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2 minutes ago, thatcrazypenguin said:

She's just a bore, can't imagine doing anything but falling asleep to her, as for her persona it's as cheesy and put on as any, what do you expect? She's in the big top 40 side of the music industry is there anything not faked as far as that goes? Her 'ordinary girl done good' schtik helps her sell albums to the exceptionally gullible. That is all.

But she is an ordinary girl. And she has done good.

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OK, having completed my run through of the Adele discography, I'm gonna make like a Muse fan and hope that she plays more of the early stuff, as 25 is mostly pretty turgid.

I've got a fondness for some blue-eyed soul and some of the tracks of 19 are sterling. Daydreamer and Hometown Glory in particular. Will take them and things like One and Only over most stuff from the new one.

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I tend to find the opposite. Now that media isn't so concentrated through a handful of outlets - Radio 1, the NME, TOTP, the Chart Show, etc - I usually have to go out of my way to hear things. Hence me really only listening to Adele for the first time this week, despite her being the biggest artist of the century.

thats the problem with modern music more then the woman herself I reckon, artists get forced fed to people until they no longer have any tolerance for them as quite frankly their sick of hearing them or about them.

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12 hours ago, arcade fireman said:

She also described herself as a "Labour girl" and has slagged off David Cameron before too. Obviously what she said about tax was stupid but she was pretty young and stupid at the time. There have been people guilty of far worse who've graced the Pyramid. 

Ah, but is she a New Labour girl or an Old Labour girl? 

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There's something to that, but as you say the upside is that she'll be well drilled so there's less likelihood of the wheels falling off.

That aside, fixed setlists aren't *that* much of a rarity. If it were AC/DC on that stage there'd be zero chance of them wheeling out any scarcely-heard surprises.

I was just checking setlist.fm and she has performed exactly the same set for every night of her tour. She is going to be so well rehearsed come the time Glastonbury comes around, I suspect it may appear that she is going through the motions.

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1 hour ago, FuzzyDunlop said:


Not advocating the view, but there are plenty of others much worse. Having a public whinge is at least just that, in public. Nothing underhand. She could do a Gary Barlow and mates who owe £20m. What a nice bunch they are.

And we moan about the others too. See the u2 and rolling stones threads for further details. If (heaven forbid!) gary barlow ever headlines we'll be calling him a c**t too. In fact why wait until then: gary barlow is a c**t.

But at least he doesnt put on some false front to con his fans into thinking he is anything other than a vile tory. The bellend actually went on the campaign trail with cameron! I disagree with his views, but I respect his right to have whatever political views he pleases.

It's thanks to those torys who are too ashamed to admit to being torys (like adele) that the polls got it so horribly wrong at the most recent general election


10 minutes ago, SwedgeAntilles said:

Ah, but is she a New Labour girl or an Old Labour girl? 

A "labour girl" who has slagged off david cameron who has no doubt lapped up the latest tax breaks for the rich like a thirsty dog.

Edited by russycarps
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Probably her biggest hit in terms of copies sold, but I'd wager it's the likes of Someone Like You and Rolling In the Deep that people will be actually wanting to hear.

That said, like any of the other "I'll check 'em out" headliners of recent years - the Stones, Metallica, Springsteen, Kanye - there will be no shortage of people throwing in the towel as the show proceeds.

bad move to sing `hello` first as well....thats her biggest hit isnt it? some may leave after that if their not to bothered about her back catalog.

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2 minutes ago, thatcrazypenguin said:

haha yes belive me said local radio station isnt on by choice....its what we have on the centralized radio system in work........ they have a very small non changing playlist and I work 12 hour shifts.....do you know what it does to a person to have to hear `hello` 5 or 6 times a day(if not more) for days at a time every single week....for months!


At least you can't pretend you don't know all the words.

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You've got my sympathy in those circumstances. The stations / shows I listen to tend not to slap Adele on the turntable too often.

But then, that's probably down to prejudice as well, as if some of the more subtle songs were from some unreleased private press 1972 album finally coming out on Light in the Attic then I'm sure they'd bite.

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20 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

There's something to that, but as you say the upside is that she'll be well drilled so there's less likelihood of the wheels falling off.

That aside, fixed setlists aren't *that* much of a rarity. If it were AC/DC on that stage there'd be zero chance of them wheeling out any scarcely-heard surprises.

In terms of the actual songs she played, it's a shame she doesn't do more from her debut, which was a very good album. I couldn't agree more with Damon when he referred to 25 as "middle of the road", albeit he has recalled and apologised, when he shouldn't have done. 

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1 minute ago, thatcrazypenguin said:

another celeb jumping on the bandwagon, theres been hundreds of terror attacks worldwide since paris, just last week 30+ were killed in ankara turkey in another isis bombing, nothing wrong with sending support to the victims of terror, just wish these people wouldnt only seem to care when it happens in a westernized country.

saw lots of belgium flags on facebook this morn......funny as I did see any turkish flags last week....hypocrisy is sad,

I disagree wholeheartedly with this view. While it might not might be an ideal situation is it really so difficult to understand why people from the UK are able to identify more with at attack in France or Belgium than they are with something similar in Ankara or Baghdad? 

We make unconscious connections all the time and incidents which we can most relate to are those which have the most emotional impact on us. Rightly or wrongly it's far easier for me to imagine myself in Paris or Brussels and have that immediate empathy than it is Ankara. This doesn't make what happened in Ankara any less brutal or important but I think it's the height of self righteous claptrap to make people feel bad for expressing their emotion about one and not another. 

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38 minutes ago, thatcrazypenguin said:

another celeb jumping on the bandwagon, theres been hundreds of terror attacks worldwide since paris, just last week 30+ were killed in ankara turkey in another isis bombing, nothing wrong with sending support to the victims of terror, just wish these people wouldnt only seem to care when it happens in a westernized country.

saw lots of belgium flags on facebook this morn......funny as I did see any turkish flags last week....hypocrisy is sad,

After the Paris attacks I updated my Facebook pic to the country who had a terrorist attack most recently according to the wiki page on terrorist attacks.  You think changing your flag to France or Belgium feels pointless or futile?  Doing it systematically for every country simultaneously felt like the most pointless and profound thing I'd ever done.  Both respectful and belittling at the same time.

Of course, it's easy to use an appeal to consistency as an excuse to do nothing - is it better to support nobody than some people sometimes, even if that reveals your cultural biases?  It's a tricky ethical issue, to be sure.  Reminds me of this thought experiment:



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11 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

After the Paris attacks I updated my Facebook pic to the country who had a terrorist attack most recently according to the wiki page on terrorist attacks.  You think changing your flag to France or Belgium feels pointless or futile?  Doing it systematically for every country simultaneously felt like the most pointless and profound thing I'd ever done.  Both respectful and belittling at the same time.

Of course, it's easy to use an appeal to consistency as an excuse to do nothing - is it better to support nobody than some people sometimes, even if that reveals your cultural biases?  It's a tricky ethical issue, to be sure.  Reminds me of this thought experiment:



I'm very uneasy with mass changing of FB profiles for a European attack when there is widespread ignorance of events in other parts of the world. 

Not sure what the answer is. 

Edited by OBface
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6 minutes ago, OBface said:

I'm very uneasy with mass changing of FB profiles for a European attack when there is widespread ignorance of events in other parts of the world. 

Not sure what the answer is. 

Me also, I find it almost frightening when I see people who show absolutely no interest in world wide affairs until something tragic happens closer to home, then they jump on it, it's a big old bad world out there

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54 minutes ago, thatcrazypenguin said:

another celeb jumping on the bandwagon, theres been hundreds of terror attacks worldwide since paris, just last week 30+ were killed in ankara turkey in another isis bombing, nothing wrong with sending support to the victims of terror, just wish these people wouldnt only seem to care when it happens in a westernized country.

saw lots of belgium flags on facebook this morn......funny as I did see any turkish flags last week....hypocrisy is sad,

I'm more of a Jakarta or Niger terrorist attack condemning sort of guy. A terrorist attack condemning hipster really. I don't go for the obvious ones. It makes me feel better about myself and gives me the moral high ground because it appears I care about the bigger picture to people I vaguely know on Facebook. 

Where was your facebook flag when the terrorist attack happened in, say, Mali? Hypocrite. 

Adele jumping on the terror condemnation bandwagon, 200 miles from where she lives and in a country shes actually playing in this summer reeks of exploitation doesn't it. 

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