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Counting the days...how many is it today?


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We've heard from Jambo Yoti: she's had a response from eFestivals (that was quick!):

"Most of the spamming of the forums that happens seems to come from that part of the world, and as a result I’ve had to block off some IP addresses ranges that get used in that part of the world.
The amount of spam is too great for me to remove the blocks, sorry.
So Thailand and Laos ok Indonesia not..so won't be able to get on or see much till get home. If it's ok with you can I send some updates for you to post? 
Hope all is well - no-one blown away or afloat in the storms..what letter up to..seemed to be zipping through the alphabet!!!
I have happily agreed to post her updates as and when I hear from her. :):) 
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Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!!

171 (subject to negotiation) days until WOMAD UK !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!

(Confirmed by Nigenet http://www.nigenet.org.uk/stuff/womadcount/ and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!

21 CUDDLY WEEKENDS until WOMAD uk 2016

The WOMAD UK equinox as been an gone and WOMAD UK 2016 is getting closer all the time, blimey!

Womad Fuerteventura has been and gone

5 days until WOMAD Chile 

WOMAD Caceres will flow with rivers of wee in 2016 (How delightful!)

32 days until WOMAdelaide

39 days until WOMAD New Zealand

200 days until Jax can hang up them that boots and chill out barefoot and banjo-laden on the porch

For that WOMAD feeling and to hear some of this years artists listen to Munners Wanderlust Radio athttp://www.lanternman.co.uk and may be Peter G will let Radio WOMAD broadcast all year round

The forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) We moved to a shiny new forum on the 04/02/16 and the orginal countdown thread had reached 21540 reply's and 2154 pages!

Del illuminated Womad 2014..and started a trend.. SS hubby joined in with lit up Mad Hatter look!! and how they both sparkled in 2015, Jax lip got zipped and her daughters wellies chafed (ouch), Hootdrummer forgot his tent (oops), SC left his tiger at home, Standing Stone looked great on a t shirt, Digital Monkey lost his Chai cherry, Purpledawn enjoyed fresh ground coffee in her fab festival cafetiere, Baz's tankard went to the bar and never came back but hopefully it will be found, DorsetSteve learned Moog should be pronounced Moag, Jambo Yoti climbed a ladder to help with a half prie sale, DorsetHelen started with a cheese toastie (yum) but forgot to have a cider, Bassworm dad danced all weekend, LG_ went for Cranberry and soda, Hubby got all horny with one of Munks of Tashi Lhunpo's long horns, Rendrags walk across the fields to have a great time in the foul weather and mud, The Smurf put up his tent in the driving rain, Sindig0 Met up with loads of the forum crew then mainly kept dry in his tent :o( Bloohair had Kedgery and slept all the way home and we all got muddy in 2015 but will there be mud in 2016?

The Winter solstice has solsticed and they sun getting up earlier

Spring is on the way again

Autumn was golden and the sofa was very comfortable

Early bird tickets are hatching fast so you better be quick

1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer – yet it never seems to come)

5 days until Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)

Celtic Connections (The Whisky soaked WOMAD of the Celts or is it kilts?) 2016 banging out the tunes and the hip flasks have been drained and they'll be going all again in 348 days time 

Santa has emptyed his sack (Ooh er!), did you get what you wanted? if not may be this year!

the FIERCE EYEBROWS of the 'Scottish' Doctor Who has returned in his doc martin boots and the face of Cardinal Richelieu will he rock out Missy? Or have they already??

THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)

What will you have in your hip flask or flasks?


Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
Have a coffee before you watch a Japanese epic
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Let your son pay for the curry when he eats more than you do
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police officer
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob!
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be WOMAD 2016 fashion must have wellies?

...WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)


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evening all

we are home safe and sound after a difficult drive home in heavy rain and strong winds 

we had a fab time catching up with our friends in Lancashire and seeing AnDa Union

Nars also invited us to a party to night after their gig in Halifax to celebrate the Mongolian new year, we were very temped but we had already made plans for Monday and a long drive home with a bad hangover wasn't one of them


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Cal and Del, your Gold Membership should have kicked in straight away, I think; at least mine did. May be worth pursuing if it isn't working when you next sign in. Glad you got home ok; horrible driving weather and not nice having to come away when there was an invite to Anda Union's New Year celebrations - hope you get to join them for another New Year along the way: it has been fab that you've met up twice again now :):)  :) 

Nearly pancake day....


...sleep well everybody :):)







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Blimeying Heck!! Hansel und Gretal!! Howard und Hilda! Jings Crivens help ma Boab!!!!!

170 (subject to negotiation) days until WOMAD UK !!!! Oh my!! OH MY!!

(Confirmed by Nigenet http://www.nigenet.org.uk/stuff/womadcount/ and Purpledawn ticks another day off on her calendar)YAY!!!!!
KeEp TwInKliNg aNd TwIrLiNg AnD SpArKliNg AnD FiZzIng AwAyWomadtastic is a fabulous word!!
Fabulous is a WOMADtastic word!! Yay!!

21 CUDDLY WEEKENDS until WOMAD uk 2016

The WOMAD UK equinox as been an gone and WOMAD UK 2016 is getting closer all the time, blimey!

Womad Fuerteventura has been and gone

4 days until WOMAD Chile 

WOMAD Caceres will flow with rivers of wee in 2016 (How delightful!)

31 days until WOMAdelaide

38 days until WOMAD New Zealand

199 days until Jax can hang up them that boots and chill out barefoot and banjo-laden on the porch

For that WOMAD feeling and to hear some of this years artists listen to Munners Wanderlust Radio athttp://www.lanternman.co.uk and may be Peter G will let Radio WOMAD broadcast all year round

The forum was all backwards but the WOMAD IT Pixie got us back to normal until the GREAT ISOLATION of 2013/14 luckily we're all back together (apart from the weekend break in June 15 and the forum holiday at WOMAD Fuerteventura in November 2015) We moved to a shiny new forum on the 04/02/16 and the orginal countdown thread had reached 21540 reply's and 2154 pages!

Del illuminated Womad 2014..and started a trend.. SS hubby joined in with lit up Mad Hatter look!! and how they both sparkled in 2015, Jax lip got zipped and her daughters wellies chafed (ouch), Hootdrummer forgot his tent (oops), SC left his tiger at home, Standing Stone looked great on a t shirt, Digital Monkey lost his Chai cherry, Purpledawn enjoyed fresh ground coffee in her fab festival cafetiere, Baz's tankard went to the bar and never came back but hopefully it will be found, DorsetSteve learned Moog should be pronounced Moag, Jambo Yoti climbed a ladder to help with a half prie sale, DorsetHelen started with a cheese toastie (yum) but forgot to have a cider, Bassworm dad danced all weekend, LG_ went for Cranberry and soda, Hubby got all horny with one of Munks of Tashi Lhunpo's long horns, Rendrags walk across the fields to have a great time in the foul weather and mud, The Smurf put up his tent in the driving rain, Sindig0 Met up with loads of the forum crew then mainly kept dry in his tent :o( Bloohair had Kedgery and slept all the way home and we all got muddy in 2015 but will there be mud in 2016?

The Winter solstice has solsticed and they sun getting up earlier

Spring is on the way again

Autumn was golden and the sofa was very comfortable

Early bird tickets are hatching fast so you better be quick

1 day until tomorrow. (Another day closer – yet it never seems to come)

4 days until Bacon Butty Friday (other butties and Fridays are available) but what colour is your sauce and brown, red, yellow or white? (Depends on the curry and the company, Cheeky! - Saucy, even!)

Celtic Connections (The Whisky soaked WOMAD of the Celts or is it kilts?) 2016 banging out the tunes and the hip flasks have been drained and they'll be going all again in 348 days time 

Santa has emptyed his sack (Ooh er!), did you get what you wanted? if not may be this year!

the FIERCE EYEBROWS of the 'Scottish' Doctor Who has returned in his doc martin boots and the face of Cardinal Richelieu will he rock out Missy? Or have they already??

THE SUN IS STILL HERE (hopefully it will be around for a few billion WOMADs) YAY!!! YAY!!!!YAY!!!! (Can't see it, mind)

What will you have in your hip flask or flasks?


Don't talk to strangers...unless they're really strange!
Don't write in starlight 'Cause the words may come out real
Don't forget to wear sunblock
Don't cut the red wire
Keep your wellies dry on the inside
Never spit at a camel
Don't be gay (or democratic) in Russia (and don't swear!)
Never boil a kettle - it doesn't bubble as much as water.
Age is only important to cheese and wine and historians
Badgers aren't to blame
Don't let the hamsters nest in your mouth over night
If you take your teeth out at night, remember to get them home by 10.00pm!
Wear red and a large face bush when you're on Winterwatch Unsprung
Have a coffee before you watch a Japanese epic
When all at sea hang onto a floating island
In space no one wants to sneeze
Let your son pay for the curry when he eats more than you do
Vote Hamster
Hug a Beaver!
Don't wave blue lights behind the back of police officer
Wave a flag in front of a stove pipe hat
Vote Bob!
Eurovision is best enjoyed on the WOMAD forum
Twitter power keeps the forum online
I don't get this Euro debt crisis - it's all Greek to me!
Mud is good for the skin
What will be WOMAD 2016 fashion must have wellies?

...WOMAD isn't just for the summer it's for life (Always good advice- THE best advice)


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Mornings all,

A very wet and windy start to the week after storm Imogen swept through Dorset. We visited a family farm yesterday. hoping to catch a glimpse of their new baby wallaby. The farm is on the top of Portland and t was v. windy indeed. Needless to say the wallabies were having none of it* and we had to content ourselves with feeding half a dozen grumpy looking sheep before curtailing our visit in favour of hot coffee and gingerbread men indoors.

(Terrible) Coffee machine switched off at work. Apparently, it is to be replaced. Perhaps by something better? Until then, there's always Starbucks and Costa for illicit beverages.

*Well, would you? Dragged to the other side of the planet to hop around a rock in the middle of the channel surrounded by weirdos. I have, on occasion wondered if the same is true for some of the artists at Womad--booked months in advance to travel from the caribbean and play in the rain. 

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Mornings all :):) 

We have news from Jambo :):) :


"At moment trying to survive the Bali sauna is my main aim..today a relax on a beach..although not my kind of thing. Tomorrow off to Nusa Lembagon..an island. .hopping for somewhere quieter. 
Cheers to all..it is so strange being cut off from knowing what you are all up to..I once tried to explain all this to my sister..and I realised how amazing it was that a handful of people and callers in kept in touch daily..sometimes many times in a day over a year. I realised what a rare thing this was and how friendships had been built over this time..very precious! So love and hugs to you all.
Great that we have a workaround the IP address blocks. I'm going to check to see whether Jambo can read what we write here; if not, I'll take messages to give to her for anyone who hasn't got another way to do so directly. She is most definitely worth it! :):) 
Cold, wet and windy again here. Thunder and lightening earlier on. Grape hyacinths are in bloom too now. S.C., the PA's have made more cheese and have offered to bring it round and give you a hand with the Enfield; they're scrubbing their overalls as we speak :):) 
Cal N Del, PSB tonight as well! - wow, your broomsticks have covered some miles for gigs this past year! Hope your energies and health are riding high too :):) Thanks for incorporating the original Womad Forum stats in the Countdown, by the way. :):) 
Baz, the trees here have been dancing all night long - hope you have got a good grip! ...or maybe a tree house...... now that would be fab...do you have a tree house? :):) 
Right - a break in the rain - I'm off..
....Happy Mondays everybody :)  :) 
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Sindig0, didn't see your post earlier ..... *extra ballast delivery for Sindig0 & family, wallabies in hiding and grumpy looking sheep*  We'll be ok at Womad this year; Rendrags is ordering sunshine along with his tickets :):)


Update from Jambo:

"Sitting in a beachside cafe in Sanur, balmy evening , amazed to see a volcano emerging from the cloud which has been permanently in that part of the sky..wonderful! Bali working her magic."


What a view! Jambo; it is lashing it down here and the trees are dancing like wild things!:):) 




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  On 2/8/2016 at 11:41 AM, standing stone said:

Sindig0, didn't see your post earlier ..... *extra ballast delivery for Sindig0 & family, wallabies in hiding and grumpy looking sheep*  We'll be ok at Womad this year; Rendrags is ordering sunshine along with his tickets :):)


Thanks, SS. I just got off the phone with Mrs Sindigo, who slept in the loft conversion last night with Penelope. She had a very windy night indeed. I think she meant the weather!:stinker: I really hope Rendrags manages to get hold of some sunshine. I'm not sure if Mrs Sindigo could cope with another wet one. I keep telling myself that, in the 15-odd years we've been going, there's really only been 3 wet years, which is pretty good odds.

It's nice to still be getting updates from Jambo. Please send our love. I wonder, has she tried a proxy server to access the forum?


She might find proxys are blocked as a matter of course and I don't know if using one contravenes the forum T&Cs but it could get round the issue.

@SC Great to see the Enfield. Got another pic or two? I saw this on ebay the other day but it sold before I had the chance to really get my pulse racing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bobber-HONDA-VT-125-/331765573590?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=%252FuNf8Ifz9K9p96E9HB1RMKt%252BBas%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc 

Must book my CBT soon. Excited again now the sun's just around the corner.

Still very windy in Bournemouth. I'm up on the 3rd floor and it's whistling around us. Will brave the elements in search of coffee shortly.

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  On 2/8/2016 at 11:55 AM, Sindigo said:


Great to see the Enfield. Got another pic or two? I saw this on ebay the other day but it sold before I had the chance to really get my pulse racing. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Bobber-HONDA-VT-125-/331765573590?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&nma=true&si=%252FuNf8Ifz9K9p96E9HB1RMKt%252BBas%253D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc 

Must book my CBT soon. Excited again now the sun's just around the corner.

Still very windy in Bournemouth. I'm up on the 3rd floor and it's whistling around us. Will brave the elements in search of coffee shortly.


Hi Sindig0,  Cheers mate, the link you sent the bike has disappeared!  DO I HAVE PICTURES!!!!!!!!  Well I do have a YouTube channel with clips of a couple of UK tours, days out with mates and the slow customisation of a Royal Enfield into a Street Scrambler, it's currently at Part 10 and not moved for a couple of months because of helping Mrs SC with Christmas orders, Mum and Laptop problems but Part 11 will be there soon.

Part 1 of the Royal Enfield is here:



My favs on the channel are:

North North West

Scourie to Ullapool

Triumph Tiger XRx Green Laning

Triumph Tiger XRx and Moto Guzzi Grisso ride to Dungeness


Apologies to non-bikees please skip over this post :D

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@SC You'll need to either click on "Show original listing" on that link or just scroll down to see it. Once listings are removed ebay makes them a little more difficult to find but they stick around for a little while.

Ha! I thought you might have a photo or two. Looking forward to browsing through your channel. Exciting stuff!

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  On 2/8/2016 at 1:59 PM, Sindigo said:

@SC You'll need to either click on "Show original listing" on that link or just scroll down to see it. Once listings are removed ebay makes them a little more difficult to find but they stick around for a little while.



I see it!  Amazing how even a 125 looks cool bobbed. I was wondering whether to Bob the Enfield but then decided to make a Scambler, rather than mess with the frame.  Maybe, the next project, was thinking of trying a Honda Gold Wing Bobber, but the Bobber revival wave maybe ebbing, maybe a "Flat Tracker" instead, we'll see.

Oh my clips don't come into the "exciting" category, more just "Soft Bike Porn" :D   

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Ok just re read my post and the phrasing could be easily misinterpreted. When I said "even a 125 can look cool when bobbed" I did not mean a 125 is not cool, but that Bobbers are usually larger and on the one you showed me it still works. So it is good.  Right shall I stop digging now? :)

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Ha! Don't worry SC--no offence taken if that's your concern. I would far rather cruise around on a 125 for as long as it takes to gain the experience it takes to handle a bigger bike and run the risk of looking uncool with an L plate than rush it, go straight to something I can't handle and end up in tree. Very few can pull off cool from a hospital bed.

That being said, that little Honda 125 is a very cool looking bike, to me at least. I would be very happy indeed with that as my first bike. 

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