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1 minute ago, steviewevie said:

they seem to be their own opposition every election...and it works. Shows how sh*t the actual opposition is I guess.

It worked because of Johnson and Brexit making it seem like they were a different government. Sunak is nowhere near as skilful.

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15 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

'It is time for a change' - said after being in government for 13 years.

that's their campaigning angle  - and that starmer is the establishment candidate.

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23 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

I kind of agree about the smoking thing ? But does this just push it underground ? It’s not like other things aren’t in plentiful supply if you want them . Just creates a black market doesn’t it ? Although it’ll reduce it I guess 

don't think there's enough appeal to fags for there to be that black market. will probably  be much like now, some shops are tight on the law and some are slacker.

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expect more of the anti-trans stuff

"if labour can't tell us what a woman is what else aren't they telling us" is one of the lines i've heard.


its about  creating a differentiation in voter's minds.

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23 minutes ago, Neil said:

don't think there's enough appeal to fags for there to be that black market. will probably  be much like now, some shops are tight on the law and some are slacker.

One of , if not the most addictive substance, of course there will be demand.

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1 hour ago, steviewevie said:

Did he promise to upgrade transpenine rail?..as has been promised continuously for the last decade or so.

Mentioned new station for Bradford and electrifying east west lines. I live in West Yorkshire and this is better for us than HS2. Long lost of smaller schemes from Midlands up to Cumbria. There will be something to put on leaflets in lots of constituencie alongside Labour will block this. 

Edited by lazyred
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20 minutes ago, lazyred said:

Mentioned new station for Bradford and electrifying east west lines. I live in West Yorkshire and this is better for us than HS2. Long lost of smaller schemes from Midlands up to Cumbria. There will be something to put on leaflets in lots of constituencie alongside Labour will block this. 

fair enough. Ultimately HS2 wasn't that popular, and most people just want overall transport improved, so not sure how much this will hurt Tories electorally. I just think we could have done both, but looks like they blew it with the f**kup that was HS2. Personally I couldn't be arsed about east to west as I would rather a fast route to London than to Liverpool/Leeds/wherever...but I know the transpennine services are dire and should have been improved a long time ago.

But, if the future is going to be rail then we would need to sort out capacity, which was the main point of HS2...and that won't get resolved now...so I guess the future isn't rail.

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I think we will eventually see the smoking thing pushed out to other stuff.. booze, unhealthy food etc.. There was definitely an ideological shift during covid that society needs to be structured to protect the NHS.

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56 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

One of , if not the most addictive substance, of course there will be demand.

Yeah, but if young people don't start smoking in the first place (the point of raising it by a year every year) they can't get addicted.

Although, how many actually smoke cigs? Thought they mostly vaped. 

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3 minutes ago, lost said:

I think we will eventually see the smoking thing pushed out to other stuff.. booze, unhealthy food etc.. There was definitely an ideological shift during covid that society needs to be structured to protect the NHS.

Yea, because prohibition has a fantastic track record

It's never led to more dangerous adulterated products, it's never led to gangs and mafias exploiting people

I hate alcohol and wish it's use as a drug had never been discovered, but I know that banning it will cause more problems 

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3 minutes ago, lost said:

I think we will eventually see the smoking thing pushed out to other stuff.. booze, unhealthy food etc.. There was definitely an ideological shift during covid that society needs to be structured to protect the NHS.

And, you know, themselves. 

My diabetes diagnosis gave me the kick up the arse I've long needed. In an ideal world I wouldn't have got to that stage. It was entirely lifestyle. And I've never felt better. Turns out being (relatively) fit, healthy and active feels really good. Who knew? Apart from literally everyone?

And yes, hopefully I will also now be less of a burden on the NHS too

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It shows I've been posting on this forum for far too long when I can remember the thread here when the smoking ban in pubs was first suggested and most posters thought it was inconceivable that it would happen. Amazing we've got to effectively a complete ban is less than 20 years?

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4 minutes ago, lost said:

It shows I've been posting on this forum for far too long when I can remember the thread here when the smoking ban in pubs was first suggested and most posters thought it was inconceivable that it would happen. Amazing we've got to effectively a complete ban is less than 20 years?

Pretty sure I bought a packet of tobacco from a shop on Monday.

Maybe I'm dreaming...

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