Very lucky! I was fuming how quickly it went. This was about 35 minutes in too as my confirmation email didn't come until 10:55.
I bought my ticket very much on the basis of who I felt likely to be able to see. Should they clash too much it would become a ticket probably worth selling. If for example random ADTR, NFG and Less Than Jake clashed there is no way I would still attend. I don't think I'd attend if those three weren't available. Sometimes as well I find a ticket not just based on the cost of bands but how good a day you could have watching a collection of bands you like because you aren't getting the same set lengths as tours for me so costs relativeness isn't always the big thing for me. These days mostly I'm looking for bands to tattle off their hits to a couple of ciders.
Even given the above though £120 or more would have been too much.
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