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R+L Headliner Bracket Game

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Seeing as we've finished the other bracket game and it was a success, I have managed a way to do another one. So this is the R+L headliner bracket tournament (Leeds started in 1999 so headliners since then, not including this year). Had to include a preliminary round thing to awkwardly fit them in but it should work.

The game is not "who put on the best headline set?" because nobody has seen all of them. It's just "who is the best act to have headlined so far in that time?".


Voting windows are midnight to midnight and there are two ties to vote on per day until we reach the quarter finals.

However, the qualifying round has an odd number of ties and today isn't a full day so vote on the first three ties until the end of tomorrow (00:00 Saturday). Those ties are:

  • The Prodigy vs. Queens of the Stone Age
  • The Killers vs. Arctic Monkeys
  • Mumford & Sons vs. Paramore

Same tie-break rules as last time; it's all on the first person who hasn't yet cast their vote to come along and cast their vote to decide. Also no new accounts signing up just to vote cos that's weird - at least throw a comment in another thread or something to make it less obvious.

Finally if the qualifying round thing is confusing anyone, just know that:

  • Saturday will be Smashing Pumpkins vs. The Charlatans / Biffy Clyro vs. The Strokes.
  • Sunday will be Muse vs. The White Stripes / Razorlight vs. Franz Ferdinand
  • Monday will be Pixies vs. The Libertines / Pearl Jam vs. Fall Out Boy
  • Tuesday will be Disclosure vs. Foals / Foo Fighters vs. Iron Maiden
  • Wednesday the first round proper will start and you'll vote on the first two ties in that round.

Have fun. Let me know if you need anything explaining.

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Reminder that this voting window stays open until midnight. The extension appears to be completely unnecessary now most people that will be involved have voted but I was only expecting about three responses in the four hours left of yesterday when I posted lmao. So aye, carry on.

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    • Thanks for the tips. I don't 'intend' to start spending significant money on it, I haven't got it to spend. I grew up with reasonably good quality (for a teen / young adult) Technics separates and nice speakers in my bedroom, and used to spend a good chunk of my day just listening to music. Then things went digital, with bluetooth, smart speakers, streaming etc and somewhere, a bit of the magic was lost without me realising. That setup served me for a long time, until it became outdated by streaming and digital. (Plus some of the sliders got to the point that they constantly needed servicing. Older and wiser now, so in hindsight, WD40, whilst fixing the problem in the short term, was probably making it worse in the long run. 🙈)  I don't need anything fancy, just something that can give me a nice full sound, to enjoy by myself. Being a product of the 90s myself, I particularly value a good low end range and response, (without that it's just drum and... 🤣) I don't get on with headphones, to put it bluntly, I have a massive head. When I do use headphones, they're in ear, so not the best. You're probably right in that I just haven't looked hard enough for a comfortable pair of on-heads though.  This setup will be just for me, mostly for listening to music, but also watching movies in the office (a VERY small space.) I have minimum 6 inch thick concrete walls all around though, so can enjoy a bit of volume if I fancy it, without upsetting anybody else in the building. And the building is detached too.  At some point the OH wants to upgrade the sound in the living room too, but I think we'll just stick to what we know in there, as it will be mostly for movies with the odd bit of music. So will most likely swap the old, cheap 5.1 system for a Dolby Atmos 7.1 system. I've had the opportunity to listen to one of the Ultimea sets from Amazon in action, and was blown away by how much better it is than my old Sony set (although that is around 20 years old, and was also bottom of the range at the time.) It's only £300 too, when it's on offer, which is quite often. It wipes the floor with any sound bar I've ever heard, and is half the price, or less, than some of them.  Anyway, I'm rambling now. Do you remember this set? It's the same as the one I had. I reckon most people will know somebody that had the same one, if they didn't have it themselves. I loved this thing. I threw various different speaker sets at it throughout it's life, from normal 'bookshelf' style speakers, to massive PA speakers, and it never struggled to drive them.   
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    • One line up on Stereophonics
    • Please don't go too far down this rabbit hole 😁   The "audiophile" space is full of snake oil and overpriced gear.   Now there's certainly gear that's better. A £1000 pair of speakers is probably gonna be better than a £100 pair. Something like lifting your £1000 gold cables off the ground (probably using similarly ridiculously priced custom "cable lifters") won't. Not in a way you could reliably hear the difference with a blind test anyway. After spending such funny money you will undoubtedly claim it mellows and opens the high end and the bass is less muddy 😁   What no-one will tell you though is that you can't have gear as good as your room can sound sh*tty. So before spending any substantial amount of money you should really look into the acoustics of the room, the listening position and positioning of the speakers. Improving that will cost you at least space/practicality, if not a lot of money.   You seem to have gone the reasonable way anyway. I can't comment on the specific gear you mentioned as I have no experience with it. I can offer you some pointers though.   What the optimal setup is will greatly depend on what you actually want. Is it you listening to music by yourself, is it good sound for a party, is it cinematic sound, games, etc. Probably a bit of everything, which will complicate things a little 😁   Since we're talking streaming, we're in the world of digital audio, meaning the music is just sets of ones and zeroes. No piece of gear can transfer those sets in a more musical manner, no matter how many adverts or reviews claim so. It either does or it doesn't. Not all gear supports high bitrates/sample rates and not all gear is compatible software-wise (using different audio protocols), which will result in lower quality audio being played. So as long as all your gear "gets along" (and you have high definition audio to begin with), you're golden with any gear that fits your needs connectivity-wise.   Analog side of things is similar in that your gear has to "get along". We're just not talking about protocols and bit rates, but rather about having the right type of signals going into the right inputs and having enough power to drive the gear. Won't go further than that as this post is already much longer than anticipated. Talking about rabbit holes 😂   Last thing, if you want a great sounding setup for you to listen music to - at a reasonable price - buy a pair of high end headphones (and an amp to drive them). Go somewhere you can try them first and make sure you choose comfortable ones.  
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