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I think it would be good to know if telling someone to "f**k off, and when you get there, f**k off again" is alright?

I would expect if someone (Barry) is winding people up with his posts, he should be warned under the rules if that is what they are. But seems strange to give someone a free pass to speak to someone the way Stevie did.

To be clear, I fully disagree with Barry's position on Israel. But he should be able to post his opinions without getting the responses he does. 

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20 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Surely we have some common ground ? 😛 

Two state solution ? 

Behind a lot of the arguments most people have common ground on wanting a solution to the violence and seeing a two state solution as the only end game that is bearable.  The alternative should be bearable for no one with a heart.

Yeah, sorry, "fully" disagree was a bit over the top. We will agree on some things - I will call Hamas terrorists for example.

But to be fair, I stopped discussing the whole thing on here after getting a bit too involved earlier on, so I'm happy to not get back into discussing it. I'm just more concerned with what kind of place this really is - if it does turn out that you can abuse people for having opinions that differ to the majority, then I'll probably be out of here myself (the alternative will be to stoop to their level and start abusing people, which I'd rather not).

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9 hours ago, Barry Fish said:

Anyone with half a brain sees through it as well.  Free uni has only ever helped the well off.  Lower salary people will never pay it back.  Only the rich ever paid it back.

scots don't have to pay it back.

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1 minute ago, Barry Fish said:

England pays it for them 😛   Like everything else...  Well London to be accurate 😛 

true its amusing how their double dealing has f**ked them sturgeon "judge us on education"


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5 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

We used to have very involved and often heated debate long before this thread was created, long before the covid sh*t thread and long before certain mods and posters used to post here.

We argued / discussed everything from politics and religion.  I used to be religious and go church and Neil used to enjoy destroying me over it.  It was always very robust (the language was abusive but was more like people talking down the pub rather than I am going to kill your cat type stuff) but no one ever got banned or accused of just posting to wind people up.  View points where just accepted as being view points.

During covid obviously everything went to sh*t.  If we are all honest.  We all lost our minds a bit.  I know I did.  sh*t was said from all sides.  Sadly the journey back from that seems an impossible one.  Mods ARE a new thing around here as much as its been claimed it isn't.  In the past we had Neil enforcing the law and that was it.  You only really got banned for blocking ads or spamming.  The mod team is clearly formed around a like minded bunch of idealists.  Not sure what they want to be honest.  The request was to stop the abuse.  But the abuse did pretty much stop despite the odd couple of comments (sometimes dealt with).  Now its to stop having a minority view point it seems.  Have a view point but don't have one people might take issue with.  Or at least accept abuse if you do.  But don't abuser back because that is a ban.

In the end they could just delete this thread and stop debate.  I think thats reasonable.  They could just simply perm ban me and other such posters if they don't want people like us around.  Not much I can do if they do.  Wouldn't be a huge loss end of the day.  While my festival days are over (just gigs now it seems) I am a part of the community.  I used to go a lot before kids.  I think it troubles them that at Glastonbury the walk amongst people who don't actually just blindly vote Labour and support every lefty woke cause 😛 

Personally I would rather debate with people I don't agree with.  It challenges my own thinking and whats the point in debating with people who agree with me.  That isn't debate. 

The should work out what they want and take action.  I miss the old days but they are gone.  Get on with the future I say.  This may be my last post *wink*

i took a relaxed approach cos rules needs to be enforced fairly and evenly else they might as well not exist.

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Just now, Barry Fish said:

They would just blame the Tories if you tried to hold them to account over education regardless of it being devolved matter (with the Tories being code word for the English).  They wouldn't work any better with Labour.  

Very hopeful the Scot kick them out next time around

their normal get out is that them not having full control sets them up to fail cos that's what "Westminster" (code for ' the English') do.

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3 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

I agree with this approach.  In reality you "debated" as well as anyone 😛   You gave as good as you took on the chin 😛   Fun times lol.

some would disagree with that and say i banned anyone who disagreed with me. 😛 

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9 hours ago, Neil said:

glad that Farage didn't win i'm a celebrity. 😛 

Unfortunately wasn’t able to avoid all of it this year. In the bits that I had to sit through I did hear a lot of pisstaking over Brexit and the other people there asking him why it was such a failure and he didn’t have an answer. 

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9 minutes ago, squirrelarmy said:

Unfortunately wasn’t able to avoid all of it this year. In the bits that I had to sit through I did hear a lot of pisstaking over Brexit and the other people there asking him why it was such a failure and he didn’t have an answer. 

I watched first episode and that was enough in our household. Haven't watched it for years and really couldn't be arsed with Farage in my life every night, plus Chris Packham says no.

Still, 3rd isn't bad right? So public liked him, or maybe they liked him staying in so they could watch him drink kangaroo spunk or whatever. Will it help him become PM one day? He has to get into tory party first, and I guess that depends on what direction they will go in after next election. If they have any sense they will try and take back the centre ground.

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40 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

I watched first episode and that was enough in our household. Haven't watched it for years and really couldn't be arsed with Farage in my life every night, plus Chris Packham says no.

Still, 3rd isn't bad right? So public liked him, or maybe they liked him staying in so they could watch him drink kangaroo spunk or whatever. Will it help him become PM one day? He has to get into tory party first, and I guess that depends on what direction they will go in after next election. If they have any sense they will try and take back the centre ground.

What are the real chances of him becoming an MP? He doesn't have a very good track record 

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25 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

So nothing substantial ? 

I don't think he should be PM but I wouldn't make whatsapp the focus of that.  I just transferred to a new phone.  I have most my recent messages but older ones are gone.  Its not unusual. 

Don’t you think it’s unusual that the government of the time were making most of the discussions on third party software that wasn’t being backed up by the civil service IT systems and all crucial conversations have been the ones that were lost. 

Data misuse at that high level of bureaucracy should be criminal if it’s not already. 

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5 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Sunak is clearly lying, he deletes his WhatsApp because they incriminated him which as a government minister isn’t allowed.

yeah 100% . both him and Boris at the same time .... not a chance , its piss easy to restore all watts apps when you get a new phone .... I did it a few weeks ago , what was Boris reason again ? something about a factory reset ? amazing the stuff this govt has lost 

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Just now, Barry Fish said:

I have transferred between phones and not got all the messages.  I did it last week.

just the period missing over the pandemic ? with the same happening to your other half ? and then those conversations also missing from the people you conversed with ? I mean if hes not sure how it's done it's pretty easy to find out .... hes probably got a shed load more advisors than any of us .... and the QC just asked him if he'd not been told at the time to retain those messages and make sure .... hes lying simple as 

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