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55 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


The headline isn’t really correct, the actual article says the attack ad made people feel more negatively about the Tories. 

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

and labour

‘Overall, however, the advert and the row it triggered seem not to have harmed Labour, which still retains a healthy six-point lead over the Tories on the issue of crime, down just one point a fortnight ago.’

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12 hours ago, Neil said:

i'm amused that the protesters used glue to protest about horses dying at the grand national - the dead horses ensure more glue supplies. 😛 

I thought they'd stopped making glue from such substances?

Even if it makes me think of a gag in The Simpsons where they get a racehorse and Homer goes "If he loses this race, we're going to the glue factory and the horse can't come!"

Edited by charlierc
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Just now, charlierc said:

I thought they'd stopped making glue from such substances?

it was 30 years ago i worked with those guys so they might have.... but probably not, cos they need substances with the right properties, its a good way of using what would otherwise be a waste product.

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12 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Funny how there’s never any comment on positive Labour message, I wonder why 🤔

people go out of their way to be offended.

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13 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

he didn't convict anybody. It's bullshit.

In some ways the detail is irrelevant from a political perspective. Labour want to get the message out that they are tough on crime to ease concerns of voters who think they are not. I think this campaign (in isolation) will make little difference. However the overall message could.

Politicians (of all colours) have stretched and twisted statistics as far as I have known. Some people seem to want labour to fight this “fair” fight knowing if you have come second you have done the right thing. If you are a middle class lefty with a decent bank balance I can see why you may have that view. Those living on the line need a Labour government.

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4 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

In some ways the detail is irrelevant from a political perspective. Labour want to get the message out that they are tough on crime to ease concerns of voters who think they are not. I think this campaign (in isolation) will make little difference. However the overall message could.

Politicians (of all colours) have stretched and twisted statistics as far as I have known. Some people seem to want labour to fight this “fair” fight knowing if you have come second you have done the right thing. If you are a middle class lefty with a decent bank balance I can see why you may have that view. Those living on the line need a Labour government.

or maybe they're trying to win over blue wall tory types who get all hot and bothered about crime.

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16 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

or maybe they're trying to win over blue wall tory types who get all hot and bothered about crime.

I don’t think it’s just the blue wall types, but the middle class, liberals worried for their nice houses and cars. At the end of the day labour can go into an election talking about reducing sentences and rehabilitation and feel a nice warm fuzzy feeling when they come second.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

or maybe they're trying to win over blue wall tory types who get all hot and bothered about crime.

crime - like thge economy -  has been (in the public's mind, if not reality) one of the areas where there's a big difference in approach by the tories and labour, so the tories are campaigning in the areas where the facts don't matter, but where the public pick up on the difference.

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1 hour ago, pink_triangle said:

I don’t think it’s just the blue wall types, but the middle class, liberals worried for their nice houses and cars. At the end of the day labour can go into an election talking about reducing sentences and rehabilitation and feel a nice warm fuzzy feeling when they come second.

Or they can promise to lock them all up and then realise it's actually more complicated than that.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

Or they can promise to lock them all up and then realise it's actually more complicated than that.

Do you honestly believe that labour don’t know it’s not more complicated than that, unfortunately we have an electorate who doesn’t want complex and to actually do anything about these issues you have to get in power first. I believe that labour will do more than conservatives in power and for that reason I’m willing to accept playing politics. I don’t want to feel morally superior in second place.

If you are Corbyn labour, greens, Lib Dem’s and happy to be in opposition you can say whatever you want. If you are Labour you need to try and build a coalition that can win power. I would love an electorate where everyone is like me, but don’t have the magic wand to make it that way.

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