Thanks Beerqueen. That really is excellent information. I say that because I have since found out that various strands of friends have already committed themselves to certain festivals next year already. This is also now affecting the timing of any such event, However, the timing of Farmer Phil's might make it a suitable option for some - although those already booked for Latitude might find it a struggle after Glastonbury, Latitude, and The end of the Road festival ahead of them too. It is all very fluid at the moment.
I agree. I think so many of the "moments" / guest appearances in recent years have been for the benefit of the BBC audience rather than those in attendance. It's getting a bit silly - when those watching at home will judge a headliner to be poor just because they didn't have some random guest they could watch on their phones.
I've been going to Glasto for decades.
The fact that Glasto headliners are now beholden on who the BBC dictate will improve their viewing figures is a issue.
I am 100% for progression and new acts being giving the bump up. But the BBC - the mouth piece of Farage, Brexit and colonialist propaganda - should have no place influencing the line up whatsoever if the festival still espouses the ethos it claims to maintain.
They've sold out. Anyone that's been going for long enough can see this. This latest news is just another demonstration.
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