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14 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

The overall costs to the planet and economic impact will far outweigh the cost to revoking them … just feel like you it should be stronger . I’ll check Lib Dem policy 2moro as I’m not 100% sure on what they’d do 

Yeah I do agree, I wish Starmer would take a stronger stance here, but I do think it was well written article in terms of "playing the game." I don't think he has it in him to stand up to businesses in the way we really need though, and he's kind of already set his stall out in this regard, so they'll think he's a soft touch (or he's in their pockets already anyway).

And I do actually believe that focusing on what we can build in terms of new green investment is a good angle. Then when we say "Get rid of oil!" and they say "And replace it with what?" we can say "This."

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3 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Couple of days ago you posted a good article about sunak and his interests in oil investments do you still believe that this is the case ? Why should this be funded along with planet destruction … the future of the planet should be at the top of any new govt issues if  that’s not dealt with everything else is screwed anyway.  

It shouldn’t be funded but it’s the Tories that are bringing all this on and it can’t be down to Labour to repeal every single thing that we don’t like especially when Labour have a very good green policy agenda  

You are a Lib Dem member, aren’t you? I’ve had a look and can’t see anything where they would revoke any licences so I’m not sure why your focussing so much on Labours stance. 

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5 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

It shouldn’t be funded but it’s the Tories that are bringing all this on and it can’t be down to Labour to repeal every single thing that we don’t like especially when Labour have a very good green policy agenda  

You are a Lib Dem member, aren’t you? I’ve had a look and can’t see anything where they would revoke any licences so I’m not sure why your focussing so much on Labours stance. 

Because I don’t believe it’s the right thing to do … simple really .. whatever party we can’t just continue f**king over the planet 

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2 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Because I don’t believe it’s the right thing to do … simple really .. whatever party we can’t just continue f**king over the planet 

It is one of the most important issues facing the planet today and we can afford to keep destroying the planet. However you are a member of a political party that doesn’t have that as one of their policies yet so it’s a bit unfair to moan that a different party doesn’t offer it. 

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16 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

It is one of the most important issues facing the planet today and we can afford to keep destroying the planet. However you are a member of a political party that doesn’t have that as one of their policies yet so it’s a bit unfair to moan that a different party doesn’t offer it. 

Lib Dem’s may have it in their manifesto. No one’s going to ask them what they’d do in gov about it tho cause they aren’t gonna be in government unlike Labour.

At least CF is doing something proactive to unseat tories unlike you who isn’t even a Labour member despite having a deeply unhealthy obsession with their leader…

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1 hour ago, fraybentos1 said:

Lib Dem’s may have it in their manifesto. No one’s going to ask them what they’d do in gov about it tho cause they aren’t gonna be in government unlike Labour.

At least CF is doing something proactive to unseat tories unlike you who isn’t even a Labour member despite having a deeply unhealthy obsession with their leader…

Pretty much spot on … @Ozanne I’m not a paid up member but will be helping  to help unseat our Tory mp … by leafleting etc for the Lib Dem’s the party in second , Labour have no hope in this seat if they were in second I’d likely do the same for them , I ask questions about Labour and challenge policy as they are the likely next party in govt and I’d like to be clear what they deliver or say they will deliver and I feel able as I don’t have some love in for Starmer 

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2 hours ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Pretty much spot on … @Ozanne I’m not a paid up member but will be helping  to help unseat our Tory mp … by leafleting etc for the Lib Dem’s the party in second , Labour have no hope in this seat if they were in second I’d likely do the same for them , I ask questions about Labour and challenge policy as they are the likely next party in govt and I’d like to be clear what they deliver or say they will deliver and I feel able as I don’t have some love in for Starmer 

You made a deal that evening about joining the Lib Dem’s and if you are going to go out leafleting for them it’s fair for someone to challenge you on their polices. So if you are going to critique another party for a policy area that’s lacking then you should at least be able to accept the challenge back to your party.

The Lib Dem’s should be due the same challenges that you feel Labour should be given after all they could be King makers. 

56 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

So going by that article the Lib Dem’s won’t revoke any oil and gas licences either.

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3 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

You made a deal that evening about joining the Lib Dem’s and if you are going to go out leafleting for them it’s fair for someone to challenge you on their polices. So if you are going to critique another party for a policy area that’s lacking then you should at least be able to accept the challenge back to your party.

The Lib Dem’s should be due the same challenges that you feel Labour should be given after all they could be King makers. 

So going by that article the Lib Dem’s won’t revoke any oil and gas licences either.

im helping fight for the same thing ffs ... a Labour govt,  what about this are you not getting ? and why aren't you doing it ? except im not going to lick ass at every opportunity I have the ability to question things I feel aren't right . The Lib dems go further but not far enough in my opinion ... probably the greens go furthest but im not voting for them as they like don't have a hope 

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10 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

im helping fight for the same thing ffs ... a Labour govt,  what about this are you not getting ? and why aren't you doing it ? except im not going to lick ass at every opportunity I have the ability to question things I feel aren't right . The Lib dems go further but not far enough in my opinion ... probably the greens go furthest but im not voting for them as they like don't have a hope 

You joined the Lib Dem’s to leaflet for them so it’s fair to ask you about their policies especially on one that seems as important to you as this oil/gas license one is. It seems slightly hypocritical to moan about Labour not doing something whilst saying nothing about the party you are in/vote for not doing that exact same thing.

The Lib Dem’s green policy doesn’t go anywhere near Labours one, that article doesn’t really share much (which is fair as it’s from 2021). The Lib Dem’s aren’t really sharing much at all about their national picture, which is their prerogative given they specialise in by-elections but let’s not pretend they have a fully fledged climate policy. 

Edited by Ozanne
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10 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

im helping fight for the same thing ffs ... a Labour govt,  what about this are you not getting ? and why aren't you doing it ? except im not going to lick ass at every opportunity I have the ability to question things I feel aren't right . The Lib dems go further but not far enough in my opinion ... probably the greens go furthest but im not voting for them as they like don't have a hope 

This is a great point. He’s likely projecting on to you the fact he’s insecure that he won’t be actually doing anything to make a Labour gov more likely.

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

You joined the Lib Dem’s to leaflet for them so it’s fair to ask you about their policies especially on one that seems as important to you as this oil/gas license one is. It seems slightly hypocritical to moan about Labour not doing something whilst saying nothing about the party you are in/vote for not doing that exact same thing.

The Lib Dem’s green policy doesn’t go anywhere near Labours one, that article doesn’t really share much (which is fair as it’s from 2021). The Lib Dem’s aren’t really sharing much at all about their national picture, which is their prerogative given they specialise in by-elections but let’s not pretend they have a fully fledged climate policy. 

Are you going to knock on doors or leaflet for Labour?

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14 hours ago, Ozanne said:

It’s just another thing people expect Labour to repeal when they get into power. How many things is that now?

Yes in an ideal world they would revoke these licenses but there will be legal ramifications for doing so and ones where Labour probably think that they don’t need to be dealing with considering they’ll have so much more to deal with when they get in. 

It's more than the legal ramifications, it's that no one could trust wether a licence issued by UK govt will be sustained.people wont invest or mentally commit if they think a licence might be cancelled.

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2 minutes ago, Neil said:

It's more than the legal ramifications, it's that no one could trust wether a licence issued by UK govt will be sustained.people wont invest or mentally commit if they think a licence might be cancelled.

Yeah that’s probably big part of it and you know full well the media would have a field day with a Labour government breaking their legal obligations all whilst they barely said nothing when a Tory government did it. 

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So I thought I’d have a look and see what the Greens stance on oil & gas licenses is. Well from what I can see, at the moment it’s not even Green Party policy to revoke current licenses. They essentially say that fossil fuels will be ‘phased’ out and they specifically note that ‘Production of hydrogen from fossil fuels will be phased out’.

I can’t even see that they would ban any new licenses, now they don’t specify licenses anywhere and it’s just a policy page many months out from a general election but it’s still pretty interesting that not even the Greens will revoke any licenses. This isn’t a criticism of their stance, it seems pretty good to be fair all apart from their position on Nuclear. 

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isn't the N Sea oil/gas thing kind of academic, it's running out anyway? The main thing is trying to get to net zero, but we will still be using fossil fuels and if it doesn't come from N Sea it will be from somewhere.  The main thing is building the infrastructure for clean energy, that is the hard bit.

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2 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

isn't the N Sea oil/gas thing kind of academic, it's running out anyway? The main thing is trying to get to net zero, but we will still be using fossil fuels and if it doesn't come from N Sea it will be from somewhere.  The main thing is building the infrastructure for clean energy, that is the hard bit.

Yeah there isn’t that much in the North Sea that we have tapped into already. It’s more the optics of the UK a trying to lead the way on the climate but then starting new oil/gas projects which will then show other countries that they can do the same.

It’s interesting though that currently no major UK party are saying they would revoke any licenses…

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