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What have you done today to get ready for Glastonbury 2022?


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I started the precooling of the ice box. My -2c ice pack in the bottom and two 2l pop bottles filled with water. Will swap these out once they've defrosted. Rinse and repeat til Sunday!

Also, my new coffee grinder arrived, following intense pressure from the coffee chat to upgrade.

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Started making clothes piles and getting all my sundry stuff together like suntan lotion, toiletries etc. By the end of this week I will be all packed and ready to leave the following Wednesday.

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Collected all my things for the festival from my mum's loft now doing my checklist.

I need a recommendation of footwear. Hoping to get something on a budget for size 12 feet. Anyone got any ideas? Previously, I'd worn old steel toe cap workboots but I lost them a couple of years ago and I'm sceptical about getting new work boots to take to the festival 😂

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