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he definately shouldn't be quoting Thatcher .... its unsurprising people spot that in a speech . thats an error . seriously dont like the way the Labour Party come over at the moment ..... and yes they will be better than the Tories but thats hardly a shock at the moment . 

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Just now, Crazyfool01 said:

he definately shouldn't be quoting Thatcher .... its unsurprising people spot that in a speech . thats an error . seriously dont like the way the Labour Party come over at the moment ..... and yes they will be better than the Tories but thats hardly a shock at the moment . 

Did you watch the speech?

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3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Did you watch the speech?

do you think that should be included ? or would have been better left out ? ..... by including it he generates the wrong kind of headlines and alienates people .... its an error . and no I didn't I saw the headlines generated like most people will 

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3 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

do you think that should be included ? or would have been better left out ? ..... by including it he generates the wrong kind of headlines and alienates people .... its an error . and no I didn't I saw the headlines generated like most people will 

I didn’t even notice him quoting her and don’t really care either. He also quoted Tony Blair twice.

You should watch the speech there’s some good stuff in there about policy, you get a good insight into his feelings about crime/policing and the questions from the media were pretty interesting too.

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17 hours ago, Ozanne said:

I understand the basics of what's going on, I just disagree with the methods being used to tackle it. I don't think there's a conspiracy but I do feel there is a concerted effort to make borrowing more expensive and in-turn they will make people poorer when they should be doing the opposite.

I don't know what alternative you're proposing - yes they are trying to make borrowing more expensive, but that makes people better off in terms of their spending power as inflation comes down. You said you wanted deflation the other day, this would be the only way to achieve deflation that is in our power to control (still not saying I think that will happen, to be clear).

And Starmer is a Theatcherite now? Need to go and have a look at that.

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5 hours ago, steviewevie said:


Scotland fucked it up as shown by how it quickly fell apart, and some idiots are demanding that stamer has the same flawed policy. 

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55 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

didn't say that .... but he needs to be better over who he choses to quote in my opinion 

well...I think she's mrs scumbag too...but she actually was kind of popular...and he's trying to win over a certain section of the electorate...people who have voted tory before...social conservatives, want all the criminals locked up etc...and the crime thing was one of his missions ...tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

He'll be praising Enoch Powell next week in his immigration speech.

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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

well...I think she's mrs scumbag too...but she actually was kind of popular...and he's trying to win over a certain section of the electorate...people who have voted tory before...social conservatives, what all the criminals locked up etc...and the crime thing was one of his missions ...tough on crime, tough on the causes of crime.

He's be praising Enoch Powell next week in his immigration speech.

He’s streets ahead in the polls , he doesn’t need to win anyone over …. He can say all the same stuff and not quote thatcher 

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I don't like a lot of what Starmer is doing...but I understand the strategy. They're just trying to win. If they get it wrong and lose then everyone will point to his lack of vision or shift to the right or being horrid to corbyn or whatever...but that is obviously the strategy. Labour always lose, the only time they have won in last 40 odd years is when Blair was leader. I know it's not the same now etc etc...but this is a fact that can't be disputed. It does feel like this tory govt is coming to an end, but they are so good at reinventing themselves and winning, ruthlessly good at it. This is a great opportunity for labour, but election is still 18 months away, and a lot can change.

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3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I would at least watch the speech before commenting, there’s actual policy in there rather than getting annoyed about a specific quote. 

I’m seeing the optics … what others see what gets reported … I’ve no interest in the rest at this stage … 

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4 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

So he gets free reign to say what he likes because of …  thought he was smarter than that 

I don't know...maybe admitting that the opposition were right on something is kind of grown up...even if she is a total bastard muthafucka incase you thought I was agreeing to anything.,,


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3 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

I’m seeing the optics … what others see what gets reported … I’ve no interest in the rest at this stage … 

You’ve no interest in policy? What a strange thing to say for someone that claims to be interested in politics. He can’t win. 

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