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6 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Yeah fair enough. With all the factions involved in the Ukraine war I guess it must be confusing for centrists too. Who can possibly say who the real bad guy is with all these factions involved? Its just so factional isn’t it? Cant wait for Putin to nuke them all so it isn’t so factional anymore.

ah right. Well, you're resorting to shite, so let's just leave it there.

Edited by steviewevie
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“Are we a democratic socialist party, run by members and affiliated unions, that aims for a fundamental transfer of wealth and power from the few to the many? Or are we something else?”

I can answer that. Something else, a party with a democratic socialist wing and a social democrat wing who hate each other.

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2 hours ago, mattiloy said:

Yeah, Imagine though. Staff and MPs for the supposed left wing party in the uk, are so shit scared of having somebody in power who implements an actual left wing policy program that they actively worked against him and for the tories, condemning you all to the utter shit state you now find yourself in. Congrats. 👏 👏 👏  

Unfortunately the left wing message wasn't focused enough on the issues that resonated with the public. Issues like middie east politics which were top priorities of Corbyn and supporters were not issues that most voters spent time thinking about. A left wing message needs to overlap beyond left wing voters. To me it's about investment in the NHS, education reducing poverty , social care, housing etc.

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1 hour ago, mattiloy said:

Yeah fair enough. With all the factions involved in the Ukraine war I guess it must be confusing for centrists too. Who can possibly say who the real bad guy is with all these factions involved? Its just so factional isn’t it? Cant wait for Putin to nuke them all so it isn’t so factional anymore.

So your answer to people disagreeing with you is to kill everyone

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42 minutes ago, crazyfool1 said:

where the hell is Boris hiding today ?  

In a fridge lwhere the rest of us want to be. I've just found out that I have spinal taps fan it turns up to 11.

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6 minutes ago, Ryan1984 said:

Piece on the BBC just now about how air con in houses  is horrific for the environment. Probably fair but then they also talked about us using personal fans to keep cool. Fans are the new straws. Industry gets off again…

I have seen air con used in conjunction with solar panels which can take the edge off at the hottest time of the day. We need to change our way of thinking with new builds and town design. The way forward for me is effective insulation and Venetian blinds. Blinds reflect the sunlight off the windows when hot and reflect it in when cold. I use curtains as well and while it is dark in my living room during the day the temp can be 10 to 15 degrees lower than outside. 

We really need to look at countries that cope with the heat and change our way of thinking and living taking into account we as humans need sunlight to live and in our hemisphere we only get a limited amount a year.

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22 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Got through the last two days with nothing more than closing the blinds on the south facing side and opening the windows and doors on the north facing side.  Works wonders.

If you are running AC at home during a heat wave caused by climate change you need to be having a rethink.


I agree but I am on the fence with the AC thing. It is an energy consuming nightmare but many countries rely on it. Yet a mass of our population choose to go to these countries via a plane for a holiday. I despise Dubai as the country as it stands should not exist without oil 




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19 minutes ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:


I agree but I am on the fence with the AC thing. It is an energy consuming nightmare but many countries rely on it. Yet a mass of our population choose to go to these countries via a plane for a holiday. I despise Dubai as the country as it stands should not exist without oil 

Surely at some point (soon) that option gets taken away?

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4 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Not sure that two hot days warrants everyone getting AC...not yet anyway...

They might as well put AC in peoples homes now so when these days get more regular we are slightly prepared.

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24 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

They might as well put AC in peoples homes now so when these days get more regular we are slightly prepared.

How many lives would that save? Seriously how many lives would it cost before people started thinking that way. Not a dig at you btw just using your post as a jumping point 

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16 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Think we need better insulation first

Why not do both?

1 minute ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:

How many lives would that save? Seriously how many lives would it cost before people started thinking that way. Not a dig at you btw just using your post as a jumping point 

It doesn’t have to have to save lives, it’ll make peoples homes more bearable in the hot weather thus helping well-being.  Fans do next to nothing in the type of heat we had today.

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2 hours ago, Rufus Gwertigan said:


I agree but I am on the fence with the AC thing. It is an energy consuming nightmare but many countries rely on it. Yet a mass of our population choose to go to these countries via a plane for a holiday. I despise Dubai as the country as it stands should not exist without oil 




I agree on the AC thing but there is ways to get power without fucking the climate. I run my office on. Solar power a small powerpack and small solar panel works great. And cos I've got that powering my UPS  which has everything plugged into it I have lots of battery and smooth power delivery. Wonder if I'll see the difference in my electric bills. 

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1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

You realise surely that AC in every home would be an environmental disaster and just make the planet hotter ? 

It would be excessive, but not all power use damages the planet. 

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