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Headliner predictions 2017


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2 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

Back in the good old days we used to go to Glastonbury to get away from "girls".

3 are in our group.

Nothing to do with being female.

Someone else at work. He will hate it. I've told him. He wants to go. He didn't like the camping at Creamfields. He wanted a "proper bed"

Edited by FuzzyDunlop
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I have a bee in my bonnet about people coming and not liking it because....

1 who came with us in 2014 hated it. She Caused a bother, and after watching it on TV this year wants to come again.

She liked it for 2 days, then on the friday she was: "too tired", "it's raining - I'm soaking", "My knees hurt", "there is nothing on that I like", "I don't want to walk any more", "why don't they put cars on to take you around?" (She said that) - 2 of us suspected she'd be like that.

Then on the saturday night she went back to the car and texting to go home. Her idiot of a boyfriend (he is a good mate - but still) then took her home sunday morning!!! She had a pop at me cos I said to leave her there til Monday afternoon. I would have done.

I wont be trying for her in the sale. I've told her - she is my friend, but no chance. Her now "on/off boyfriend" has a problem as there are 6 in our glastonbury group from last year (he is one) but feels he has to get her a ticket. A few of us have said if we get throygh - we will buy for him, but not her. She doesn't like it. I've told her. I wait all year and do overtime to help fund Glastonbury. She isn't ruining it.

She ended up ruining sunday 2014 to a large extent as it was her boyfriends first Glastonbury and he was loving it. 2015 and 16 she was left at home and everything was fine....

Now she wants to come back.

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49 minutes ago, CaledonianGonzo said:

One of the newbies who came with us this year - that I thought wouldn't really get with it - seems to have had his paradigms shifted on some deep and fundamental level.  It can happen to anyone.

Stop thinking newbies are a good idea, you ridiculous hippy. Tickets are a scarcity

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Some of what I wrote makes me come across as a bit of an arse. If she wants to come who are we to stop her?

Fair point, if she gets through (she probably wont actually try, she wants us / her boyfriend to get the ticket) 

She caused arguments last time. We all felt the same. We are still mates - but I just don't want her at the festival. I would rather someone I don't know get her ticket and enjoy it.

Edited by FuzzyDunlop
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On 7/9/2016 at 3:16 PM, FuzzyDunlop said:

If that's how I am remembered on here as a Tennis Ball who moans about Ed Sheeran - I will be pleased

I've never really listened to Sheeran, didn't get it.  Seemed talented in his own way, but wasn't grabbing me.  Then a combination of friends telling me I should really give it a go and the early rumours for next year convinced me to listen.

That's now about 2 hours of my life I won't get back.  Good lord it's dull.  I mean, really boring.  Fair play to the lad, lots of hard graft and all that.  But...no.  So I think that's a fully justifiable way to be remembered Fuzzy.

And no, you don't sound like an arse about the tickets.  If you have a highlight of your year that you scrimp and save and work for and spend a good 8 months looking forward to after T-Day, why should you do something that you know, on evidence, is going to sabotage it?  Just to be "nice".  People talk about selfishness like it's a bad thing, but sometimes it's fully justified.

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On 09/07/2016 at 2:06 PM, FuzzyDunlop said:

I wont be trying for her in the sale. I've told her - she is my friend, but no chance. Her now "on/off boyfriend" has a problem as there are 6 in our glastonbury group from last year (he is one) but feels he has to get her a ticket. A few of us have said if we get throygh - we will buy for him, but not her. She doesn't like it. I've told her. I wait all year and do overtime to help fund Glastonbury. She isn't ruining it.


7 minutes ago, Quark said:

And no, you don't sound like an arse about the tickets.  If you have a highlight of your year that you scrimp and save and work for and spend a good 8 months looking forward to after T-Day, why should you do something that you know, on evidence, is going to sabotage it?  Just to be "nice".  People talk about selfishness like it's a bad thing, but sometimes it's fully justified.

Fuzzy you definitely have my sympathies with that, and couldn't agree more:clapping:

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so i work for a small company where there's 2 girls who are in my team (which consists of us 3 and my manager) and they've both individually told me that they are planning on going next year. of course i'm planning to too and there's no way on this planet work will let all 3 of us go at the same time. i've told both of them that there's no way on this planet that i'm not going. i don't think either have ever been to a festival with camping before, therefore i think i'll try and keep quiet, try and get in on coach and then if the topic arises try and dissuade. although me going on about how amazing it was hasn't helped the cause

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16 minutes ago, hhunting said:

so i work for a small company where there's 2 girls who are in my team (which consists of us 3 and my manager) and they've both individually told me that they are planning on going next year. of course i'm planning to too and there's no way on this planet work will let all 3 of us go at the same time. i've told both of them that there's no way on this planet that i'm not going. i don't think either have ever been to a festival with camping before, therefore i think i'll try and keep quiet, try and get in on coach and then if the topic arises try and dissuade. although me going on about how amazing it was hasn't helped the cause

Ooh, fingers crossed for you*.  I'm working on the basis (blind optimism?) that a lot of people in the "might give it a go / heard Ed Sheeran might play / watched Adele on iPlayer" camp will:

(a) not plan ahead and either be away or oversleep on T-Day

(b) think that the whole Sunday morning rush isn't as bad as it's made out to be and log on to find all the tickets gone

(c) Underestimate the amount of F5'ing, quantity of devices and goodwill of friends & family needed and just fail miserably

(d) Forget all about it until they see the inevitable 30 minute sell out on the news later that day.

*not at the expense of my own ticket, obviously ;)

Edited by Quark
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1 hour ago, Quark said:

Ooh, fingers crossed for you*.  I'm working on the basis (blind optimism?) that a lot of people in the "might give it a go / heard Ed Sheeran might play / watched Adele on iPlayer" camp will:

(a) not plan ahead and either be away or oversleep on T-Day

(b) think that the whole Sunday morning rush isn't as bad as it's made out to be and log on to find all the tickets gone

(c) Underestimate the amount of F5'ing, quantity of devices and goodwill of friends & family needed and just fail miserably

(d) Forget all about it until they see the inevitable 30 minute sell out on the news later that day.

*not at the expense of my own ticket, obviously ;)

Every time somebody asks how to go about getting tickets, they've already tuned out by the time I'm talking about April resales. It's a lot of effort for most people with only a little bit of interest, ain't it?

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5 hours ago, dentalplan said:

Every time somebody asks how to go about getting tickets, they've already tuned out by the time I'm talking about April resales. It's a lot of effort for most people with only a little bit of interest, ain't it?

This is very true. I have friends who watch us year after year, all getting ready & setting off, (even giving us lifts there) & then we come back to them all saying they are definitely coming next year having watched a couple of headliners on the BBC & by the time ticket day rolls around they've lost all interest again. Let alone actually registering or trying in these resales which they haven't heard of yet.

People I know assume tickets are easy because i/lots of people I know go every year & they have no idea of the dedication / effort / preparation that goes into Tday at all.

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Been in the new job for 4 weeks today, and pretty much one of those was at Glastonbury.  Since returning I have already broached the subject with my new boss about how acceptable it would be next year to take the first 2 weeks of June for holiday with Mrs Quark, be back in the office for 3 days before buggering off to Glastonbury, and then being back at work for 2 weeks before buggering off again to Benicassim.

Apparently this is all fine.  I like my new boss.

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On 7/9/2016 at 2:54 PM, FuzzyDunlop said:

Some of what I wrote makes me come across as a bit of an arse. If she wants to come who are we to stop her?

Fair point, if she gets through (she probably wont actually try, she wants us / her boyfriend to get the ticket) 

She caused arguments last time. We all felt the same. We are still mates - but I just don't want her at the festival. I would rather someone I don't know get her ticket and enjoy it.

We had the same thing with a new guy that joined our group a few years back.  Never got tickets/asked him to join our work crew again despite his pleading so i know your pain

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1 hour ago, Zoo Music Girl said:

Languishing on page 5? Shameful stuff...

So Ed Sheeran, Radiohead and... Roses? Is that still the popular opinion?

It's most people's opinion.  Not sure how popular it is, but it wouldn't be a headliner thread if people were happy.

Edited by stuartbert two hats
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