Wow... just googled this. The lower 100 miles are now mostly dried up due to hydro-electricity and irrigation canals. How sad... humans really are a plague on this planet. f**k humans.
Back on topic - currently watching Katy Perry - Night of a lifetime. Not my usual Saturday night viewing but it got me thinking, previous progs I've seen like this (A night with Beyonce, Adele - One night only, Ed Sheeran - One night) have all been G headliners. Will Katy P ever make it back?
I wonder how they will fit all those performers over 3 days with a 2am curfew?
The current poster has 62 names. More names will be added (I read that 50 names could be added including local bands). Therefore, the final lineup could have about 105 names. In 2018, they had about 105 names on the final line-up, the festival was 3 days but shows ended at 4 am or 5 am. With the new location, they also reduced the number of stage from 7 in 2023 to 6 in 2024.