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9 hours ago, Neil said:

someone said to me today that they're labour all the way but they hope labour don't win the election cos there's too much that needs fixing.

yes, could overwhelm them and they just look incapable and everything continues to be sh*t and tories come back saying they'll cut taxes and ban woke and take us out of ECHR or WTO or UN or something.

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13 hours ago, Ozanne said:

Net popularity shows Starmer is the most popular politician in this country. 

As far as I can find the only polls that give net popularity are done on the main party leaders only and of them yes he is - but that is only a survey about 3 or  4 people not all politicians.

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Maybe aspire to make it the best place to live, but then all he has ever understood is money and getting more money.

Before anyone says it, better business does not mean a better life for all - otherwise the UK would have been a utopia long before today as it depends what business pays people and what government does with tax revenue and I think most here can see that has not been great.


A copy of the front page of the Daily Express

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9 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Seems to be very regional.  Prices not moving around here.

house opposite me has just dropped by £10k, a few months back it would have sold in 2 days. at probably £50k over asking ( that's what happened with houses each side of me).

that's a landlord selling up and quitting BTW.

Edited by Neil
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16 minutes ago, Neil said:

its a long slog like this to unseat the govt, only another 70-ish to go.

but every one lost destabilises them further and causes nerves and infighting ..... how many do we have pending now ? 5 ? Although they opposition need to try and stop the vote getting split like happened in the council election overnight 

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17 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

But as people come off those fix rates and their mortgages readjust to the new market norms you will see the market slowly gain pace again.

people will need to sell as many won't afford their mortgage at higher interest rates.

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