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Secret Sets: How to get instant notifications?


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Hi All, 

TL;DR Does anyone have any tips on how to set up social media, IFTTT etc notifications to ensure the highest chances of being notified asap when a secret gig is happening. (Without having to scroll twitter all day every day).

I got lucky when Kaiser Chiefs played their secret set as we heard someone shout about it and everyone started running, got there just as it started! If I'd been anywhere else I'd have missed it and as Bring Me the Horizon have been rumored I wanna be on it this year!

P.S. I'll most likely end up setting up some twitter search notifications or something and will retweet asap when I confirm a secret gig, so feel free to follow me @lellis2k and set up notifications for a few days if you want to be notified without setting up all the rules etc that I'm gonna do.

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Awesome, I've not been since '14, good to see they've modernised the process, though I guess that means there'll be a lot more people at them than ever before. Looks like BMTH is pretty much confirmed with date, time and stage too so will be a packed stage!

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