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Iceland Airwaves 2018


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Iceland Airwaves 2018

07.-10.11.2018 Reykjavik


Lineup: http://icelandairwaves.is/line-up/

After financial losses in the past the festival was taken over by a new owner. The official program is now one day shorter than in previous years, but with all the offvenue program that most probably will happen you might not even feel it. This year will be the 20th anniversary and initially there was a big anniversary event announced. If it will still happen after the new owner took over isn't certain, but probable.

Confirmed so far:

Fever Ray (SE), Rejjie Snow (IE), Superorganism (UK), Cashmere Cat (NO), Tommy Cash (EE), Mammút, Júníus Meyvant, Vök, Agent Fresco, Alma (FI), Amabadama, Auður, Av Av Av (DK), Axel Flovent, Bedouine (US), Between Mountains, Blood Orange (US), Bríet, Ceasetone, Cyber, Descartes A Kant, Floni, Fontaines D.C. (IE), Gaffa Tape Sandy, Girl Ray (UK), Girlhood (UK), GKR, Hak Baker (UK), Hatari, Hildur, Himbrimi, Hórmónar, Hugar, Husky Loops (UK), Jade Bird (UK), Jarami (SE), JMSN (US), Jockstrap (UK), Jóipé X Króli, Kiriyama Family, Logi Pedro, Máni Orrason, Mavi Phoenix (AT), Naaz (NL), Pink Street Boys, Polo & Pan (FR), Rhymatik, Sassy 009 (NO), Scarlet Pleasure (DK), Smerz (NO), Snail Mail (US), Snorri Helgason, Soccer Mommy (US), Sorry (UK), Stereo Honey (UK), Sycamore Tree, Sykur, Teitur Magnússon, The Orielles (UK), The Voidz (US), Trupa Trupa (PL), Úlfur Úlfur, Una Stef, Unnsteinn, Valdimar, Warmland, Wwwater (BE), Ylja, Young Karin.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Next confirmations:

AFK, Andartak, Ateria, Beebee And The Bluebirds, Berndsen, Birgir,Birnir, Crumb (US), Danny & The Veetos (FO), Dadi Freyr, Einarindra, Eivor (FO), Emmsje Gauti, Future Figment, Glerakur, Hinemoa, Högni, Injury Reserve (US), Jimothy Lacoste (UK), Joey Christ, Karitas, Kat Frankie (AU/DE), Kef Lavík, Kött Grá Pje, Ljósfari, Mari Kalkun (EE), Mighty Bear, Mórókóar, Mr. Silla, Mueveloreina (ES), Munstur, Nadine Shah (UK), Nanook (GL), Natalie Prass (US), Off Bloom (UK/DK), Ólafur Arnalds, Philip Emilio, Ring Of Gyges, Rizan Said (SY), Shakes, Sóley, Stella Donnelly (AU), Sturla Atlas, Sura, Surma (PT), Svala, Tamino (BE/EG), Tawiah, Tierra Whack, Tuvaband (NO), Var, Vaz (SE), Vio.
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  • 4 months later...

More or less final line-up for the official programm (there will be LOTS of additional off-venue concerts - I count 68 stages at last year's edition):

6AM Rave (Yoga Moves)

Abbacook (EC), AFK, Agent Fresco, Allenheimer, Alma (FI), Alva Islandia, Amabadama, Andartak, Ari Árelíus, Arnar Úlfur, Árni Vil, Árni², Árny, Árstídir, asdfhg, Ásgeir, Ateria, Austurvígstödvarnar, Auður, Aurora (NO), Av Av Av (DK), Axel Flovent, aYia

B1B2, Bagdad Brothers, Bára Gísladóttir, Barry Paquin Roberge (CA), Bedouine (US), Beebee And The Bluebirds, Benin City (UK), Berghaim, Berndsen, Bervit (DJ Set), Between Mountains, Birgir, Birnir, Bistro Boy, Black Midi (UK), Blanche (BE), Bláskjár, Blood Orange (UK), Bodypaint, Boniface (CA), Bríet

Cashmere Cat (NO), Ceasetone, Cell7, Charles Watson (UK), ClubDub, Cola Boyy (US), Countess Malaise, Crumb (US), Cyber

Dadykewl, Danny & The Veetos (FO), Daði Freyr, Descartes A Kant (MX), DJ Snorri Ástráds, DJ. Flugvél & Geimskip, DR. Spock

Einarindra, Eivor (FO), Elín Harpa, Elli Grill, Emmsje Gauti, Epic Rain, Eydís Evensen

Febrúar, Fever Dream, Fieh (NO), Flaminggods (UK), Floni, Fontaines D.C. (IE), Fufanu, Future Figment, Futuregrapher

Gaffa Tape Sandy (UK), Geisha Cartel, Girl Ray (UK), Girlhood (UK), GDRN, GKR, Glerakur, Godchilla, Grísalappalísa, GRÓA, Grúska Babúska, Gunnar Jónsson Collider

Haiku Hands (AU), Hak Baker (UK), Hatari, Hayley Kiyoko (US), Heidrik (FO), Helgi, Helgi Sämundur, Herra Hnetusmjör, Hilang Child (UK), Hildur, Hildur Vala, Himbrimi, Hinemoa, Högni, Holy Nothing (PT), Hórmónar, Horrible Youth, Hugar, Huginn, Husky Loops (UK)

Ingibjörg Turchi, Injury Reserve (US)

Jade Bird (UK), James Vickery (UK), Jarami (SE), JFDR, Jimothy Lacoste (UK), JMSN (US), Jockstrap (UK), Joey Christ, Jóipé X Króli, Jökull Logi, Julian Civilian, Júníus Meyvant

Kajak, Karitas, Kat Frankie (AU/DE), Kef Lavík, Kiriyama Family, Kjartan Holm, KLAKI, Korter í flog, Kött Grá Pje, KRÍA, KUL

LaFontaine, Lára Rúnars, Lisa Morgenstern (DE), Ljósfari, Logi Pedro, Lord Pusswhip, Lyon (FO)

Madonna + Child, Mammút, Máni Orrason, Mari Kalkun (EE), Mavi Phoenix (AT), Mighty Bear, Milkywhale, Mókrókar, Moonbear, Mormor (CA), Moses Hightower, Mosi, Mr. Silla, Mueveloreina (ES), Munstur

Naaz (NL), Nadine Shah (UK), Nanook (GL), Natalie Prass (US), NOT3S (UK)

Off Bloom (UK/DK), Ólafur Arnalds

Philip Emilio (NO), Pink Street Boys, Plási (SE), Polo & Pan (FR), Pom Poko (NO)

Ragga Holm, Rejjie Snow (IE), Reykjavíkurdaetur, Ring Of Gyges, Rizan Said (SY), Rock Paper Sisters, Rhymatik

Sassy 009 (NO), Scarlet Pleasure (DK), Shakes, SiGRÚN, Simon Raymonde DJ (UK), Smerz (NO), Snail Mail (US), Snorri Helgason, Soccer Mommy (US), Sóley, Sólstafir, Sorry (UK), Special-K, Sprite Zero Klan, Stafraenn Hákon, Stella Donnelly (AU), Stephen Bass DJ (UK), Stereo Honey (UK), Sturla Atlas, Sunna, Superorganism (UK), Sura, Surf Dads (US), Surma (PT), Svala, Sycamore Tree, Sykur, Sylvia Erla

Tamino (BE/EG), Tara Mobee, Tawiah (UK), Team Dreams: Sing Fang, Sóley & Örvar Smárason, Teitur Magnússon, The Anatomy Of Frank (US), The Orielles (UK), The Rhythm Method (UK), The Voidz (US), Tierra Whack (US), Tófa, Tómas Jónsson, Tommy Cash (EE), Total Hip Replacement (DK), TRYPTYCH, Trupa Trupa (PL), Tuvaband (NO), Two Toucans

Úlfur Úlfur, Una Stef, Une Misére, Unnsteinn

Vaginaboys, Valdimar, Var, VASI, Vaz (SE), Vicky, Vio, Vök

Warmland, Wwwater (BE)

Yeo (AU), Ylja, Young Karin, Yung Nigo Drippin

Zaar (DK)

Σstlla (GR)

Edited by mellowmaniac
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  • 4 weeks later...
12 hours ago, Gilgamesh69 said:

I'm going with a friend! I know hardly any of the acts playing so I have no idea who to see, but will probably just get really drunk and wing it. Recommendations welcome though

Anyone fancy meeting for a sesh though? Gonna go wild


My friend is the drummer of Rock Paper Sisters, you'll have to check them out ;)


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On 10/27/2018 at 10:36 PM, Gilgamesh69 said:

I'm going with a friend! I know hardly any of the acts playing so I have no idea who to see, but will probably just get really drunk and wing it. Recommendations welcome though

Anyone fancy meeting for a sesh though? Gonna go wild


With so many artists it's difficult to give recommendations. Just a few acts from Iceland which are very popular or favorites of mine:

Agent Fresco, Fufanu, Glerakur, Godchilla, Hatari, Högni, Hugar, JFDR, Junius Meyvant, Kjartan Holm, Mammut, Moses Hightower, Olafur Arnalds, Reykjavikurdaetur, Soley, Solstafir, Tófa,...

Rap, Hip Hop, Trap, etc. is very big in Iceland right now and if you are into this kind of music you'll find plenty talented artists.

A lot of very popular Icelandic bands will not perform this year, which is a bit sad, because a lot of them are regulars and fan favorites (like FM Belfast, Gus Gus, Kiasmos,)

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