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Would have waited if I knew day two was getting Shame and The Murder Capital too, that's a cracking line up!
By sheffinghell 路 Posted
Same here! It's good news for the city and for RnR, and plenty of people I know will love this. -
I'm being slightly facetious as the headline annoyed me. People with bags? Fine. That's annoying and I fully stand by it. Men with backpacks makes me want to know the detail. Is it exclusively men? Is it because men are carrying stuff because men need lots of stuff? Are men carrying the rucksacks so their other halves can dance freely without lumping stuff around? I'm probably giving off strong facebook dad vibes but I'm tired, my back hurts this morning and I'm grumpy. I'd also like to know if there's a counterpoint of "I've also had enough of groups of 20 young women trying to sprint through a packed crowd while holding hands and knocking everyone flying" I repeat. Grumpy.
By thatTFBguy 路 Posted
QOTSA aren't for me, but nice to see this being properly popular for once. -
By sheffinghell 路 Posted
Also, updated poster, with a few more supports
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