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23 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

So apparently Hunt might be gone in the New Year. 

If they're leaking it's hunt that wants to reverse brexit then I'll be surprised if he lasts that long. 

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7 hours ago, kaosmark2 said:

Yeah exactly. Last person who did was TGT, and he at least tried to justify it by arguing they protected the economy (lol look at the well protected economy).

There's a few Snippers around, but they're in denial about how Tory their party is. Even after they came out with suggesting people pay for NHS access....

except, of course, they did no such thing...

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12 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

More stuff more people don't care about to go a long with lords reform and non dom status.

The SNP wont be interested or bought off with this.

Bit of a stretch to say people don't care about non-doms given the furore over Sunak's wife a few months ago. 

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1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

It matters to the political circus...  Dave in Bolton couldn't give a hoot.  Its so far disattached from the average persons life or thinking.  Specially at an election.

How is whether the Prime Minister's wife can avoid tax using her non-dom status at a time when working people are paying more tax than ever from less money detached from an average person's life or thinking? I broadly agree that those of us who keep tabs on politics daily easily get caught up with things that the average voter does not care about, but the tax burden and the cost of living crisis right now means that non-dom status is definitely within the thinking of the average voter (and I have had conversations about it with my Mum and her friends for example who would otherwise be the perfect example of an average voter detached from actual politics by blindly voting for Boris as a 'change'!).

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39 minutes ago, Punksnotdead said:

Hanging is a bit harsh - just chop their legs off, so they have to spend the rest of their life in a wheelchair! 😀

hanging is spot on. chopping legs off is good idea then they can find out the trouble they cause to people with wheels for legs.

(last time it was bad gravel rash and a trip to hospital, today my reversing was good 😛 ).

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Glad the supreme Court told sturgeon to properly fuck off, leaving her almost no room for any spin. It's so clear that I'm not sure sturgeon can make her next move of claiming an election as a referendum. It'd be funny if she was done for sedition. 

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

Glad the supreme Court told sturgeon to properly fuck off, leaving her almost no room for any spin. It's so clear that I'm not sure sturgeon can make her next move of claiming an election as a referendum. It'd be funny if she was done for sedition. 

How is there no room for any spin? The SC decision is an interpretation of laws as they exist currently - huge or mounting pressure for a referendum could easily lead to (and would take effect via) a repeal of the existing devolution laws to allow for the second referendum to occur?

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I think she's in trouble now. The opposition will rightly point to the GE being about Westminster in the run upto the election and all the issues going on. She's said if its about indy the SNP must win a majority of votes and not just a majority of seats. They barely got 50% in 2015 and this time the people of Scotland actually have a chance of "getting the tories out" if they vote labour. Labour can they claim in retrospect if she doesn't get 50% that is was an indy ref, she's lost two like Quebec and so no more referendums.

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1 minute ago, lost said:

I think she's in trouble now. The opposition will rightly point to the GE being about Westminster in the run upto the election and all the issues going on. She's said if its about indy the SNP must win a majority of votes and not just a majority of seats. They barely got 50% in 2015 and this time the people of Scotland actually have a chance of "getting the tories out" if they vote labour. Labour can they claim in retrospect if she doesn't get 50% that is was an indy ref, she's lost two like Quebec and so no more referendums.

yeah, they need Boris and brexit back.

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1 hour ago, lost said:

I think she's in trouble now. The opposition will rightly point to the GE being about Westminster in the run upto the election and all the issues going on. She's said if its about indy the SNP must win a majority of votes and not just a majority of seats. They barely got 50% in 2015 and this time the people of Scotland actually have a chance of "getting the tories out" if they vote labour. Labour can they claim in retrospect if she doesn't get 50% that is was an indy ref, she's lost two like Quebec and so no more referendums.

She has acknowledged that 50% of the vote would be required in her de facto referendum. Just exactly as it would in a facto referendum.

She has also acknowledged that that would be a challenge to achieve .... Just as it would be in a facto referendum.

The only question is whether you count green votes towards the 50% ( & the 0.1%alba votes. )

The brave thing to do would be for all independence parties to form an "Indy Alliance party" and only stand one candidate in each constituency.

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