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5 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

It's interesting the variety of c**tishness they have assembled.

personally I feel Mogg and Patel are unnecessarily cruel in their actions. Dorries and Truss are simply intellectually not up to the job of being an MP, let alone in the cabinet. The rest are awful, but I'd stomach them until the next GE over this 4.

Completely agree

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34 minutes ago, maelzoid said:

BBC reporting that he will stay as PM

Sky News reporting he'll resign as PM

I won't believe it until it happens.

hes obnly resigning as tory leader.

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37 minutes ago, blutarsky said:

He's a fucking c**t and good riddance to him. No way he should stay on - position is untenable, and who will work with him? Tainted by association, not that they aren't all already having supported him for the past 18 months. 

Just remember, whoever takes over will be a fucking c**t too. 

* Johnson - narcissistic c**t
Zahawi - wants to have his cake and eat it c**t
* Raab - thick c**t
Patel - vindictive hateful c**t 
Hunt - just a straightforward c**t
Sunak - Super rich, in it for personal gain c**t
Javid - hates the poor c**t 
* Truss - super thick c**t (cannot overstate this, she's like a vacant and empty vessel awaiting instruction from mildly less thick aides) 
* Gove - Devoid of morals c**t (this is actually all of them tbf)
* Shapps - smooth stupid c**t 
Dorries - thickest of the lot c**t
* Eustice - arrogant c**t 
Mogg - arrogant, self-interested, sadistic c**t
Braverman - should know better but still a c**t c**t 

Those with * I have met and can attest to the summaries from personal experience.

You haven't got Mordaunt or Wallace in there....

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3 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

You haven't got Mordaunt or Wallace in there....

No, they do seem less bad tbf. Which will be on the basis I know very little about them, so I'm sure there's plenty of c**tyness to discover. 

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Wouldn't be surprised if he's got his eye on needing another month to beat Terresa May. Though he's just passed Gordon Brown by a month.

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3 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Johnson now doing a cabinet reshuffle. Surreal.

Who would think joining that cabinet would be a good idea.  Though decent severence pay when the new PM comes in.  Apparently the new/old education secretary nets an extra £16k severence for her 2days work.

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Fuck this shit. He's PM until 'autumn' and has absolutely nobody to answer to, nothing to lose, and can do whatever he likes because there can be no political fallout worse than what is already inevitable. As ever, putting himself before the country. No surprise.

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This is classic Boris Johnson, always trying to find a way to cling onto power and putting himself first. He’s even more dangerous now. 

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