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Which campsite?


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Ive been going to Leeds on and off since 2008, but the campsite dynamic has realky changed recently so looking for advice.

We normally camp in Orange on the main drag not too far from the hill of death. Its fairly quiet so you can usually get a kip (getting old now). However was thinking of either camping in yellow bubble or blue valley (but at the top of the hill behind the village).

Anybody camped in either of these? Im likelyvto arrive at noon on Wed so im assuming there will be loads of room (there is in Orange at this time)

Is there really any difference between campsitrs these days, given the lower ticket sales?

In 2014 i camped at Picadilly Circus. Not reccomended!!!

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  • 1 year later...
On 03/08/2016 at 9:58 AM, footix2 said:

Is there really any difference between campsitrs these days, given the lower ticket sales?

Yes, atmosphere and generally the ability to get a good nights sleep or whether you're going to be a sesh gremlin until the sun comes up.

Fortunately, I prefer the latter. Blue camp for me! 

Also, never would I camp near Piccadilly. If it rains, even for just 30 minutes, that entire area becomes a mudbath.

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Yeah I did Purple last year near to where it bends down to the fun fair. Quite a good location and decent for a good night's kip. Love the sesh, but need my recovery time these days. I'll probably head there again this year or maybe green/brown for some extra space

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