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7 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Genuinely it was just lightheartedness in a thread that is always very serious and angsty all of the time. I didn’t think anything of it at the time and thought it would move on.

I think looking back one of my posts could’ve added to your overall feelings so again I apologise but I never set-out to make you angry or to purposely troll you at that time.

That’s actually how I saw it . Appreciate the apology 

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10 minutes ago, stuie said:

I'm a labour voter and love Sir Keir as much as the next guy but he should have strongly condemned this decision today and pledged to reverse it when they get in power. 

I actually agree to an extent and would've liked him to have come out saying he'll cancel the policy. I just don't think the anger should be directed at Labour as that's what the Tories want, that's their game and we're falling for it if we do that. I also understand he has to toe a difficult line as he wants Labour to be seen on the side of business so cancelling contracts might go against that. It's carrying that Vase across the room again.

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5 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

In other news - Morrissons is cutting the price of 'must have' plastic crap for people to buy for Xmas................ just what the world needs, more plastic crap.


Glad you brought this up. It's something I very rarely if ever hear people mention.

Seriously, if we really are motivated to mitigate climate change* and survive then we absolutely need to stop producing this throwaway crap which provides only temporary pleasure (if at all).

*Way to late to reverse, way too late to avoid suffering, but maybe we can still chose how much suffering.

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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

I actually agree to an extent and would've liked him to have come out saying he'll cancel the policy. I just don't think the anger should be directed at Labour as that's what the Tories want, that's their game and we're falling for it if we do that. I also understand he has to toe a difficult line as he wants Labour to be seen on the side of business so cancelling contracts might go against that. It's carrying that Vase across the room again.

At risk of going round in circles a bit Labour can actually turn this about and absolutely blast the Tories . These contracts are worth absolutely nothing if there’s no planet left . Labour need to sell it as look what the Tories are doing to the future of your kids and grandkids that’s a very popular policy I’d imagine . And sell the positive green economy stuff in response … this is what we will do instead etc … 

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36 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

I know you will understand this - but sadly most will not.......................


If people like me who vote Green switch and vote tactically and vote for the 2nd party to 'make sure the Tories' don't win then the Green vote % will fall lots - and all the main parties watch the votes of smaller parties and adjust policy accordingly (see UKIP and the Brexit referendum for proof) - so if the green vote falls................. Green policies get dropped.

It has never been more important to vote for what you really want if you want  a Green future as a tactical vote to try and remove one party leaves the floor wide open for others to ignore your real chosen parties ethics.

I'd never really thought about it like this, but its a pretty good way of looking at it. I like the comparison to UKIP and Brexit.

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1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

At risk of going round in circles a bit Labour can actually turn this about and absolutely blast the Tories . These contracts are worth absolutely nothing if there’s no planet left . Labour need to sell it as look what the Tories are doing to the future of your kids and grandkids that’s a very popular policy I’d imagine . And sell the positive green economy stuff in response … this is what we will do instead etc … 

hate to break it to you but not sure how popular this would be...there's a populist pushback against green policies here and abroad.

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5 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

At risk of going round in circles a bit Labour can actually turn this about and absolutely blast the Tories . These contracts are worth absolutely nothing if there’s no planet left . Labour need to sell it as look what the Tories are doing to the future of your kids and grandkids that’s a very popular policy I’d imagine . And sell the positive green economy stuff in response … this is what we will do instead etc … 

Sounds lovely, but it won't happen.


Because both of the big parties are held over an (oil) barrel by industry and corporations. That's not even mentioning the idiot Trade Unions moaning about job losses, without having the brains or insight to realise that oil and gas industry skills are transferable.

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10 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

At risk of going round in circles a bit Labour can actually turn this about and absolutely blast the Tories . These contracts are worth absolutely nothing if there’s no planet left . Labour need to sell it as look what the Tories are doing to the future of your kids and grandkids that’s a very popular policy I’d imagine . And sell the positive green economy stuff in response … this is what we will do instead etc … 

Labour are pretty much doing that! Just look at their policies and look at Ed Miliband, he can't stop talking about their green agenda. They are talking about how their their push for clean energy will create jobs. I can't believe in all seriousness this is an area people can legitimately say Labour don't talk about.

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23 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

I’m confused on this too ? So would be interested in response 


25 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Hate to be that boomer but what is misogynistic about saying someone is attractive?

Because you're only doing it cause they're a woman. They're a politician. It's just a wee bit weird for older men to be doing

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38 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

Glad you brought this up. It's something I very rarely if ever hear people mention.

Seriously, if we really are motivated to mitigate climate change* and survive then we absolutely need to stop producing this throwaway crap which provides only temporary pleasure (if at all).

*Way to late to reverse, way too late to avoid suffering, but maybe we can still chose how much suffering.

It really is a massive plastic elephant sat in the middle of the room and even some Green Councillors I know will not discuss it...... Imagine explaining to people they have to buy something that costs 10 times more but made out of sustainable timber!

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2 minutes ago, fraybentos1 said:


Because you're only doing it cause they're a woman. They're a politician. It's just a wee bit weird for older men to be doing

Pritti Patel is 51 . 

the locking and unlocking was me exploring forum functions and seeing if I can put a limited time lock on this thread . 

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