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Festival progression


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What's everyone's thoughts on how the festival has grown over the years and how it will continue to grow in years to come ? 

Are you one of the people who longs for it to return to the festival of old when it was smaller and more intimate or do you accept that it will grow yearly to accommodate the demand, i'm sure selling out weeks after the initial announcement will push capacity up again next year. 

Would you sacrifice bigger named bookings to go back to the days of less well known acts ? Or are you happy to pay a bit extra on the ticket price to book the next big things ? 


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5 hours ago, ramragon said:

What's everyone's thoughts on how the festival has grown over the years and how it will continue to grow in years to come ? 

Are you one of the people who longs for it to return to the festival of old when it was smaller and more intimate or do you accept that it will grow yearly to accommodate the demand, i'm sure selling out weeks after the initial announcement will push capacity up again next year. 

Would you sacrifice bigger named bookings to go back to the days of less well known acts ? Or are you happy to pay a bit extra on the ticket price to book the next big things ? 


Ha ! Have you forgotten how disappointed we were by some of the announcements back in 12/13/14 ? All the bands this year that are headlining like manics , stereophonics and even Tinie for the youth  were what we wished for now we've got them some folk are still not happy! More people more money in the kitty better quality of bands it's simple .


as for capacity I think it will peak at 35k the parks massive but I can't get my head round how certain parts would be accessible, it is what it is ! Roll on July .

Edited by LOCHLAND5
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Not for a minute am I saying I'm disappointed at how the festivals progressed over the years, it's been steady and structured and they seem to act on previous mistakes and try to rectify them (I know the traffic issues are still there) but they've rectified problems like the toilet nightmare and layout problems of a few years ago. 

I personally think there's now a happy balance between crowd size, acts and the cost of going although the surcharges are horrendous on ticket prices. I'm sure it will grow again next year and there will be plenty of planning put into it as usual, but for me I think the balance is right just now. 

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I think it's perfect. No queuing for hours to get in, a manageable size site, great people, definitely enough stages now, and a little bit of something for everyone. If they are making more and more off ticket sales it certainly isn't reflected in this years lineup (IMO)!! I'm disappointed. Still mega excited for another top top weekend though !!

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I've only been twice, in 2014 and 2016 but as a Kendalian, ive always followed its growth. I remember thinking its first year in town was ace, its few years at Grate Farm were fab for the town but not my cuppa. Then it moved from Kendal, friends went for a few years and now I sampled it too. Its what it is for me, a great little festival in a fab setting, OK music but not brilliant,  good atmosphere, good crowd,  nothing wrong at all. I dont think I'd want it bigger, I think there's a good mix of acts for all ages. But I don't think I'd want smaller either too.  I won't go every year, but I'm quite happy to dip in and out and I hope it survives.

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I like the fact that although the capacity has risen since we started going it actually doesn't feel more crowded. Only had one below par which was the year they booked Frank Turner (Suede, Example & Razorlight we're all excellent that year in fairness) as a headliner and as such it rained very hard. Calling Out stage is still an issue with regards size and location but elsewhere the improvements have been massively massive. I don't know anyone who misses the Urine Swamp and the toilet situation overall is much improved. Emperors Field not having a caterer who can sort me my double espresso in the morning is a major retrograde step and i sincerely hope the organisers took the time to look themselves in the mirror over that one and think about the ramifications of their decisions. Still think more can be done about the youth pill poppers in the chlamydia camping area and although we saw less bin-kids routing gloveless in the men's urinals last year, I still think there must be a better solution. 


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