Given how closely guarded the secret of a setlist can be, it's still a bit of an odd one.
Maybe it's because there's still a bunch of credible contenders who could take top spot on Saturday night, but the more I think about it, the more the only party with egg on their face appears to be Young.
Maybe playing a 2 hour set on prime time TV put him off and he found an excuse? Really can't see BBC demands being a thing as he would have known surely from the start the BBC were broadcasting it and the director would need the set list ahead of time. Very basic ask. Anyway, I was looking forward to it but always something else to do.
not that I give a flying f**k but this makes NY the first headliner to pull out (at least publicly announce they're pulling out) without being announced doesn't it?
I can't think of anyone else....
Read Ian Broudies book - Tomorrows here today - Short book good read very well written I could even here it in scouse in my head. got Tim Burgess next - seem to the time when all the 90s acts write books