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2 minutes ago, lazyred said:

I knew that would be your response. The mail is sh*t but Andrew Neil is a serious journalist. This isn't about climate change denial it's about the mountimg costs of Net Zero and how the govts havent acknowleged them to the public.

I see the greens repeating the errors in the Brext referedum. Ignore the oppostion, suprise when voters don't vote their way, condemn the public as ignorant.

Yeah it's difficult. Need to take public with you... already turning into culture war with those on right (and left in places) pushing back. If Trump gets in then I hate to think what that will mean for US net zero policy going forward.

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1 minute ago, Neil said:

greens will say that labour policies don't go far enough, and insist on labour taking on expensive policies that can't be afforded or ones the public aren't behind.

The Greens would be within their rights to say so but that would be foolish. They would be shooting down very good policies and potentially driving people away from them. 

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1 minute ago, lazyred said:

I knew that would be your response. The mail is sh*t but Andrew Neil is a serious journalist. This isn't about climate change denial it's about the mountimg costs of Net Zero and how the govts havent acknowleged them to the public.

I see the greens repeating the errors in the Brext referedum. Ignore the oppostion, suprise when voters don't vote their way, condemn the public as ignorant.

hes not a serious journalist he writes for them,  he might well have been previously .... but anyway the costs are going to be significant but more significant if we ignore it , but I guess we can just deny and might well and hope for miracles .Hopefully lots of significant costs aren't passed to individuals and we can use green industry to a positive and get planes that don't destroy the planet . 

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Just now, steviewevie said:

Yeah it's difficult. Need to take public with you... already turning into culture war with those on right (and left in places) pushing back. If Trump gets in then I hate to think what that will mean for US net zero policy going forward.

XR founder says, tell the truth and act as tho its real.



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1 minute ago, Ozanne said:

The Greens won’t have much importance in Parliament even with the climate crises but that doesn’t mean that governments will veer away from the matter. The only ones that will are right wing parties that haven’t got any other ideas.

Luckily Labour have policies that will address the climate crisis in the UK or at least go a good way of addressing it. 


1 minute ago, Crazyfool01 said:

hes not a serious journalist he writes for them,  he might well have been previously .... but anyway the costs are going to be significant but more significant if we ignore it , but I guess we can just deny and might well and hope for miracles .Hopefully lots of significant costs aren't passed to individuals and we can use green industry to a positive and get planes that don't destroy the planet . 

We'll have to agree to differ on Andrew Neil.

Who pays is the key. Higher taxes or higher charges are not popular in the short term. Neither are the changes. I was in Wales a few months back and the town was full of posters objecting to new pylons.  In the long term we'll benefit from being ahead in new tecjnology.

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2 minutes ago, Crazyfool01 said:

hes seen that Labour are likely to be in power and is trying to work with them and influence 

Partly yes but he wouldn’t support a Party that have awful climate policies so he’s seen the good that Labour can do. 

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1 minute ago, lazyred said:


We'll have to agree to differ on Andrew Neil.

Who pays is the key. Higher taxes or higher charges are not popular in the short term. Neither are the changes. I was in Wales a few months back and the town was full of posters objecting to new pylons.  In the long term we'll benefit from being ahead in new tecjnology.

I think Labours way is the way to do it as they show it’ll save people money through reduced energy bills and less reliance on gas from foreign actors like Putin. 

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1 minute ago, lazyred said:


We'll have to agree to differ on Andrew Neil.

Who pays is the key. Higher taxes or higher charges are not popular in the short term. Neither are the changes. I was in Wales a few months back and the town was full of posters objecting to new pylons.  In the long term we'll benefit from being ahead in new tecjnology.

you are right and people don't look longer term sadly but those costs are only going to rise with agricultural land becoming scarcer , flood defences having to be paid for , massive costs from migration , the list goes on .... will it get to a point where things tip , or will we continue to bury our heads in the sand 

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3 minutes ago, stuie said:

Anyone know why tweets aren’t embedding for me? 

no idea prolly musk f**king about again. 




its Saturday night, what else is a megalomaniac gonna do?

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5 minutes ago, stuie said:

Bit unusual to see GB News to publish anything remotely negative about the Tories…





won't happen its not a policy sunak can do tories have said they won't vote for tax rises. spelling mistake won't do it either cos he wants to be leader.

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