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Radiohead Headlining 2017

The Nal

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On 27/07/2016 at 3:53 PM, arcade fireman said:

Apparently the New Yorkers burnt effigies of Thom in Times Square cos they didn't play Magpie. 

Good to see the band listened to the real fans- they were both back in their rightful places last night, and some of the filthy casual tracks were omitted. 


Seriously though, I have become a Gloaming convert; like people say, it really is a different level live, and fucks shit up like not many of their other tracks do.

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15 hours ago, Chawk said:

Seriously though, I have become a Gloaming convert; like people say, it really is a different level live, and fucks shit up like not many of their other tracks do.

aye live it is a very different beast, but i'd still prefer another song in it's place regardless. them playing it as a HTTT staple and omitting There There on a regular basis on this tour is criminal

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5 hours ago, FloorFiller said:

aye live it is a very different beast, but i'd still prefer another song in it's place regardless. them playing it as a HTTT staple and omitting There There on a regular basis on this tour is criminal

In fairness There There has been played 10 times and The Gloaming only 8 times. Myxomatosis on the other hand has only been played 4 times

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Finally got rid of that opening run of 5 new songs and dropped Desert Island Disk. Decks Dark is still probably my favourite from the new album so I'd be a bit disappointed not to get that but I'd rather hear some older songs like 2+2=5, so couldn't complain really.

Didn't think I'd be approaching a Radiohead show in 2016 with it looking pretty likely we could get any of 2+2=5, My Iron Lung, No Surprises, Let Down, Bodysnatchers, Street Spirit, Talk Show Host and Creep.

And yeah, I think setlists like the current ones would go down fine on the Pyramid. Make sure they throw in the big hitters like Karma Police/Creep/Paranoid Android and then a selection of pretty much any of the other stuff they've been playing.

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Agh dropping DID and that opening 5 was exactly what I wanted them to do :'( Berlin gonna be perfect.

Think Radiohead have gotten old enough that they're finally comfortable with being popular and accessible. Can only be a good thing for their abilities as a festival headliner.

Edited by Mash011
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For those also going to Berlin...things are getting a bit nervy...


(google translated):

Residents are resisting Lollapalooza

In six weeks the Lollapalooza festival in Treptow Park is to take place, but still it is being debated. And approved the music event is not yet well.

First of all, is not affected by the security measures. We'll adjust the controls on the current situation, an organizer said Thursday. Finally, there are still more than six weeks until the Lollapalooza festival on 10 and 11 September, after the summer holidays, an eternity. And: Whether the festival actually takes place, is currently still unclear. The approval process runs - just like the protests of local residents.

Of 70 000 people per day at the Festival on the second weekend of September, expected at the to occur among many other Radiohead, Kings of Leon, Paul Kalkbrenner and New Order. Ticket sales has been running for months, the two-day ticket costs 139 Euro, day ticket 79 euros. Last year the festival was held on the grounds of the former Tempelhof airport, there now but for a few months to live refugees. In Treptow an alternate site was found, which was controversial from the start.

Residents demonstrate online petition runs

Trouble there is not just about the green areas but also about the close of the festival to the Soviet Memorial. In contrast, several ambassadors former Soviet Republics had protested in a letter to the district mayor. But not only because fighting a citizens' initiative against the festival. Local residents fear that the festival visitors are much trampling of what was renovated just for 13 million euros. There was a town meeting, two weeks ago, local residents have demonstrated nearly 6,000 supporters have already signed an online petition on change.org. They are not opposed to the festival, says Ilona Rothin of the citizens' initiative Treptow Park. Only the park on their doorstep is just not the right place.

Also last year only three weeks had been approved in advance

Ilona Rothin and her colleagues want to complain anyway. The only problem is that they still have no legal basis for it. Because the festival is officially not yet approved. The application process for such a big event is lengthy, says Rainer Hölmer (SPD), for Construction in Treptow-Koepenick. One review now based on the Berliner Park Act and the conservation law, the applications have been received at different times. "Both processes are still running. However, it is normal that the drags on a bit at such events. "The exact date he could not name unfortunately. The organizer expects to obtain approval in two to three weeks. Last year we got the well until three weeks before the festival, they said.

For any damage, the organizer comes on

The residents complain the lack of information. There was no security concept, which is troubling to the recent attacks, they say.

In response to an inquiry of the Borough Councillor Alexander Free Hölmer has recently realized that 80 percent of the revised with conveying surfaces have to be protected by a fence before entering, which in turn must be constantly protected by a security service. The meadows were not part of the upgrade. Hölmer presented therein also again clearly: "If the organizers are the pads do not want to meet or can, no authorization may be granted either by the Green Investment Schemes Act and after the Monument Protection Act." For any damage the organizer shall arise.

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That Lollapalooza set is out of this world. All I would ask is that Reckoner was in instead of Nude and it would pretty much be my perfect set.


Taking out Bloom, Gloaming and Nude and replacing with National Anthem, 15 Step and Reckoner and THIS would be my perfect (realistic) set;

Burn the Witch
Ful Stop
2 + 2 = 5
My Iron Lung
Climbing Up the Walls
No Surprises
Pyramid Song
The National Anthem
The Numbers
15 Step
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
Everything in Its Right Place
There There

Encore 1:
Let Down
Present Tense
Paranoid Android

Encore 2:
Street Spirit (Fade Out)
Karma Police

Edited by SwedgeAntilles
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