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U.S. Presidential Election


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They’re keeping the muted mic thing from the last debate right? So no chance for Trump to shout over Kamala like he will undoubtedly be dying to do, which is actually a win for him as it smothers his instinct to go nuts and make a tit of himself. 

Yeah I agree that there will probably be no definitive winner here. Kamala will most likely come off as the most sane one in the room but Trump will just do his usual word salad replies and everybody will act like that was totally fine because it’s just what people expect from him now. 

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23 minutes ago, FloopFiller said:

They’re keeping the muted mic thing from the last debate right? So no chance for Trump to shout over Kamala like he will undoubtedly be dying to do, which is actually a win for him as it smothers his instinct to go nuts and make a tit of himself. 

Yeah I agree that there will probably be no definitive winner here. Kamala will most likely come off as the most sane one in the room but Trump will just do his usual word salad replies and everybody will act like that was totally fine because it’s just what people expect from him now. 

I didn't realise they would mute the microphones. I'm not sure that's a good thing as like you say it will stop him interrupting so much unless he just shouts over her anyway.

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3 hours ago, MilkyJoe said:

I start usually start work at 2:30-3am UK time so I may get up a little earlier and put it on in the background. Will certainly be worth watching if I can get out of bed.

Quite the wake up call indeed.


I saw you declare that there's a reason with working on Middle Eastern time, similar to how I hear people who work in F1 but are based in the UK have to be up at crazy times to work on races in Japan, Australia, etc

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19 hours ago, LJS said:

looks like Nate is (almost) on his own



Well I've been saying for a little while since the first of these polls appeared that there'd yet to truly feel like a moment had decisively tilted this race in either candidate's favour, let alone in Trump's by that much. I don't think Trump's run a great campaign - his 2016 and 2020 ones arguably had more to them and his new running mate Vance seems to be a humiliation in waiting.

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34 minutes ago, charlierc said:

Well I've been saying for a little while since the first of these polls appeared that there'd yet to truly feel like a moment had decisively tilted this race in either candidate's favour, let alone in Trump's by that much. I don't think Trump's run a great campaign - his 2016 and 2020 ones arguably had more to them and his new running mate Vance seems to be a humiliation in waiting.

They aren't polls, they are forecasts.

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Well I've been watching for about 10 minutes now and so far Trump has said that Democrats are aborting babies after birth and millions of illegals are coming into the country and eating people's pets.


You read that right, "eating people's cats and dogs"




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A few more of Trump's claims.


On Solar Power - They need a whole desert for some energy to come out. 

She wants to to do trans operations on illegal aliens in prison.

Still claims he won the last election.

Kamala pretty much started the war in Ukraine.

She hates the Arab population because the whole place is getting blown up.

Elections are bad mmmkay

I showed Abdul the head of the Taliban a picture of his house and the attacks reduced.

They want to take away everybody's guns


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The debate has just finished and I think the Democrats will be fairly happy with Kamala's performance here. There is obviously going to be a lot of claims on social media from Trump's supporters that Harris was given the questions because she seemed more prepared. To be honest it was difficult for the moderators to get either of them to debate actual policy in line with the questions. After a question on Climate Change for example neither candidate actually answered the question and instead went on a bit of a rant about American manufacturing. I think the moderators were fair though and didn't come across as overly biased although they did seem to push back against a few of trumps claims. They did their best.


I won't say that Kamala was flawless but she definitely got under his skin and came out on top, that was very clear, Trump was always the second to answer after each question and he continuously interrupted the moderator and started rambling frequently. Trump seemed a little unclear on who he was actually fighting against at times and repeatedly started talking about Biden.


One of the best moments of the debate was when Kamala told him, "You're not running against Biden, you're running against me"


Great stuff.😄

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Yeah it was a great performance from Kamala, and a deranged one for Trump.


He spoke a lot more than she did, because he kept getting triggered by her answers and couldn't let a single moment go without having to have the last word. Why they turned his mic back on and allowed him to do so, I don't know. But I don't think it bothered her because every time he opened his mouth, he assisted her.


I don't think they'll be another debate. I think that's it, this time around.

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28 minutes ago, kalifire said:

The Taylor Swift endorsement has landed.



Was honestly starting to think this wasn’t gonna come this year. It kind of benefited her in 2020 as she was on a bit of a downswing career wise whereas she’s now the biggest artist in the world so might not have wanted to alienate some of her fans, but good for her - it would’ve been pretty cowardly if she didn’t do this after making such a thing over being on the right side of history four years ago. This is big stuff for Kamala.

Also, not seen too much of the debate yet, but this is just golden - she knew he just wouldn’t be able to resist talking about crowd sizes:


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1 hour ago, kalifire said:

Yeah it was a great performance from Kamala, and a deranged one for Trump.


He spoke a lot more than she did, because he kept getting triggered by her answers and couldn't let a single moment go without having to have the last word. Why they turned his mic back on and allowed him to do so, I don't know. But I don't think it bothered her because every time he opened his mouth, he assisted her.


I don't think they'll be another debate. I think that's it, this time around.

I think turning his mic back on was a clever move from the moderators. They knew the more he ranted the less coherent he would become.


Also very clever stuff from the Harris team, one of their biggest strengths going into tonight was always going to be to let Trump rant so he comes across as unhinged and she knew exactly what she was doing with the goading comments. It was genius mentioning his crowd sizes because his ego was never going to let him pass that one up. She also repeatedly mentioned "the late great John McCain" too at one point, purely to wind him up.😆




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56 minutes ago, kalifire said:

The Taylor Swift endorsement has landed.



Yep, felt like this was always coming and I feel that the timing of it was meticulously planned and probably written ready to post way before the debate finished. Love the sign off.👏

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39 minutes ago, MilkyJoe said:

Yep, felt like this was always coming and I feel that the timing of it was meticulously planned and probably written ready to post way before the debate finished. Love the sign off.👏


Absolutely, it would have been orchestrated well in advance, maybe with the campaign itself, although Walz did seem genuinely surprised when he learned of it mid-interview on MSNBC.


That, and Kamala's debate performance, means this is a very good day for the demonrats.

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1 minute ago, kalifire said:

That, and Kamala's debate performance, means this is a very good day for the demonrats.

Agreed. It will be interesting to see what they do with this now. They have repeatedly stated that they want a second debate and after tonight performance it's difficult to see them backing down from that.


Do they let it be now and push the offensive based on tonight as the GOP did after the last one or do they try and repeat it in a second debate? The main danger of agreeing to a second one in my opinion is that it would almost certainly be held by Fox and I imagine it would be a more difficult setting for her. If it didn't go as well the voters would only remember the more recent performance.

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I don’t think even a Fox debate could save Trump from himself these days. He’s a complete shadow of the guy he was in 2016 and is so easily baited now and susceptible to repeating misinformation which they’re now fact checking him on that he just comes across as a dithering old fool constantly. Biden absolutely shitting the bed a few months ago has given Trump/his base a false sense that he’s a good debater, but he’s totally lost whatever it was he once had and Kamala/her team know exactly how to poke him to get him off script. Another debate, regardless of where it’s held, could well be the final death blow.

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so I went for a wee at some god awful hour and checked my phone and saw some comments about the debate and also the Taylor Swift endorsement and went back to bed with a big smile on my face and thought I wouldn't get back to sleep but I did.


Does this mean it's all over? Can I stop worrying about various polls and forecasts?

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19 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Thing with Trump is he has always said silly weird conspirical bullshit, but that got him noticed and worked well in the internet world. Now it's just kind of boring.

It doesn’t work when there are official fact checkers there to outright say ‘that did not happen’. His fanbase will eat up and repeat his lies but he can’t escape being called a liar by people who are paid to keep the truth in line on television for all to see. 

So many right wing Twitter accounts crying asking why Trump kept getting fact checked but Kamala didn’t. So, so close to getting it. 

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6 minutes ago, FloopFiller said:

So many right wing Twitter accounts crying asking why Trump kept getting fact checked but Kamala didn’t. So, so close to getting it. 

I would be very surprised if any of them can see it from that angle!😁


ABC were always going to swing slightly in Kamala’s favour and the fact checking thing has a little traction when they could have pulled Kamala up on a couple of issues, most notably on unemployment figures and abortion banning but it’s true that Trump had many more outlandish claims than Kamala did.

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