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stuartbert two hats

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On 4/11/2022 at 4:38 PM, spg said:

That's very welcome, especially as the green fields have had their fair share of pseudoscience over the years. I've had plenty of conversations about crop circles and the like there in my time.

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19 minutes ago, stuartbert two hats said:

That's very welcome, especially as the green fields have had their fair share of pseudoscience over the years. I've had plenty of conversations about crop circles and the like there in my time.

Could tell us what the facebook post said? You have to be logged in to view it and not everyone has a facebook account?

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9 minutes ago, gizmoman said:

Could tell us what the facebook post said? You have to be logged in to view it and not everyone has a facebook account?

The new science area in the Green Futures Field at Glastonbury 2022


The new science area, ‘Science Futures’, will fascinate, inform and inspire festival-goers. Science Futures provides balance to politics and media spin by giving visitors the chance to discover the science behind current issues on their own terms, and to meet the researchers working towards a brighter future. 


Background and Purpose

Our times are characterised by concerns about the consequences of human activity for the future of our planet. Growing public awareness of our environmental footprint has given rise to widespread activism, scaremongering, and political spin. The science behind the headlines is often disregarded or misrepresented in favour of superficial soundbites, ‘likes’, and viewing figures. ‘Science Futures’ provides a counter-balance to politics, spin, and news media. 

Science Futures is dedicated to the crucial role of science in identifying environmental and societal issues, and the scientists working to find solutions. The area features science-themed stalls, installations, and performances to create a relaxed and engaging atmosphere in which visitors can find out about the scientific evidence behind the headlines and discover how different areas of research are coming together to secure a brighter future for all life on Earth. Scientists will be accessible and available to answer festival-goers’ pressing questions.


Stalls and Exhibits

The full stalls in the area are selected through a competitive process based on the offer to visitors and the visual aspect of the stalls. Our big top tent, the Futurarium (formerly ‘the Science Tent’), features smaller stands or exhibits from a range of scientific disciplines. This year, festival-goers can discover sustainable materials, plant power, and rocket science, among many other exciting areas of research. We also have the fun side of ecology with veterans Sex & Bugs & Rock ’n Roll and we are particularly pleased to welcome Arctic Basecamp, celebrated for their campaigns for climate science at the World Economic forum and COP26.


The Laboratory Stage 

The Laboratory stage will host scheduled science-themed performance art where festival-goers can linger and enjoy the most innovative and entertaining forms of science communication – whether music, interactive demonstrations, or stand-up comedy! Most performances are organised in advance and some are linked to the stalls in Science Futures, but daily open-mic sessions are available for any budding or experienced scientist performers attending the festival. 


Art and Installations

In keeping with the festival’s strong tradition of contemporary arts and visual impact, our outdoor art exhibition Science, not Fiction makes an essential contribution to the launch of Science Futures by demonstrating how art and science go hand in hand. Artworks promote non-verbal forms of science communication and additional installations reveal some surprising aspects of science that most of us never even imagined.

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On 4/14/2022 at 9:05 PM, Deaf Nobby Burton said:

Sorry if this has been posted elsewhere, but what do we think about this, soft close hinges on the longdrops 😱 it won’t be the same without that noise:


Surely they haven't changed EVERY long drop on site? 

Edit - ah I missed the other posts. Glad that sound is staying

Also, we're all so weird 😂

Edited by efcfanwirral
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Not a prediction or any knowledge, but I saw “Jim” from “Jim’s paint it” post some artwork of a Downing Street party whilst the place fell apart https://jimll.co.uk/collections/new/products/work-event-art-print

made me think a crumbling number 10 partying whilst everything around it burns would be somewhat apt in the Southeast corner!

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15 minutes ago, siblin said:

Not a prediction or any knowledge, but I saw “Jim” from “Jim’s paint it” post some artwork of a Downing Street party whilst the place fell apart https://jimll.co.uk/collections/new/products/work-event-art-print

made me think a crumbling number 10 partying whilst everything around it burns would be somewhat apt in the Southeast corner!

I would guess that Led By Donkeys and Cold War Steve are also highly likely to have some presence again this year 🤞

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2 hours ago, siblin said:

Not a prediction or any knowledge, but I saw “Jim” from “Jim’s paint it” post some artwork of a Downing Street party whilst the place fell apart https://jimll.co.uk/collections/new/products/work-event-art-print

made me think a crumbling number 10 partying whilst everything around it burns would be somewhat apt in the Southeast corner!

Yeah, I saw that and it reminded me of this.


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2 hours ago, siblin said:

Not a prediction or any knowledge, but I saw “Jim” from “Jim’s paint it” post some artwork of a Downing Street party whilst the place fell apart https://jimll.co.uk/collections/new/products/work-event-art-print

made me think a crumbling number 10 partying whilst everything around it burns would be somewhat apt in the Southeast corner!

Love that Superhans and his non English speaking Girlfriend are in that! 

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1 hour ago, crazyfool1 said:

That spike bar looks a lot bigger looking at photos from site … hopefully it doesn’t lose too much with the loss of tree canopy … and somehow they still have the mirror ball above 

They've done a really nice job. Put a permanent wooden deck around the tree where the stage goes. Then a revamp on the bar area with a ramp up to that part.  The trees are cleared from the front meaning you have a veiwing platform over the glade lounge/glade stage area . It'll look mint once the fairy lights are up. 

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