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1 minute ago, Neil said:

what were the big numbers you quoted for those affected by the policy, and now you'll admit that  you believe those big numbers are matched by the starved to-death dead kids found every day 
(tyou'll admit that cos you're dumb!!!!).

once again, a statement so illegible it could have been written by a 5 year old

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2 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

It’s a reality that is not beyond change .. if we continue down this path with scummy tit for tat and trying to match the other then there really is little hope for us or either party … time we started reacting in a positive way and explained how and why things are being done in a different manner … I’d suggest that might be popular with the electorate too 

To be fair to Corbyn that was tried twice in 2017 and 2019 and it failed badly. So now Starmer is trying a different approach which might work but we won’t know until an election. Ultimately the Christmas manifesto wasn’t popular with the electorate, they chose a manifesto that barely contained anything. It’s demoralising but it’s the truth. 

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Just now, fraybentos1 said:

once again, a statement so illegible it could have been written by a 5 year old

to much thinking required for you, you always ditch the thinking in favour of your biggotry.

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Just now, fraybentos1 said:

cause the only way a child could actually be in poverty is if they literally starve to death. you're a freak. you're also extremely right wing 

the measure of poverty was being said to be 'starving kids', so i simply pointed out those starving kids don't exist.


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24 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:

I presented facts from the start which you have yet to acknowledge. Cost (£1.3 billion), result= 250k out of poverty, 850k poverty lessened. What exactly is 'stupid-land' about this? 

You have presented no facts cause you're thick as sh*t. You've just claimed another policy will replace this one which is just nonsense- the 'cost will be carried by another programme that is just as worthy'. At least I believe in a real thing, not just make believe like you.

What your facts forget though is the policy you are proposing also gives a bonus to those at the top of the income scale. I would rather that money go to someone that needs it instead.

So as someone who would support if labour backed removing the cap, I also think there may be more progressive ways to help those in poverty.

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4 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Don’t you think we all are bored by the rigged system? I’ve been talking about it for years how the Tories play politics on easy mode and this is prime example of that. We might not like it but it’s the political reality in this country.

Question, why can the person this reply is direct to constantly get away with calling people morons and being outright aggressive here? There’s 3 mods in this thread doing nothing about it. 

I’ve also chosen not to mod it . As I’m able to see both sides of a discussion and why people become frustrated . I’d prefer that the name calling didn’t happen though as I’ve explained many times before I’ve volunteered for the role to help here and mostly around the glastonbury side of things . I don’t have the inclination to be sorting squabbles that have gone on for years … hopefully people are adult enough to be able to sort it themselves . I wish you and fray had met over a pint at Glastonbury because sometimes things aren’t quite as bad as it seems face to face 

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Just now, Ozanne said:

I understand, that’s a fair approach. Why don’t the other mods do anything?

Surely calling people ‘morons’ ‘dumb’ ‘c*nts’ constantly is ground for the mods to step in?

On this policy you and Neil are acting like 'dumb c**ts', 'morons' and more insultingly 'tories'... the fact that it is the one think that Steve and Fray have agreed on ever speaks volumes. 

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Just now, Neil said:

the measure of poverty was being said to be 'starving kids', so i simply pointed out those starving kids don't exist.


I think he’s lost the plot, no rationale human should have that much vitriol in them. He’s showing himself up for the nasty piece of work he truly is, no one should have the abusive thrown at them that he’s thrown at you. 

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Just now, fraybentos1 said:

no, it's just little of what you type actually makes sense.

its the joined up thinking you're not capable of.

if someone is claiming "starving kids" (as someone was), there must be morgues chock full of them cos so many are affected by the cap. if those starving kids don't exist in big numbers then any that do exist must exist because of a failing by an individual parents who aren't managing to parent to the standard of others in the same position.

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1 minute ago, pink_triangle said:

What your facts forget though is the policy you are proposing also gives a bonus to those at the top of the income scale. I would rather that money go to someone that needs it instead.

So as someone who would support if labour backed removing the cap, I also think there may be more progressive ways to help those in poverty.

Maybe so, but Labour have just said- keep it as it is so I'm arguing against that. 

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2 minutes ago, pink_triangle said:

So as someone who would support if labour backed removing the cap, I also think there may be more progressive ways to help those in poverty.

those in poverty are not necessarily those effected by the cap.

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23 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Perhaps some of us are bored with it being some kind of game and just demand honesty and integrity and our politicians not being twats … 

Unfortunately the Torys aren’t going to sign up for honesty and integrity. You would like to think those red wall voters will come flooding back if labour are completely honest and the torys say what they need to win an election. Unfortunately reality is often very different.

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1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

I’ve also chosen not to mod it . As I’m able to see both sides of a discussion and why people become frustrated . I’d prefer that the name calling didn’t happen though as I’ve explained many times before I’ve volunteered for the role to help here and mostly around the glastonbury side of things . I don’t have the inclination to be sorting squabbles that have gone on for years … hopefully people are adult enough to be able to sort it themselves . I wish you and fray had met over a pint at Glastonbury because sometimes things aren’t quite as bad as it seems face to face 

You are a mod and a poster is out and put being abusive throwing vile insults around, if you don’t want to deal with that I suggest you probably shouldn’t a mod. It’s not just about a fancy badge next to your name, do something. 

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Just now, Neil said:

its the joined up thinking you're not capable of.

if someone is claiming "starving kids" (as someone was), there must be morgues chock full of them cos so many are affected by the cap. if those starving kids don't exist in big numbers then any that do exist must exist because of a failing by an individual parents who aren't managing to parent to the standard of others in the same position.

I never once mentioned starving kids, I have always said 'kids in poverty' which is what this whole discussion is about. Obviously you're now trying to move the goalposts.

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

You are a mod and a poster is out and put being abusive throwing vile insults around, if you don’t want to deal with that I suggest you probably shouldn’t a mod. It’s not just about a fancy badge next to your name, do something. 

you must have reported all the times stevie has called me a c**t too im sure 🤥

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1 minute ago, pink_triangle said:

Unfortunately the Torys aren’t going to sign up for honesty and integrity. You would like to think those red wall voters will come flooding back if labour are completely honest and the torys say what they need to win an election. Unfortunately reality is often very different.

Fair enough but at least attempt to take things back in that direction … the Labour Party will be our new govt and to me they should be beyond this . 

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1 minute ago, pink_triangle said:

Unfortunately the Torys aren’t going to sign up for honesty and integrity. You would like to think those red wall voters will come flooding back if labour are completely honest and the torys say what they need to win an election. Unfortunately reality is often very different.

You have to fight fire with fire and whilst not ideal it’s something you have to do sometimes. The reality is this country is in a pretty poor state both economically and politically; that isn’t going to change with niceties and purity sadly. 

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2 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I think he’s lost the plot, no rationale human should have that much vitriol in them. He’s showing himself up for the nasty piece of work he truly is, no one should have the abusive thrown at them that he’s thrown at you. 

not just him, people like that are why i wasn't prepared to put the effort in anymore, tory destroyers,  who (destroy the good things without building anything new that's worthwhile).

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2 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

You are a mod and a poster is out and put being abusive throwing vile insults around, if you don’t want to deal with that I suggest you probably shouldn’t a mod. It’s not just about a fancy badge next to your name, do something. 

ore the billion times you called everyone a tory who didn't agree with you 

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2 minutes ago, Neil said:

those in poverty are not necessarily those effected by the cap.

No, but some in poverty are. Maybe this is the best way to reduce poverty, but it also gives back money to middle and higher income people. I am hoping labour will find policies that redistribute in a more targeted way.

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2 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

There wouldn’t be anyone left in this thread If I acted on every report . Simple policy just be nice please !!! And that includes calling everyone Tories 

So abusive posts calling people ‘morons’ etc is allowed? Incredible, sorry but that’s appalling moderating standards. 

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