughters wellies chafed (ouch), Hootdrummer forgot his tent (oops), SC left his tiger at home, Standing Stone looked great on a t shirt, Digital Monkey lost his Chai cherry, Purpledawn enjoyed fresh ground coffee in her fab festival cafetiere, Baz's tankard went to the bar and never came back but hopefully it will be found, DorsetSteve learned Moog should be pronounced Moag, Jambo Yoti climbed a ladder to help with a half prie sale, DorsetHelen started with a cheese toastie (yum) but forgot to have a cider, Bassworm dad danced all weekend, LG_ went for Cranberry and soda, Hubby got all horny with one of Munks of Tashi Lhunpo's long horns, Rendrags walk across the fields to have a great time in the foul weather and mud, The Smurf put up his tent in the driving rain, Sindig0 Met up with loads of the forum crew then mainly kept dry in his tent :o( Bloohair had Kedgery and slept all the way home and we all got muddy in 2015 but will there be mud in 2016?

The Winter solstice has solsticed and they sun getting up earlier

Spring is on the way again

Autumn was golden and the sofa was very comfortable

Early bird tickets are hatching fast so you better be quick

1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer – yet it never seems to come)

Today is Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)

Celtic Connections (The Whisky soaked WOMAD of the Celts or is it kilts?) 2016 banging out the tunes and the hip flasks have been drained

Santa has emptyed his sack (Ooh er!), did you get what you wanted? if not may be this year!

the FIERCE EYEBROWS of the 'Scottish' Doctor Who has returned in his doc martin boots and the face of Cardinal Richelieu will he rock out Missy? Or have they already??

THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)

What will you have in your hip flask or flasks?


Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
Have a coffee before you watch a Japanese epic
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Let your son pay for the curry when he eats more than you do
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police officer
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob!
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be WOMAD 2016 fashion must have wellies?

...WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)


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Mornings all :):) 

Kettle on for late elevenses / early lunches :):) 

Jambo, is there any of the lovely cheesecake left? Could really fancy a slice! :):) What's going on in your neck of the woods today? :):)


Baz, until we have confirmation otherwise, could we add our old forum tally to the Countdown, do you think? 21539 posts on 2154 pages? It would be a nice reminder of where we're from as we (boldly, if we're in the mood for split infinitives) go where we've never gone before? :):)  And our anniversary date, perhaps, 1st June, and inaugural year 2011 (or was it 2010?)?  :):) 


What do people think to the "liking" thing? I don't have enough "likes" to go round and am not sure as to how meaningful it is really. We did just fine without "likes" by actually saying things......maybe that's too much work nowadays! :):)



Happy Fridays everyone :):):)





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  On 2/5/2016 at 11:35 AM, standing stone said:

What do people think to the "liking" thing? I don't have enough "likes" to go round and am not sure as to how



I'm always reminded of this cartoon from the alway brilliant SMBC (http://www.smbc-comics.com/) with 'likes' and 'favourites' and what have you.

It's all very silly but, as someone who was largely raised on computer games, I crave the arbitrary and ultimately meaningless uptick on a computerised scoreboard far more than is strictly rational. 

Anyway, +1'd your post. :)


Edited by Sindigo
'Cos image
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  On 2/5/2016 at 11:35 AM, standing stone said:

Mornings all :):) 

Kettle on for late elevenses / early lunches :):) 

Jambo, is there any of the lovely cheesecake left? Could really fancy a slice! :):) What's going on in your neck of the woods today? :):)


Baz, until we have confirmation otherwise, could we add our old forum tally to the Countdown, do you think? 21539 posts on 2154 pages? It would be a nice reminder of where we're from as we (boldly, if we're in the mood for split infinitives) go where we've never gone before? :):)  And our anniversary date, perhaps, 1st June, and inaugural year 2011 (or was it 2010?)?  :):) 


What do people think to the "liking" thing? I don't have enough "likes" to go round and am not sure as to how meaningful it is really. We did just fine without "likes" by actually saying things......maybe that's too much work nowadays! :):)



Happy Fridays everyone :):):)






We like the like but don't have enough like to go around and we don't like that

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  On 2/4/2016 at 10:31 AM, standing stone said:

..a quick roll call on the Big Blue Balloon of Infinite Capacity....is there anyone missing?

Gordy the Golden Eagle

Kenny the Eagle Owl

Dave the Sea Eagle

Simone the Desert Eagle

Linda the White Tailed Eagle – Norweigen (gone off Gordy)

Michelle the Short Toed Eagle – French (gone off Gordy)

Maggie – Golden Eagle moved from Scotland to Denmark

Steve, Gordy’s Uncle on his Dad’s side.

Brenda the Great Bustard

Jonathan the Song Thrush (RIP)

Barry – Crowned Eagle (Simone’s friend)

Mad Girl the Guineafowl

The Resident Pheasant

Eric the Peregrine

Percy the Visiting Honduran Pelican

Floating Frigates

The Flying Shark

Alan the Flying Super Wolf *

Pip, Squeak, Wilf and friends, the flying Camels*

Hortense, the flying Elephant*

Sous Socks, the flying Socks*

Roddy the Red Kite

Hazel, Gordy and Maggie’s chick

Memories of Cinnamon (RIP)

Memories of Flump (RIP)


* subject to achieving Gordy's Golden Star!!!!!!



 Brilliant SS brought back so many memories of WoMaDnEsS!!!!!

hopped over to Bangkok, sat in endless traffic jam getting to hotel while taxi driver and I used our limited Thia(me) and his more extensive English, followed by slight singsong along to radio..he in a falsetto and me under my breath...passed the hour and a half away..almost!! Tomorrow Bali where some friends tell me it's rain, rain, rain....aargh!!! But will be warm and hoping rainy season will trickle out. Enjoy Friday and the weekend peeps:):):):):):)












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Ha ha! - good cartoon, Sindig0!   :):) 

I think I'm happy to opt out of the liking/being liked thing. I don't have enough to go round in any representative sort of way and it'll let people use all their likes all the time to give to people who will enjoy a "woohoo!" response. :) :) 


Wish there'd been a mic in the taxi Jambo - I'd've loved a listen!  Enjoy your travels Balibound..... and dancing in warm rain - fantastic! :)  :)


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Good grief CnD !!! But should be worth it! :):)

loved the Amelia figure you found Sindig0...oh for some of her energy!!:):)

gathering strength for return journey to Bangkok airport ...travel days are rarely fun..but yesterday was happily surprised while in security check at Vientiane when tap on my shoulder and the couple I met at Bamboo nets appeared..last seen in Luang Prabang so had a great time waiting for flights and catching up! :):):)

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Mornings all :):) 


Happy travels to Lancashire and Bangkok respectively :):) Del, you've had a monster of a work chunk there; and 2000cd's all safely transferred - good job done!  And Anda Union tonight - do they know or will you be blowing their socks off?! Hope you are both fully recovered now :):)  Jambo, it is always nice when you get tapped on the shoulder by people you are happy to spend time with. Was there a sing-song at the airport too? :):) Where are you waking up today? :):)


Cold, rainy windy night here - rain has stopped but will be back soon. Grey skies. Lovely to hear the song thrush singing in the darkness, followed by a robin some time later. Glad the daffs and crocuses got one dry sunny day this week to stand up in.... spent most of their time here so far bowed and flat against the earth. Forget-me-nots out now too. Local walks are too muddy now; a fab day for wave watching if we were near the sea. And a fab day for pancake practice!


Kettle on for coffees, teas and hot chocolates :):) 

Happy Saturdays everyone - what a week it has been! :):):) 


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Morning all!

Absolutely chucking it down here in Malmesbury this morning. Looking out over the sodden fields towards CP reminds me of the walk to Womad last year on the Friday and Sunday.

Haven't yet bought Womad tickets for this year - still waiting for offspring to tell me if they're coming and, if so, how many friends they're bringing. Hopefully will be buying this week. I will put in an order for sunshine at the same time! B)B)B)



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SS we didn't tell AnDa Union we were going to last nights gig and Nars we happily surprised to see us on the front row when he walked on to the stage.

We also gave them some gifts which they were delighted with including a bottle of Longrow single malt which may not make it pass their new year party tonight.

We also talked to their manager about Womad and he is hoping to go back soon and he did rule out playing this year!!!!!




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Cal N Del, how fab! Surprised Narls & Co with gifts and everything! You and Cal are definitely going to their gigs in Mongolia too, I hope! :):)  Do you think Brendan could be persuaded onto the forum? :):) Ypu've put me on a quest now - trying to pin down a saying I came across many years ago: " as gentle as my dead friend's hand resting on my shoulder" ...now where did I come across it....in one of the hundreds of books in the loft... :):) 

Rendrags, I hope you bring all your family and friends not only to Womad, but the Forum meet as well - it'll be grand to say hello and welcome :):) 

Jax, such an intelligent face! How lovely! :):) 

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We have a mission, forum folk................



...message received this morning:

"Hi SS,
I am having trouble getting onto the forum..every time I try it tells me I have been banned!! Have sent message to efestivals yesterday but no reply yet..I am still getting your posts and a "digest " so know others are still there...I don't know if it is something about Indonesia..can't think I've done anything heinous!
Anyway I am now on Bali in Sanur until 9th when go to an island called Nusa Lembagon . It is like a sauna here..the temps aren't much hotter than Thailand..its just about 80+% humidity..I remember it from living in Sierra Leone..and it is sapping..not done much today and still slept an hour this afternoon.
Can't remember what I last said on forum, so forgive me if repeat, but coincidences happen..I thought it was coincidence enough a couple I met in Cambodia were in Sanur at the same time..so we've arranged to have supper together tonight.mThen Face Book put up a photo memory for me last time I saw them was February 7th for supper in Phnom Penh...no I'll book Feb 7th 2018 now!!!
Hope all well with you. Give my love to all on forum and pass on any news you want to."


Hang on in there, Jambo! - help is at hand, your plight has been publicised and will be heard and resound throughout the lands until you are free!



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