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I appreciate that for many people transgender issues can be challenging to understand, and that It is probably easier to be dismissive, or to make a joke than it is to be open to having your world views challenged. 

But what is a joke to you, could make someone else feel excluded or discriminated against. So perhaps just keep that in mind? You never know who is reading or how your 'joke' might make them feel. Let's try and err on the side of kindness eh? 

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I’d sooner have Seumas Milne in the ear of the Labour leader than Mandelson. Both posh and out of touch, but at least Milne wasn’t also the close personal friend of infamous pedofile and fraudster Jeffrey Epstein.

Also maybe not the best detail to choose to overlook if trying to say that its the tories who aren’t serious about child sexual exploitation.


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4 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

I’d sooner have Seumas Milne in the ear of the Labour leader than Mandelson. Both posh and out of touch, but at least Milne wasn’t also the close personal friend of infamous pedofile and fraudster Jeffrey Epstein.

Also maybe not the best detail to choose to overlook if trying to say that its the tories who aren’t serious about child sexual exploitation.



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23 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

I’d sooner have Seumas Milne in the ear of the Labour leader than Mandelson. Both posh and out of touch, but at least Milne wasn’t also the close personal friend of infamous pedofile and fraudster Jeffrey Epstein.

so you'd rather have a labour party that people won't vote into office and another five years of the tories, - its a good job that some pepole learn from their mistakes.

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20 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

He's a paedo, no he's a paedo..


Where have I said that?

Its just bad enough that he was a pal of an infamous pedo and frauster. Whilst theres no guilt by association, it gives tories ammunition in the mud slinging contest and makes a mockery of Starmer’s supposed drive to rid the party of people who might cause ’embarrassment’ in an election campaign. He shouldnt be anywhere near the leader’s office.

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17 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

Where have I said that?

Its just bad enough that he was a pal of an infamous pedo and frauster. Whilst theres no guilt by association, it gives tories ammunition in the mud slinging contest and makes a mockery of Starmer’s supposed drive to rid the party of people who might cause ’embarrassment’ in an election campaign. He shouldnt be anywhere near the leader’s office.

If you are going by those types of tenuous connections, I doubt there is a clean politician out there. It’s not like he has made Rolf Harris his chief of staff.

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12 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

The redemption arc of Janey godley is truly awful. People just forgotten all her massively racist comments? Mental. Horrible woman. Also criminally unfunny

never heard of her.

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If they're going to stand any chance of winning in next election Labour need to attract both left and centre voters, liberals and social conservatives, people who voted tory last time,  people who voted labour because of corbyn and people who voted labour because of blair.....and at moment they are losing them on left, and will start losing liberals too. Labour are a broad coalition (as are the tories), and they need to some how appeal to that broad coalition, not easy especially when starts to get all factional like it is again. Yes they are ahead in the polls, but that was after johnson sleaze and chaos, and then Truss burned the economy...but tories quickly fixed that and now look like they have a competent PM who looks like he knows what he's doing and is relatively popular...and now that lead looks weaker, and as election campaigns kick off could really start to narrow. Tories are so good at winning.

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22 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

If they're going to stand any chance of winning in next election Labour need to attract both left and centre voters, liberals and social conservatives, people who voted tory last time,  people who voted labour because of corbyn and people who voted labour because of blair.....and at moment they are losing them on left, and will start losing liberals too. Labour are a broad coalition (as are the tories), and they need to some how appeal to that broad coalition, not easy especially when starts to get all factional like it is again. Yes they are ahead in the polls, but that was after johnson sleaze and chaos, and then Truss burned the economy...but tories quickly fixed that and now look like they have a competent PM who looks like he knows what he's doing and is relatively popular...and now that lead looks weaker, and as election campaigns kick off could really start to narrow. Tories are so good at winning.

An outright Labour win would be a bad result for the UK.

The best scenario is a hung parliament with Labour as the largest party.

Starmer’s natural illiberal and authoritarian tendencies checked and his hand forced into  concessions by more progressive and imaginative coalition partners. A chance of electoral reform too.

I would guess that unless one or the other of Labour/tories capitulates somehow before the next GE, that is also the most likely outcome.

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3 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

An outright Labour win would be a bad result for the UK.

The best scenario is a hung parliament with Labour as the largest party.

Starmer’s natural illiberal and authoritarian tendencies checked and his hand forced into  concessions by more progressive and imaginative coalition partners. A chance of electoral reform too.

I would guess that unless one or the other of Labour/tories capitulates somehow before the next GE, that is also the most likely outcome.

Yeah actually think I might agree which is unusual. Problem could be if Tories end up as largest party.

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56 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

An outright Labour win would be a bad result for the UK.

The best scenario is a hung parliament with Labour as the largest party.

Starmer’s natural illiberal and authoritarian tendencies checked and his hand forced into  concessions by more progressive and imaginative coalition partners. A chance of electoral reform too.

I would guess that unless one or the other of Labour/tories capitulates somehow before the next GE, that is also the most likely outcome.

but actually what could give Labour a majority is SNP losing it.

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52 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Yeah actually think I might agree which is unusual. Problem could be if Tories end up as largest party.

Gotta hope in that case that the lib dems have learned from the last time that it doesn’t pay to go into coalition with those bastards.

4 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

but actually what could give Labour a majority is SNP losing it.

Still FPTP in Scotland, barring some sort of pact between the lib dems, tories and Labour, on current polling Labour only gets around 10 seats give or take.

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1 hour ago, mattiloy said:


Starmer’s natural illiberal and authoritarian tendencies checked and his hand forced into  concessions by more progressive and imaginative coalition partners. A chance of electoral reform too.


Never had you down as a Lib Dem fan. Cause that’s the only coalition option

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