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Come the summer and most restrictions possibly being  lifted will you start going to restaurants, theatres, concerts and festivals?

Even if you can you don't have to.  I've had both my jabs (Pfizer) and think I'll be comfortable with a couple of festivals where I will be able to safe distance outdoors but still not sure about indoor concerts or the theatre.  Possibly some restaurants where I'm sure of safe distancing.

But even when we can emerge I think it will be quite a time.


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Yes. I need to. While I respect how important lockdown is and has been, it's breaking me. I feel like a shell, drained of life, purpose, and meaning. I need to be in a crowd, to feel the emotional connection and sense of sharing something. 

The bits of half social interaction of seeing people indoors last summer /autumn were a welcome respite, but the last year has just reiterated how important live music and crowds are to me. 

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Yep. I have more flexibility than most people as I own my own business and I'm a single person household but I'm still desperate to get back to live events. I'm comfortable with my risk if it happens before I'm vaccinated being a non-obese under 60 year old.

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Got a festival in August. Just bought my first gig tickets in over a year. Fully intend to do as much as possible. ...

Assuming it seems reasonably  safe at the time.

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Throughout all this, I've taken the stance that if it's allowed, then I will do it. So as soon as places start to open up I will be going. My mental health has taken a real dip in this last lockdown, I cannot wait to be able to get out and about again. 

I will probably fine it a little odd, maybe slightly overwhelming to be in a busy pub/gig etc again but at the same time I can't wait. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've not been out drinking with mates in 6 months (twice in total in the last year), I've not been to a gig in 14 months, I've not been to the movies in 15 months, I've not had a holiday in 20 months and I've seen my family a handful of times in the last year so anything that's not staring at the same fucking walls for 15+ hours every day would be a nice change.

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I'll definitely be back as soon as is safe.  Though not sure when that will be - just seen that the Therapy? tickets that I had for October have now been moved to March 22, due to Covid.  

I've just moved following a divorce so every other week I'm on my own and alt weeks, my son comes to stay, so would be lovely to get out in summer and do some cool stuff with him. Even a little break over the channel would be nice - but that looks less and less likely.

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3 hours ago, gary1979666 said:

I'll definitely be back as soon as is safe.  Though not sure when that will be - just seen that the Therapy? tickets that I had for October have now been moved to March 22, due to Covid.  

I've just moved following a divorce so every other week I'm on my own and alt weeks, my son comes to stay, so would be lovely to get out in summer and do some cool stuff with him. Even a little break over the channel would be nice - but that looks less and less likely.

I've got tickets for that tour too! Sorry to hear about your divorce I personally know loads of people who have cracked being under each others feet during lockdown, at least there will be loads of single people out there when the bars reopen.

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If you can will you......  But news today that the Wychwood Festival at the start of June is Off till 2022.  So I can't even though I wanted to and was prepared to give it a shot (I've had both of mine).  Bugger, bugger.

All hopes how rest with Green Man.  Fingers crossed.

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I think the elephant in the room is the generation who most likely goto festivals will be least likely to have vaccines/vaccines passports. All the festival organisers are taking a massive risk putting events on this year in case regulation suddenly changes  and I'd go as far to say I'd expect 80% - 90% of them not to exist in 5 years time.

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On 4/9/2021 at 11:55 AM, grumpyhack said:

If you can will you......  But news today that the Wychwood Festival at the start of June is Off till 2022.  So I can't even though I wanted to and was prepared to give it a shot (I've had both of mine).  Bugger, bugger.

All hopes how rest with Green Man.  Fingers crossed.

Hello grumpy,

There's still tickets for the Landed Festival on sale, and no news of it being called off. Might interest you;

https://www.fatsoma.com/e/fw09qma1/landedfestival-2021  🙂


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6 hours ago, grumpyhack said:

Funny you should mention that one Yog.  A friend of mine has suggested it too.  Not too far and a comfortable size.  Have you been before?  If so, how would you describe it?

Hello grumpy,

I've been several times before and it is now, without doubt, my favourite small festival. 

When I first went it seemed to be like a festival for DJ's and artists by DJ's and artists. I sat down on a bench and a couple came up and we started talking. Then they offered me a smoke. All went smoothly until the bloke said 'well I've got to go now because I'm DJ'ing soon. This then happened to me a further two times that day ie I'd managed to bump into several DJ's in a few hours.

Now that first time we went, my stepson also came along. He came because there was an 'impossible to see' DJ playing there. My stepson had tried to see this DJ in Berlin but couldn't get into the club as it was for people in the know etc. So, he was more than surprised that this DJ was playing such a small festival.

However, don't let that influence you because some of the live acts are truly mesmerising - or have been in the past. 

On top of the above the setting is absolutely stunning. It takes place in a valley, and I get the impression that the owners of the large house there own the valley ie. they get no noise complaints about late night music / revelling. There's a shallow river that runs alongside the festival site too.

The people who go there are all friendly. they range from crustie traveller type folk to young kids from around the area.

There's even a duck race on the Sunday.

There's a few stalls, but not too many. It's only a small festival, afterall. Small but perfectly formed, I'd say.

There's a reason why it was voted Wales's Best Festival in 2019. If you add on that it's their 10th celebratory year this year then you'll understand why its going to be a belter.

A very friendly vibe. No moodiness or thefts or any shit like that.

Oh, and it would be really nice to hook up with you again to say hello / chjew the cud etc.

We're actually trading there this year. i'm selling (hopefully) my hand made craft like items etc.

If you do go then I'll be in my campervan with my wife. i think when we met up at one of Gail's festivals I was camping in a tent. Look for this campervan (see photo).

so, to conclude - i wouldn't dream of leading you up the garden path. It is a fab festival. If we get the weather, then it'll be hard to beat this year.



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I'll be seeing you there Yog.  I took the plunge partly based on your recommendation and also another mate who's going.  I'll be in my very big twin axle caravan.  It's called a Dethleff's Camper, though it's nothing like a camper van.  This was a gathering of our Glastonbury Gang (I'm the one sitting on ther left).  The guy on the right with the guitar is Andrew (Drewstrat on here though he doesn't post much these days).  I shouldn't be able to miss your van.


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14 hours ago, grumpyhack said:

I'll be seeing you there Yog.  I took the plunge partly based on your recommendation and also another mate who's going.  I'll be in my very big twin axle caravan.  It's called a Dethleff's Camper, though it's nothing like a camper van.  This was a gathering of our Glastonbury Gang (I'm the one sitting on ther left).  The guy on the right with the guitar is Andrew (Drewstrat on here though he doesn't post much these days).  I shouldn't be able to miss your van.


Hello grumpy,

That's great news to hear.You'll not be disappointed. 

I forgot to mention there's a poetry tent too. I know this because my rather drunken wife tried to get up on the stage to perform - only she wasn't one of the agreed upon poets, so she was politely 'ejected'. That's guerilla poetry for you - you win some you lose some.

Oh and they shoot lazers out of the bog house window on to the 'mountain' on the other side of the valley. The big house used to be a rich industrialists summer home. I think descendants of his still live there. In fact I think this is their summer party type thing. Don't let that put you off though as there as blend of all types there. And anyway, they are really nice people. Ultra friendly.

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