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Ferries / Podpad Area queries


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First timer for IOW this year and would be extremely greatfull if someone was kind enough to help with some queries relating to the ferries and staying in the podpad area ;

* what ferry terminal is closer for the podpads ; west cowes or east cowes ?

* do we have to pay extra to use the nice showers ?

* what time do the showers open in the morning ? Our flight home has changed so having to leave earlier than planned on the Monday and was hoping to have a shower before leaving.

* other than the ferries noted on the main IOW website is there any other way to get back to Southampton ? We need to be back in Southampton for 9:30 on the Monday morning.

* are the ferries that leave at 6:30am busy ? What time would be have to start queuing for a ferry at that time ? 

Any help and information would be much appreciated.


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1) it shouldn't really matter which is closer, there's also probably no way to tell yet.  (the island is also tiny)

2) yes you can pay extra for nice toilets, showers, and a USB charger/Locker

3) unsure about shower opening times but at every other festival I've been to showers are 24/7

4) think there is only ferries/hovercrafts back to Portsmouth/Southampton

5) it's a prime time for the ferry I'd say so yes, the ferry company suggests you get there 30mins before departure time so I'd suggest the same!


Hopefully you have an amazing festival!

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