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Rufus Gwertigan

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I'd hate to see what the evaluation is of the messed up dreams I had when I was 16-20. There were some thoroughly bizarre ones there.

Most recent was losing my passport in JFK Airport while flying home from a holiday in New York, but I can't quite recall if they let me on the plane or told me I had to live in the airport like Tom Hanks in The Terminal. But that's not quite the scale of some utter lunatic dreams like one I've previously had, or indeed, the one on post one.

Edited by charlierc
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I used to have a couple of recurring anxiety dreams. One is where I have to sit exams, and they usually involve me being absent from class, or missing the exams, or getting lost, etc.

The other is I've forgotten I'm supposed to be looking after something, kittens, sometimes a baby. And I suddenly remember I've forgotten them for days, moved house without them, etc. I always find them alive, but it's a horrible feeling of guilt.

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5 hours ago, Yoghurt on a Stick said:

I've got this living nightmare. It's where I'm just existing on planet earth as best I can, and then this fucking bastard virus called Covid - 19 comes along and tries to kill me. 

I've had a strange envy this week for people who live in parallel universes that may not exist but where this thing didn't happen and things proceeded as their usual self. And I didn't even enjoy 2019 that much, so it must be shite if I'm in that frame of mind.

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2 hours ago, charlierc said:

I've had a strange envy this week for people who live in parallel universes that may not exist but where this thing didn't happen and things proceeded as their usual self. And I didn't even enjoy 2019 that much, so it must be shite if I'm in that frame of mind.

It's easy to nip in and out of a parallel universe. All you need to do is find the portholes.

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