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US Presidential Election 2016


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2 hours ago, eFestivals said:

So people are only allowed to recognise the positive parts of Trump's campaign AFTER he's elected....? :lol:

That's the deliberately stupid. A denial of fact. It's your only weapon.


You are comparing the voting choice of the American electorate with the political decisions of elected representatives (remember this started with the Bernie Sanders Quote) If you can't tell the difference & think that Bernie Sanders doing his job as an elected politician somehow means he is endorsing all of Trump's views, your understanding of politics is a little less sophisticated than you would have us believe.

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1 minute ago, eFestivals said:

Too cowardly to answer a simple question I see. :lol:


Do i think trump endorses sexual assault and racism?

I think in his own words he will grab whatever pussy is around. I think he spent the last 8 plus years spreading racist lies about obama.


So yeah, i do. Enough of an answer?


This is who  shaun king is. He is an editor at the new york times and a noted civil rights activist. Are you saying he is making stuff up? Are you dismissing all of what is reported on his feed as lies?


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13 minutes ago, The Nal said:

"So one of my students aunts had to go pick up her daughter from school today because a boy w*nked off all over her clothes. When asked why, he said that if a president can do it , I can too". Day 7000

Zahidf's tweets may be anecdotal & do not necessarily tell the whole story but at least he didn't have to make them up to make his point.

What do you think, The Nal, is it likely that the nature of Trump's victorious campaign will result in an increase in hate crimes in the USA?

Oh, & the flaw in your Bill Clinton comparisons is that, however unprofessional or distasteful his behaviours might have been, it was consensual. I think that makes a difference, don't you?


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1 minute ago, LJS said:

You are comparing the voting choice of the American electorate with the political decisions of elected representatives (remember this started with the Bernie Sanders Quote) If you can't tell the difference & think that Bernie Sanders doing his job as an elected politician somehow means he is endorsing all of Trump's views, your understanding of politics is a little less sophisticated than you would have us believe.

I'm saying there were positive parts of Trump's campaign, and it's not unreasonable to recognise their existence both before or after his election. :rolleyes:

And having recognised that they're there, it's then exceedingly reasonable - and without doubt true - to realise that many people voted for Trump because of those positive parts and in spite of the just-twice he used a clearly racist line in 15 months of campaigning.


It's not the binary of all Trumpers are racist and all non-racists voted for Clinton. It's just not true.

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1 minute ago, eFestivals said:

I'm saying there were positive parts of Trump's campaign, and it's not unreasonable to recognise their existence both before or after his election. :rolleyes:

And having recognised that they're there, it's then exceedingly reasonable - and without doubt true - to realise that many people voted for Trump because of those positive parts and in spite of the just-twice he used a clearly racist line in 15 months of campaigning.


It's not the binary of all Trumpers are racist and all non-racists voted for Clinton. It's just not true.

Youre ignoring his 8 years of birtherism then.

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22 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

First off, do you want to get something straight?

Yesterday according to you, these sorts of actions are approved of and endorsed by Trump who is running a full-on Nazi regime.

Is that true, or not?


Whatever Zahidf has said, he has not claimed Trump is running a "full-on Nazi regime" 

Here's my question to you: I am sure Trump does not personally endorse any of the unpleasant actions that may have followed his election and I am sure when asked he will condemn them, Do you not accept that, by the nature of his campaign and the statements he has made both in the campaign & previously, he bears at least some responsibility if there proves to have been a rise in intolerance & hate crime in the USA?

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7 minutes ago, zahidf said:

Do i think trump endorses sexual assault and racism?

I think in his own words he will grab whatever pussy is around. I think he spent the last 8 plus years spreading racist lies about obama.


So yeah, i do. Enough of an answer?

With enough bollocks around it to try and hide your lie behind others. ;rolleyes:

Want to tell me how it's racist to say someone was born in a different country to the one they say?

It's stupid, it's manipulative, it's a lie. And it's an attempt to disqualify Obama from office, via the rules which exist for holding that office.

But racist? Go on then, tell me how. :)


7 minutes ago, zahidf said:


This is who  shaun king is. He is an editor at the new york times and a noted civil rights activist. Are you saying he is making stuff up? Are you dismissing all of what is reported on his feed as lies?


Likewise, wanna prove it's true, or any different to how it was on Monday?

I don't doubt the some morons feel newly empowered, but it's not the outbreak of nazism you're trying to suggest. 

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6 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

I'm saying there were positive parts of Trump's campaign, and it's not unreasonable to recognise their existence both before or after his election. :rolleyes:

And having recognised that they're there, it's then exceedingly reasonable - and without doubt true - to realise that many people voted for Trump because of those positive parts and in spite of the just-twice he used a clearly racist line in 15 months of campaigning.


It's not the binary of all Trumpers are racist and all non-racists voted for Clinton. It's just not true.

I have never claimed all Trumpers are racists although I appreciate it makes life easier for you to caricature everyone who disagrees with you in this way. I think the only twice thing is a bit generous to Donald, don't you?




Now some of this stuff is not abot what he said during the campaign, but if Hillary is to be judged on her record over 25 years, then why not Trump? Surely you're not giving him a free pass?

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5 minutes ago, eFestivals said:

With enough bollocks around it to try and hide your lie behind others. ;rolleyes:

Want to tell me how it's racist to say someone was born in a different country to the one they say?

It's stupid, it's manipulative, it's a lie. And it's an attempt to disqualify Obama from office, via the rules which exist for holding that office.

But racist? Go on then, tell me how. :)


Likewise, wanna prove it's true, or any different to how it was on Monday?

I don't doubt the some morons feel newly empowered, but it's not the outbreak of nazism you're trying to suggest. 

Because no president has ever been accused of not being born in the USA, and people accepted their word and the evidence presented.

It was different with Obama solely because of him being black.

Are you seriously telling me that Birthers were saying it for other reasons??? Come of it. 

Trumps poisionous campaign has being going on for months btw. Your start point of him being elected wont wash

Edited by zahidf
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3 minutes ago, LJS said:

Whatever Zahidf has said, he has not claimed Trump is running a "full-on Nazi regime" 

Here's my question to you: I am sure Trump does not personally endorse any of the unpleasant actions that may have followed his election and I am sure when asked he will condemn them, Do you not accept that, by the nature of his campaign and the statements he has made both in the campaign & previously, he bears at least some responsibility if there proves to have been a rise in intolerance & hate crime in the USA?

Oh course he bears some responsibility.

But more to the point, the ones who really do are the perpetrators, who all existed in the USA before Wednesday.

And I'm very very sure that Trump's regime will be more repulsive to me than Obama's, tho how much different the repulsiveness will be compared to any other Republican president we've yet to see.

What i'm confident of not happening is any officially endorsed major discrimination, or at any extreme levels, of the type zahidf has tried to suggest.

And I'm just as confident that for as long as the likes of zahidf is calling everyone a c**t that dares to disagree with him, or even protests on the streets complaining about the result democracy has delivered, the fractures in American society will widen and not narrow.

Trump is president. It's not going away. It has to be lived with, and the issues overcome.

Talking boillocks is no better than what got Trump where he is, and no better than Trump.

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5 minutes ago, LJS said:

I have never claimed all Trumpers are racists although I appreciate it makes life easier for you to caricature everyone who disagrees with you in this way.

Oh FFS. :rolleyes:

You jump in here to attack me to defend what zahidf has been saying, and when I refer to what zahidf is saying you drop this bollocks...? 

It's as low as you've ever got. Pathetic, childish, and reveals how empty you are.

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3 minutes ago, LJS said:

What do you think, The Nal, is it likely that the nature of Trump's victorious campaign will result in an increase in hate crimes in the USA?

No idea, I hope not. And if so, he needs to be strong and come out with a message early about it. Hopefully people will realise not to take the idiotic things he said to get elected seriously. 

Oh, & the flaw in your Bill Clinton comparisons is that, however unprofessional or distasteful his behaviours might have been, it was consensual. I think that makes a difference, don't you?

We've no idea if Trump grabbed any pussies. Theres been allegations of course. As there were with Clinton. Although Clinton was prosecuted. See Paul Jones. Clinton paid her off (850k :o), was held in contempt of court and he was disbarred from the Arkansas Bar Association. 

Also read about Juanita Braoddrick, Kathleen Willey - who Bill said he didn't rape because her breasts were too small and therefore not his type! Or the dozen or so other credible accusations of sexual assault/rape made against him. 

People holding him up as a hero has always annoyed me. Hes a fucking pig of a human. 

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15 minutes ago, LJS said:

Whatever Zahidf has said, he has not claimed Trump is running a "full-on Nazi regime" 

Here's my question to you: I am sure Trump does not personally endorse any of the unpleasant actions that may have followed his election and I am sure when asked he will condemn them, Do you not accept that, by the nature of his campaign and the statements he has made both in the campaign & previously, he bears at least some responsibility if there proves to have been a rise in intolerance & hate crime in the USA?

Of course he bears some responsibility and he will now have the ultimate responsibility of sorting it out.  I would have preferred a Clinton win, but the American people have voted for change.  I personally think America would be more messed up with president Cruz in charge.

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4 minutes ago, eFestivals said:


And I'm just as confident that for as long as the likes of zahidf is calling everyone a c**t that dares to disagree with him,  

Imaging  insulting people who disagree with you, how deplorable!!

2 minutes ago, eFestivals said:


It's as low as you've ever got. Pathetic, childish, and reveals how empty you are.


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1 minute ago, The Nal said:

No idea, I hope not. And if so, he needs to be strong and come out with a message early about it. Hopefully people will realise not to take the idiotic things he said to get elected seriously. 

We've no idea if Trump grabbed any pussies. Theres been allegations of course. As there were with Clinton. Although Clinton was prosecuted. See Paul Jones. Clinton paid her off (850k :o), was held in contempt of court and he was disbarred from the Arkansas Bar Association. 

Also read about Juanita Braoddrick, Kathleen Willey - who Bill said he didn't rape because her breasts were too small and therefore not his type! Or the dozen or so other credible accusations of sexual assault/rape made against him. 

People holding him up as a hero has always annoyed me. Hes a fucking pig of a human. 

The only corrobating evidence we have for the accusations from women about him grabbing their pussy, is him on tape telling his mate he grabs women's pussys.


You are right. We need more evidence.

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8 minutes ago, LJS said:

Now some of this stuff is not abot what he said during the campaign, but if Hillary is to be judged on her record over 25 years, then why not Trump? Surely you're not giving him a free pass?

People are welcome to judge everything of Trump over 25 years and to do the same to Clinton.

I've been posting to say that to judge all of Trump's voters by just two sentences in a 15 month campaign rather than all of those 25 years is shallow, hollow, and just plain wrong.

FFS. :rolleyes:

There plenty enough repulsive in Trump for me that i couldn't vote for him, but i'm not everyone. I am smart enough to realise that people made their choice on a myriad of reasons, and often in spite of those two sentences and not because of them.

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6 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

I hope (as I would with any other president) that a Trump presidency comes down hard on any hate crimes. 

that's a reasonable hope, but be prepared to be disappointed.

But not particularly because of anything of Trump. It would be very very normal for a republican regime to not prioritise less discriminatory policing. It's what they always do.

Perhaps when the 'Trump = Hitler' nazis grow up a bit, the real targets can be tackled.

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14 minutes ago, zahidf said:

Because no president has ever been accused of not being born in the USA, and people accepted their word and the evidence presented.

It was different with Obama solely because of him being black.

Are you seriously telling me that Birthers were saying it for other reasons??? Come of it. 

Trumps poisionous campaign has being going on for months btw. Your start point of him being elected wont wash

If there was a hint of a possibility that trump wasnt eligible to be president due to his place of birth then people would be going after him in exactly the same way as they did obama. It's not a racism thing, it's a trying to discredit the president thing. 



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2 minutes ago, russycarps said:

If there was a hint of a possibility that trump wasnt eligible to be president due to his place of birth then people would be going after him in exactly the same way as they did obama. It's not a racism thing, it's a trying to discredit the president thing. 



there wasnt a possibility of obama not being born in the USA. He was a US citizen! Birthers said the documentation was fake and he wasnt born in the USA because of him being black 

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1 minute ago, pink_triangle said:

Out of interest Zahidf we all agree that we wish Trump wasnt the president, but what is the solution? Should we take the choice from the people and let the establishment choose on an alternate basis? Is democracy necessarily the best way for choosing who runs a country?

The easy answer is to let the candidate with the most votes win.

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3 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

Out of interest Zahidf we all agree that we wish Trump wasnt the president, but what is the solution? Should we take the choice from the people and let the establishment choose on an alternate basis? Is democracy necessarily the best way for choosing who runs a country?

There is no solution except to try and block his discrimanatory and dangerous policies going through, and to try and prevent the rise of hate crimes caused by his campaign. Impeachment would be great, but unlikely alas.

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