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5 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

Tory heavy out

Tory lite in

Can't be bothered with the status quo, it's not what this country needs

Far right Tory government out.

Centre left Labour government in.

The country will be infinitely better off just like last time round.

Edited by Ozanne
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14 minutes ago, steviewevie said:

Coalition will be based on number of MPs, Greens might get one or two...so will only be SNP/LibDem that could make the difference.

And intra party coalitions is very different to inter party coaltions...but if Labour did get a small majority than their own internal divisions with SCG etc might make things difficult.

I'm not against a coalition at all, just don't think it will be the promised land that everyone thinks.

Anyway, who knows what will happen...if I was to put a bet on now I reckon a November election and Labour win with a majority of about 20 MPs.

Please learn to read - the post you replied to and banged on about coalitions clearly states 'not a coalition'.

If only the electorate spent time to read what parties actually write then we may not keep electing people who do not do what we think they will do.

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some people want green revolution, some people want to kick out all migrants, some people want to reduce inequality, some people want to cut all taxes. When you live in a democracy you have to make compromises and realise you're not going to get everything you want.

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2 minutes ago, Nobody Interesting said:

Please learn to read - the post you replied to and banged on about coalitions clearly states 'not a coalition'.

If only the electorate spent time to read what parties actually write then we may not keep electing people who do not do what we think they will do.

ok, well how do Greens/Reform etc have any say with a hung parliament?

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38 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

I would imagine if it was a hung-Parliament and Labour were the largest party then they would become a minority government and essentially dare the other parties to vote down a Kings Speech/budget which would then trigger another election and risk the Tories coming back in. They will probably discuss common interests but that’s about it.

I could see the Greens not having an MP after the next election.

but even after the King's speech they would have to do deals with every vote for new legislation? I expect it wouldn't last more than a year, will be another election and Tories will romp home with Braverman at the helm.

Edited by steviewevie
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32 minutes ago, Ozanne said:

Both can’t be true. 

You being incorrect and me being an expert? Seems to happen quite often in this thread 😉

Seriously though, what I said was that you put me off voting for Labour, not that you are deciding my vote for me. But don't let facts get in the way of your tirade.

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12 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

lol - Daddy Pig thinks he is a bit of an expert about everything 😛   just a bit of pointless humour.  Count yourself lucky it went over your head 😄 

That sounds like me to be fair 😂 (not that I am an expert, just that I think I am 🙂 )

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1 hour ago, Ozanne said:

Far right Tory government out.

Centre left Labour government in.

The country will be infinitely better off just like last time round.

f**k me. Is that how far the overton window has shifted? That anybody can keep a straight face and describe Starmer’s Labour as centre left.

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or the Tories as far right?

unless it goes

Tories - Far right

Reform - Far Far right

UkIP - Far Far Far right

Britian First - Far Far Far Far right

BNP - Far Far Far Far Far right

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6 minutes ago, mattiloy said:

f**k me. Is that how far the overton window has shifted? That anybody can keep a straight face and describe Starmer’s Labour as centre left.

I've no idea what an overton window is, but Starmer's Labour are certainly approaching the centre (not left) and may be straying into centre right.

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25 minutes ago, Barry Fish said:

Showing your age 😛 

It all about Bluey now! 


Reckon he votes Tory

Daddy Pig defo Labour - he looks like a trade union rep

Just bought tickets to see Bluey live, taking my 3 year old niece who is all about Bluey. Not sure what I have let myself in for

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2 minutes ago, fred quimby said:

Just bought tickets to see Bluey live, taking my 3 year old niece who is all about Bluey. Not sure what I have let myself in for

Probably no worse than a lot of acts that get to headline The Pyramid.

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7 minutes ago, Skip997 said:

I'd put Starmer next to Blair on that graph

Currently I agree will have to see what happens or if that changes once / if he becomes PM . To me both Labour and the Tory’s have both shifted right 

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Just now, Barry Fish said:

Left of Corbyn wasn't hard though.  Pretty much everyone would be left of that crack pot 😛 

I actually quite like some of his policy’s , more so than Starmers … whether he was electable though is a whole different matter that is a never ending discussion in these parts … don’t you mean right ? 

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