Maybe playing a 2 hour set on prime time TV put him off and he found an excuse? Really can't see BBC demands being a thing as he would have known surely from the start the BBC were broadcasting it and the director would need the set list ahead of time. Very basic ask. Anyway, I was looking forward to it but always something else to do.
not that I give a flying f**k but this makes NY the first headliner to pull out (at least publicly announce they're pulling out) without being announced doesn't it?
I can't think of anyone else....
Read Ian Broudies book - Tomorrows here today - Short book good read very well written I could even here it in scouse in my head. got Tim Burgess next - seem to the time when all the 90s acts write books
It's not that surprising - he returned to Spotify as Joe Rogan's exclusivity deal ended, meaning pretty much every streaming platform has his content.
Had Neil doubled down, his music would only have been available on his own site and, unfortunately due to how the music world works now, he would have faded away to obscurity. It would have been a bad outcome for both Neil and his fans.