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Am I alone in hating Christmas?


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Christmas is one of the times when I live up to my Grumpy name.  It really brings out the Bah Humbug in me as we spend money many can't really afford on gifts people don't really want and adorn our homes with cheap plastic tat made in China. Cards are sent to and received from people we barely remember saying 'must meet up again next year' even though there's no intention of doing so.

We over indulge, over eat and drink and then need a holiday to get over it.

Roll on the New Year

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Not at all. I am not religious. I don't want to take part in it. I don't celebrate Eid, Hanukkah or Diwali as I don't believe in those either. So I don't want to celebrate this either. Society wont allow me to. My parents are catholics and I do wish them merry Christmas and get them something. Others don't get that - unless they are religious.

I specifically ask for nothing as I feel incredibly fake by accepting something for an event I don't believed happened. People do not respect my wishes though. I am seen as a Grinch... but my argument is "get me something for eid then". Society forces it upon me and it starts to depress me.

I would rather wake up on December 26th to be honest

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I like Christmas. Apart from my wife (who I have indeed spent a fair bit on) the other presents that I'm giving are pieces of art work that I have made at various points throughout the year. I've made these by using scrap materials etc, so each present has reasonably good green credentials. 

As for eating and drinking too much, I already do that throughout the year, so there's not much change there.

I don't send Christmas cards.

We have a few guests staying for Christmas, who would otherwise be on their own. So, it'll be nice for them to have company.

I don't go to church, even though i was raised a Roman Catholic.

I do ask that people don't get me presents though. I really don't need anything, and if truth be known, need to get rid of a lot of the stuff that I do have. 

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27 minutes ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

I do ask that people don't get me presents though. I really don't need anything, and if truth be known, need to get rid of a lot of the stuff that I do have. 

That's one of my things.  I've got all that I need.  If I haven't got it, it's because I either don't want it or can't afford it, which means that it will also be out of reach of anyone giving me a present.

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ive spent 23 working in Retail so that's killed the interest for me ... maybe if I had kids it might be more fun .... ive told my parents to go and spend it with my sister and her family ... it really isn't for me either ... but think my niece will enjoy it more with her grandparents there , I  had the choice to go with them but would rather just chill and have a quiet drink on my own 

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Wouldn't say I hate it but equally I don't particularly celebrate it. I'm not a person of faith so whilst I respect the people that are, it's just a bank holiday to me. I suppose I see it more as a focal point for families and friends to get together and wish each other well, etc rather than anything religious.

I have a lot of time for people who do have strong religious beliefs and celebrate them; I might think it's all madness but equally I know a couple of my friends will be off to midnight mass tonight. When I was in my 20's, I was dating a vicar's daughter for a short while and that coincided with Christmas so I went to a midnight mass to see what it was about; as an 'event', I can see why people like it and in terms of feeling warmth and togetherness, it was quite special (as an outsider). But if I hadn't been dating her, I'd have been down the pub with my mates at midnight drunkenly going 'dubba dubba dub' to Jona Lewie and having a much better time.

I always find the people who say 'ohh, it's lost it's true meaning' the weirdest. Because generally they've not been in a church since they were baptised or married and I think 'well yeah. If you believe in it and feel it's lost it's true meaning then it's because of people like you, who pay lip service to religious beliefs'

Like @FuzzyDunlop, I don't ask for anything for christmas and when pushed have asked people to make a donation to a welfare charity in my name. I find present giving a bit odd as an adult; if I want something, I can buy it. I suppose the exception is when someone has taken the time to make something for you or as in my brothers case, has elaborately wrapped a packet of McVities Rich Tea for the last 20 years.

Christmas Day has always been something to just 'get through', generally with several cans of lager and a selection of films.

If I had one wish for Christmas, it would be a ban on glitter on christmas cards so they can be recycled.

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On 12/21/2018 at 8:50 PM, grumpyhack said:

That's one of my things.  I've got all that I need.  If I haven't got it, it's because I either don't want it or can't afford it, which means that it will also be out of reach of anyone giving me a present.

Been in that situation for years now.  My response to "what do you want for Xmas" is "I don't really want anything" but there's an insistence on buying me things, I get it but then I don't! A nice dinner, a tipple or 2  is fine by me, oh and maybe a new pair of pants or socks. I do like the feeling of wearing something new on the day :) 

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2 hours ago, whisty said:

Been in that situation for years now.  My response to "what do you want for Xmas" is "I don't really want anything" but there's an insistence on buying me things, I get it but then I don't! A nice dinner, a tipple or 2  is fine by me, oh and maybe a new pair of pants or socks. I do like the feeling of wearing something new on the day :) 

It's a kindness to them though. Takes that guilt trip away. I always suggest something home made or low cost that I actually need/was due to buy.

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