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Corona Virus - Should we be worried?


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As I've said before.  Ugly behaviour.  This kind of thing is really not very British now, is it?  We're all in this together, treat everyone with a bit of consideration as you never know how much pressure they are under themselves and we'll get through it in a few months and probably feel a little bit closer as a nation if we do so.  Act selfish, out for yourself, treating others badly and you're only making the world a bit shittier.  Be excellent to one another, as Mr Preston Esquire would say.

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9 minutes ago, Spindles said:

As I've said before.  Ugly behaviour.  This kind of thing is really not very British now, is it?  We're all in this together, treat everyone with a bit of consideration as you never know how much pressure they are under themselves and we'll get through it in a few months and probably feel a little bit closer as a nation if we do so.  Act selfish, out for yourself, treating others badly and you're only making the world a bit shittier.  Be excellent to one another, as Mr Preston Esquire would say.

Sadly I'd say it's very British. It's just not the idealised British that a lot of people would seem to like to think we are. People like Karen.

Don't be like Karen.

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The only real worry here in regards to Glastonbury is the government. As someone said earlier, I fear they will take measures like force events to be cancelled because they are afraid to look like they aren’t doing anything.


Rest assures anything they do won’t effect them and their friends!

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1 hour ago, Dave85radiohead said:

Is it wrong to hope that people stressing about coronavirus might result in lots of extra resale tickets?

Post that on the resale thread you might get a good a one sided response :) however I’ve not seen one person say they will give up tickets yet ... off to Fb group to see :)?

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3 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

Just out of interest has anyone seen people wearing face masks yet ? I’m sure they will become more common place and maybe more common in cities at the moment ... but I saw my first one today 

It’s a common site around Leeds as it’s an ingrained part of Asian culture not to spread a virus they have themselves. 

I haven’t seen any westerners take up the habit yet. 

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2 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

Just out of interest has anyone seen people wearing face masks yet ? I’m sure they will become more common place and maybe more common in cities at the moment ... but I saw my first one today 

Yes a few in Dublin town, by people if I had to assume to be of non-Irish descent, Asian/Tanned skin more so than caucasian, was a couple in Dublin airport on the weekend but London Luton on the way back on Monday was a lot, lot more... think that's just the Irish mentality tho of 'feck it, be grand'

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2 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

It’s a common site around Leeds as it’s an ingrained part of Asian culture not to spread a virus they have themselves. 

I haven’t seen any westerners take up the habit yet. 

Go to a convent, there are a few that have taken up a similar but slightly different habit there.

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7 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

Just out of interest has anyone seen people wearing face masks yet ? I’m sure they will become more common place and maybe more common in cities at the moment ... but I saw my first one today 

I've seen hundreds, but live in London so not very controversial/extraordinary.

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Medical experts warn that Tories still pose a greater threat to wellbeing than the Coronavirus

March 3, 2020 Popular Right Now, UK PoliticsPete Redfern
Virus that mostly kills poor people and isn't an STD dismissed as complete non-issue by Boris

Widespread transmission of coronavirus in the UK is now “highly likely”, Public Health England (PHE) has said.

But is still not likely to be as bad for the general wellbeing of society in the long term as the widespread of Tory voters across the land, and the resulting austerity, cuts to public services and withdrawal of benefits.

Following the meeting of Cobra yesterday, a senior Medical Director said the country must prepare itself.

“This is a serious threat to everyone in this land” he told reporters, “and the damage that has been done and can still be inflicted on the country could be monumental. But enough about the Tories.

“Coronavirus is pretty bad, too, so keep an eye out for that as well.”


The Prime Minister was at a meeting of the emergency Cobra committee to finalise government plans, after the number of UK cases jumped to 36.

Which is 119,964 fewer in number than the estimated number of deaths caused by austerity under the Conservative Party.

Meanwhile, the EU has raised the Coronavirus risk in member states to “moderate to high”.

Presumably because those countries tend to be led by good governments who have a vested interest in the wellbeing of their populace, so having a virus spreading around the country would be a major cause for concern. But in the UK, a few deaths here and there are nothing compared to government hellbent on increasing austerity led by Boris Johnson.

The threat to life is now out of control and multiplying at an alarming rate.

But enough about Boris Johnson.



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1 minute ago, hodgey123 said:

I've seen hundreds, but live in London so not very controversial/extraordinary.

should have said what are you doing here? not in a racist way

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