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Glasto Vlogs


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I've always appreciated this video blog, mainly because it isn't the kind of try-hard, editing every 2 seconds nonsense you get from vloggers seeking some kind of viral fame. It's just a Scotsman and his mate travelling to Glastonbury in 2013. Also because Billy doesn't try to cram in all the highlights of Glastonbury, and manages to capture a sense of what it's like to plan, travel and be there. All very human.

Note: this is a playlist, so if it doesn't move onto the next video in the sequence, open in YouTube and navigate through. The action begins after the intro video.


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1 hour ago, kaytee... said:

I think I've gone through so many Glasto videosI've probs seen them all but this fella seems sound


Yeah, he has a few across a couple of years. His and Barbster360's are my favourites as they're pretty realistic and they seem to appreciate being there every time too!

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18 hours ago, kalifire said:

I've always appreciated this video blog, mainly because it isn't the kind of try-hard, editing every 2 seconds nonsense you get from vloggers seeking some kind of viral fame. It's just a Scotsman and his mate travelling to Glastonbury in 2013. Also because Billy doesn't try to cram in all the highlights of Glastonbury, and manages to capture a sense of what it's like to plan, travel and be there. All very human.

Note: this is a playlist, so if it doesn't move onto the next video in the sequence, open in YouTube and navigate through. The action begins after the intro video.


This. Is the one I like the most!

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I started following Billy (the Scottish fella) on twitter, he’s really unsurprisingly friendly and engaging - the kind of person you’d be quite happy to find yourself camping next to. Good vids too - the right balance between a bit of music, a bit of weirdness and lots about the actual experience instead of tat about phone charge tents, watching football, a daily run through of glitter regimes and posh wellies, and staring at the camera mouthing lyrics ‘really feeling it, maaannn’ ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I took a camera in 2011 with a view to creating a montage of bursts of pics as I had seen some pretty cool stuff like that from a local club. I was annoying myself as well as probably everyone in our group constantly pulling out the camera throughout the week. Our house was broken into the week after we got back and they took the camera so I decided to never ever do such a thing again. Lots of the VLOGs seem very tame from what I have seen. 

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  • 3 months later...
4 hours ago, crazyfool1 said:

just got caught up watching a few hours of vlogs ... great while its chucking it down outside .... anyway time to post some from 2019 and bonus spotter points for familiar faces :) 

I haven't been able to watch any 2019 vlogs due to my disappointment/frustration of being so late on site. I'll start on them soon as ticket day looms! 

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45 minutes ago, vintagelaureate said:

I haven't been able to watch any 2019 vlogs due to my disappointment/frustration of being so late on site. I'll start on them soon as ticket day looms! 

Understandable :( there seem to be quite a few this time seems to have grown in popularity 

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...
7 hours ago, crazyfool1 said:

cheers quite enjoyed this one :) 

I thought I'd seen all of the main ones for this year. Then I noticed this. I like the fact that it's got the artists perspective; the camping area; the green room; the food area and so on.

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