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17 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

people trust them more in govt for some stupid f**king reason

its because a large proportion of the electorate are 'socially conservative. its like shooting fish in a barrel


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19 minutes ago, steviewevie said:


Think it could definitely be tighter than people are expecting.

Tories are very good at winning, people trust them more in govt for some stupid f**king reason, there are a lot of conservatives in this country, they have f**ked up badly last few years which has lost them support and Labour haven't really had to do much...but now that policies are coming out...and Labour are talking about spending loads on net zero and deals with EU and quotas for asylum seekers a lot of people might swing back to Tory for more of this sh*tty same old sh*t.

If Labour does lose will be interesting what direction they go in. They went to left, and lost. They went to the right, and lost. Maybe just give up?

(big if, they won't lose will they? WILL THEY?)

It’s also incredibly difficult for Labour to win a majority given the swing is the biggest in UK electoral history. I think Labour will be the largest party but I’m not sure on a majority. 

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13 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

It’s also incredibly difficult for Labour to win a majority given the swing is the biggest in UK electoral history. I think Labour will be the largest party but I’m not sure on a majority. 

gonna be a majority, people wannting change like they did in '97

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2 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I’d love that and really hope it does happen but it isn’t guaranteed. 

the times in my lifetime  there hasn't been that want of change there's been no change


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58 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I quoted you by pressing the quote button which showed your comments on tax cuts. I’m not trolling you just disagreement with your initial statement. 

Yes indeed you did...... those initial comments that:

1) Said CAN..................... and you then wrote I had said WILL
2) Said I said tax cuts alone when 2 more paragraphs in the quoted post said otherwise
3) Continued to stick to your guns despite me showing you what I actually posted.

I CAN show it all to you again but I WILL NOT waste my time as you CAN find it for yourself, but WILL you read it this time.

I WILL now not bother with this conversation any more because it CAN become tiresome repeating yourself LOLing

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we can only build stuff with a twenty year lifespan, checkout the romans a  thousand years - still going ,stadiums, aqueducts, etc,  even the Normans have managed a thousand years, its just us sh*t Britons.


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59 minutes ago, Neil said:

anyone think troops on the streets of London just before an election is a bit of a coincidence?

They don’t need to do this now … I thought I heard ? 


33 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Govt to announce cancellation of HS2 to Manchester at conference you can't get to by train because of strikes.

Surely regional improvements is the way to go ? Or increased rolling stock ? Although I’m not entirely sure who would pay for that 

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3 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

How will hs2 help the majority of us ? 

It won't and that is why it was always a waste of money.

I have previously shared numerous reports on the matter that said the money would be far better spent on rolling stock for the entire network including double decker trains using a newly created version suitable for our tunnels etc.

HS2 helps a few and hinders improvement for many

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4 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

It won't and that is why it was always a waste of money.

I have previously shared numerous reports on the matter that said the money would be far better spent on rolling stock for the entire network including double decker trains using a newly created version suitable for our tunnels etc.

HS2 helps a few and hinders improvement for many

Yeah I mean invest in rural bus services or even school buses which would take a huge amount of school run traffic off the roads … 

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8 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

It won't and that is why it was always a waste of money.

I have previously shared numerous reports on the matter that said the money would be far better spent on rolling stock for the entire network including double decker trains using a newly created version suitable for our tunnels etc.

HS2 helps a few and hinders improvement for many

bridges and tunnels  aren't high enough for double decker trains. the costs of sorting that are are massive. (not just building costs but disruption costs)

Edited by Neil
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1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

Yeah I mean invest in rural bus services or even school buses which would take a huge amount of school run traffic off the roads … 

The cost of HS2 can do both busses and the rail infrastructure...................... and leave enough left over for numerous parties.

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it's a mess...all half built...way over budget..total farce. But at least they'll be a fast train from Brum to Old Oak Common. Other countries seem to be able to do this sh*t. We used to be able to do this sh*t.

Anyway. maybe at conference Sunak will pledge to spend a few quid on the line between L'pool and Leeds/Sheffield..to appease the angry locals.

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Just now, Nobody Interesting said:

The cost of HS2 can do both busses and the rail infrastructure...................... and leave enough left over for numerous parties.

will also build a million homes and cure cancer; and get me glastonbury tickets.

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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

it's a mess...all half built...way over budget..total farce. But at least they'll be a fast train from Brum to Old Oak Common. Other countries seem to be able to do this sh*t. We used to be able to do this sh*t.

Anyway. maybe at conference Sunak will pledge to spend a few quid on the line between L'pool and Leeds/Sheffield..to appease the angry locals.

robbing capital spending funds for pet projects is what uk politicians do (even the snp have made a habit of it)easy to claim those other guys waste it, we won't.

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