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3 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

got to be ..... Trump news today too , what a great news day 

It does seem very convenient.

At least he’s gone for now. 

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Quitting doesn’t seem to be his style. There’s talk of him running in the newly vacated seat after Dorries quit. 

I wonder how damning the report actually is. Wonder if there’s something really bad even by Spaffers standards and he’s stepped down in order to stop it being made public. 

My money is on a coke fuelled affair with Dorries

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4 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

itll cause party turmoil ? any idea on timescale for a vote ? 

The Tories have to move the Writ first then it’s 6 weeks after that. So earliest would be 7 weeks yesterday I think as it would be on a Thursday. 

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25 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Didn't he get the findings of that bullshitting to parliament inquiry the other day? Something to do with that?

yeah, was going to be kicked out for lying to parliament.

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